Expert Directory
Having an expert witness or consultant at your side can help you navigate complex situations with confidence. These professionals understand your industry and excel at conveying crucial information, whether in a courtroom or a consulting environment. At Intellex, we have experts in over 30,000 areas in our database. We enable you to partner with an individual who has the knowledge, educational background, and relevant experience to support your needs effectively.
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Critical Path Method (CPM), Schedule Construction, Claims Analysis, Construction Management, Delay Damages
Expert provides expert critical path method (CPM) schedule development/review/analysis and construction claims analysis, expert witness testimony, and project management consulting, to the engineering and construction industry. Clients include, Owners, developers, contractors, law firms and surety insurance companies. Types of projects…

Radial Tire Design, Radial Tire Mechanics, Tire/Vehicle Matching, Tire Building
Expert used to teach classical, structural and vibration mechanics for 2 years in ECN called at that time ENSM. Teached Continuum mechanics, used it in Research work paticularly in tire mechanics modeling. Had obviously to teach also coordinate set which…

Vibration Analysis, Mechanical Failure Analysis, Accident Reconstruction, Injury Biomechanics
Expert has extensive experience with the modeling and analysis of complex mechanical systems that incorporate articulated joints and that involve large and high rates of rotation. He has used angular momentum concepts to analyze the motion of falling cats as…

Surface Treatment, Shot Peening & Blasting, Zinc Plating, Phosphating, Carburizing, Heat Treatments
Expert has very good expertise on Blast cleaning and shot peening. He has proved his expertise in many industries, and shown phenomenal savings on blasting agent cost, good quality of cleaning and good environment. Expert helped in identifying the issues…

Quality Auditing, Welding Engineering
Expert has applied his knowledge of Welding Engineering in training Welders/Fitters in the area of Welding Inspection and some of them are now AWS Certified Welding Inspectors which helped the companies they work for save a lot of money employing…

Optical Fiber Mechanical Properties and Reliability
He is currently co-authoring a completely revised edition of Mechanical Properties of Ceramics. His contributions are primarily concerned with the mathematical basics of mechanical behavior as well as statistical and stress corrosion aspects of strength. He has developed computational models…

Surface Texture and Operational Characteristics of Machines
The expert is most experienced in the subset of surface science related to mathematics and mechanics of surface irregularities on micro- and macro scales and their contact interaction. In addition he has experience in the field of surface metrology and…

Developmental and Reproductive Toxicology Study Design, Data Evaluation, and Report Review
Expert (prefers “Expert”) has acquired knowledge and expertise on birth defects in three ways: 1) teaching university courses on human embryology and on causes and manifestations of birth defects; 2) conducting lab animal research; and 3) extensive technical consulting and…

Steel and Iron Casting Processes, Foundry Consulting, Metallurgy, and NDT Non Destructive Testing
Expert has extensive foundry experience with a strong emphasis in melting steel using both acid and basic processes. He developed metallurgical and operational melting procedures that optimized the acid and basic slags. He is very familiar with the use and…

Lasers, Optics, Electro-Optics, Fiber-Optics, and Applications
Expert is thoroughly familiar with most types of gas, solid state, and semiconductor lasers. He contributed to the development of a diode-pumped solid-state lasers. He made design improvements to various continuous wave and flashlamp pumped solid state lasers to improve…