Expert Directory
Having an expert witness or consultant at your side can help you navigate complex situations with confidence. These professionals understand your industry and excel at conveying crucial information, whether in a courtroom or a consulting environment. At Intellex, we have experts in over 30,000 areas in our database. We enable you to partner with an individual who has the knowledge, educational background, and relevant experience to support your needs effectively.
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Building Vascular Networks, Vascular Tumors, Endothelial Plasticity in Heart Valves
Expert's expertise is centered on angiogenesis and endothelial cells – the cells that comprise the endothelium of blood vessels and the heart, and how these cells become disrupted in disease. Her laboratory is also investigating how to use normal healthy…

Biotechnology and Assay Development
Expert is President of a consulting firm which provides in depth and wide ranging expert biotechnology solutions, scientific writing and presentation services in the field of molecular biology, immunology, and cell biology with a focus in biochemical, cell based, ELISA…

Real-Time Embedded Control Software
Experience and expertise is in real-time embedded software and its development, IP, training and support. Having experience working with small to mid-sized companies in communications, automation, consumer electronics and automotive industries, Expert has participated in many facets of business, obtaining…

Genome (and Transcriptome) Sequencing and Parasitology
Expert has spent the past 10 years leading pathogen genome projects at the Sanger Institute. He has more than 75 publications (including 15 genome papers). He has driven data standards in genome research, for instance by developing technology for genome…

xDSL Splitters, Quartz Crystal and Antenna Filters, EMC, EMI, CE Marking.
Expertise on device and system modeling, EMC testing, reliability analysis (MIL-HDBK-217) and responsible at INTERISA of the electromagnetic compatibility measurements and the CE marking. At Tyco Electronics he perform the electrical test of an VDSL splitter in their North Wales…

Cellular Phones, Tower Triangulation, CALEA, Texting While Driving, 911 Wrongful Death, Wiretap, IPR, Technical Standards
Expert is a respected cellular telephone standards developer for the last 25 years and holds 29 patents and 4 trade secrets related to mobile telephone systems. He was a key developer of the FCC mandated wiretap system known as CALEA;…

Problem Solving, Project Management & Rescuing, Automation, Security & Safety, SWE, RTD, QA, Training & Education
A PhD from Reading University (UK), Dr.Ing. and MSc in Electronic Engineering from the Politecnico di Milano, eMBA in ICT System Management (SDA-Bocconi) and Software Engineering (IBM-IFDA) plus additional qualifications in several domains spanning from Forensics to Psychology. Over 30…

Telecoms Infrastructure, Devices and Investment
Expert has founded his own technology startups and continues to work with founders assisting them with business planning, management team, governance, investment funding, and venture capital raising. As an entrepreneur with a heavy dose of pragmatism, he focuses his time…

Next Generation Internet, Semantic Web, Database, Languages, Research, Programming, Project Funding
Expert holds a doctor of engineering degree in informatics in the area of software engineering from Technical University Dresden, Germany, with special focus on automated compiler generation for programming languages. She worked as scientific fellow in the area of high…

Electronics, IT and Telecommunications
Expert has over 25 years experience in the application of analogue and digital electronics and software, chiefly as a designer of IT and telecommunications products and systems. He has worked with organizations such as GEC, Courtaulds and the MOD, on…