Expert Directory
Having an expert witness or consultant at your side can help you navigate complex situations with confidence. These professionals understand your industry and excel at conveying crucial information, whether in a courtroom or a consulting environment. At Intellex, we have experts in over 30,000 areas in our database. We enable you to partner with an individual who has the knowledge, educational background, and relevant experience to support your needs effectively.
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Facilities Management,Oil & Gas Refinery, Mechanical,Marine,Industrial Engineering, Surveying
Mayraj is a professionally qualified Facilities Management practitioner, Member of Society of Engineer(UK) with over 14 years experience in Total Facilities Management, Property & Asset Management, Project Management, Commercial & Contracts Management, Operations & Maintenance(Offshore / onshore) with international experience…

Chemometrics, Data Interpretation, Statistics and Mining in Analytical Chemistry
He has 25 years experience in data analysis primarily involving analytical chemical data analysis, often called chemometrics. Application areas include biology (e.g. metabolomics of humans and mice, microbiology), medical applications (e.g. TB analysis in breath, salival analysis in dentistry), pharmaceuticals…

Mold Allergy, Water Damage Exposure, Asthma, Allergic Rhinitis, Hypersensitivity Pneumonitis.
Expert is a board-certified allergist-immunologist and has been retained as a medical expert witness in nearly 300 cases involving adverse health effects from water damage and mold exposure. He has also testified in at least 6 trials related to these…

Drainage, Plumbing Services, Carbon Monoxide Poisoning, Professional Indemnity, Health & Safety
Expert. Expert is a Chartered Engineer and Charted Health and Safety Practitioner. He has been working as an Independent Consultant since 1984. He has a wide experience of domestic gas cases in the UK. As well as being a Chartered…

Confined Space Entry Fatality Investigations, Occupational and Industrial Hygiene
* Expert is a court recognized Expert Witness in Confined Space Entry and has testified in court cases in the United States and Canada. * Lead Investigator for both a Regulatory Authority and industry in a number of confined space…

Recreational and Technical Diving Education, Diving Accident Investigation, Maritime Emergency
He has been employed in the diving instruction, equipment and supervision for thirty years. He has been involved with cause and effect investigation and a witness for diving accidents and maritime related events. Diving accident Investigation, Diving accident cause and…

Cosmetic Plastic Surgery, All Aspects
Expert has been board certified in plastic surgery by the American Board of Plastic Surgery. He specializes in cosmetic and plastic surgery for the face and body, having performed more than 11,000 operations. Over the course of his career, he…

Pulmonary and Critical Care Clinical Medicine
Expert is a busy clinical pulmonary physician who treats many patients with pulmonary diseases. He has been board certified by the American Board of Internal Medicine in Pulmonary Diseases for nearly 20 years. He reads pulmonary function tests regularly, and…

Aerospace Propulsion Systems, Compressible and Incompressible Fluid Flow, Thermodynamics, Failure Review Board
He has worked for more than 31 years in the propulsion area, including both academic and industrial settings. Specific area of propulsion expertise include liquid rocket systems, high-Mach air-breathing propulsion systems, and solid rocket motors. The first 16 years of…

Air Quality Permitting
Ms. Expert is familiar with the air quality control regulations in several states. She has performed air quality regulatory compliance audits for numerous clients to ensure that their facility meets the current regulations. Ms. Expert has performed several air quality…