Intellex Acquires Expert by Big Village

We're thrilled to announce that Intellex has acquired Expert by Big Village, effective March 22, 2024. This strategic move enhances our capabilities and strengthens our commitment to delivering exceptional solutions to our customers.

Stay tuned for more updates on how this acquisition will benefit our clients and experts.

For inquiries or more information, please contact us at


Expert Directory


Having an expert witness or consultant at your side can help you navigate complex situations with confidence. These professionals understand your industry and excel at conveying crucial information, whether in a courtroom or a consulting environment. At Intellex, we have experts in over 30,000 areas in our database. We enable you to partner with an individual who has the knowledge, educational background, and relevant experience to support your needs effectively.

Utilize our expert finder tool to handpick the ideal mentor or consultant for your specific application.

ID: 725148 Maryland, USA

Materials & Surface Science, Corrosion, Surface Treatments, Adhesive Bonding, Electrochemistry

Expert over 30 years of experience in basic and applied research and development involving surfaces and interfaces related to adhesion and corrosion. Particular areas of interest include surface treatments, especially those improving the durability or corrosion resistance of materials, and…

ID: 724892 Vermont, USA

Many Trades: Windows Software, Photography, CAD, Stirling Engines, Electric Guitar Hardware

Applications have ranged from medical data acquisition and processing (statistics, graphs) to image processing to real-time data acquisition and analysis to whole-house power controllers to Stirling engine simulations to web site monitoring and data acquisition to system utilities to duplicate…

ID: 724782 France

Industrial Machine Installation and Maintenance

Expert is an entrepreneur and does really enjoy innovation, high technologies and creative solutions that help to improve services and performances within the industry fields. He is highly involved in knowledge-intensive services markets and he is the president of the…

ID: 724618 North Carolina, USA

Identity and Image (Corporate Identity and Public Image) and Motivation

MTV, Hollywood's David Foster and Brian Wilson, Taiwan Trade, 300th Anniversary of the founding of St Petersburg, Russia, RosAtom, plasma waste management, bio-remediation fertilizers and carbon fiber production in the EEU, Expert has successfully designed and redesigned organizational entities domestically…

ID: 724313 Texas, USA

Food Service Management and Institutional Kitchen Design, Food Safety, Food Service Training, Food Operations Review, Retail Foods, FDA

His expertise in business management is related to the management of food service operations and systems. He uses his thirty five years of managing multi-unit food service facilities and his experience teaching Food Organization and Management, a upper division class…

ID: 724133 California, USA

Occupational Safety, Industrial Hygiene, and Ergonomics

Twenty years of experience enables Expert to address the widest variety of occupational safety program issues. He is familiar with the federal regulations as well as the requirements in each of the dozen or so states which mandate written occupational…

ID: 724062 California, USA

Plastics and Medical Device Development, Plastics Processing, Material, Tooling, Failure Analysis

Expert is a huge proponent of concurrent engineering practices. He has helped numerous companies by helping them implement principles of concurrent engineering which requires all the departments from marketing to manufacturing and assembly to work together right from the inception…

ID: 723565 Florida, USA

Neurology and Pain Management: Board Certified in both

Expert has always had an interest in pain treatment. After concentrating primarily on treating headaches for several years, expert became further involved in evaluation and treatment of chronic pain patients and is also board certified in Pain Management. He has…

ID: 723505 Virginia, USA

Industrial Chemical Production, Natural Gas Conversion to Liquid Fuels, Fine Chemicals, and Energy e

In general, chemical compounds that have multiple bonds (Double or Triple), they can accept addition reactions. The reaction could proceed either by nucleophilic, or electrophillic addition reactions. In some special cases, it can be controlled either thermodynamically, or kinetically. Activation…

ID: 723314 Ohio, USA

Titanium & Aluminum Anodize, All Plating and Finishing

Expert is an inventor with the following: USPTO Patents Awarded: Pat. No. (Undisclosed) Pat. No. (Undisclosed) Pat. No. (Undisclosed) USPTO Patents Pending: App. No. (Undisclosed) App. No. (Undisclosed) Expert has thirty-five years of Working and Consulting in Electrochemical Engineering, Chemistry…

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