Intellex Acquires Expert by Big Village

We're thrilled to announce that Intellex has acquired Expert by Big Village, effective March 22, 2024. This strategic move enhances our capabilities and strengthens our commitment to delivering exceptional solutions to our customers.

Stay tuned for more updates on how this acquisition will benefit our clients and experts.

For inquiries or more information, please contact us at


Expert Directory


Having an expert witness or consultant at your side can help you navigate complex situations with confidence. These professionals understand your industry and excel at conveying crucial information, whether in a courtroom or a consulting environment. At Intellex, we have experts in over 30,000 areas in our database. We enable you to partner with an individual who has the knowledge, educational background, and relevant experience to support your needs effectively.

Utilize our expert finder tool to handpick the ideal mentor or consultant for your specific application.

ID: 723336 Michigan, USA

Polyurethane (PU) Materials Development for various applications

In 30 years working with polyurethanes, Expert has developed numerous types of polyurethane elastomers, foams, adhesives, coatings, and other products with specific application requirements. In the past several years, her work has extensively involved development of polyurethanes for medical applications.…

ID: 723181 Florida, USA

Corrosion, Steel, Autos, Coated Steel Sheet, Galvalume, Galvanized, Galfan, Weathering Steel

During a 34-year career in the research department of a major steel producer, Expert was responsible for accelerated testing of all steel products, including Galvalume and galvanized metallic-coated products, and weathering steels. Accelerated test methods included: cabinet tests such as…

ID: 723166 Michigan, USA

Personal Injury, Industrial/Construction Safety, Compliance, Auditing, OSHA Standards

Expert provides safety engineering, accident investigation, accident reconstruction, industrial/construction accident consulting, expert witness testimony, and related expertise to a wide variety of clients. In addition to the automotive “Big Three” he was the safety director at a sheet metal stamping…

ID: 723164 Canada

Optical and Photonic Design and Engineering

He has extensive experience designing optical systems for astigmatic coherent laser beams. He is familiar with techniques for laboratory measurements of beam properties and can use real beam profiles as inputs to beam propagation analysis and the design of corrective…

ID: 723147 Pennsylvania, USA

Lubricants, Metalworking Lubricants

In expert’s tenure as a consultant, he has undertaken the analysis of competitors to ensure that his client has a better understanding of how to succeed in a specific market segment. He has also not hesitated to recommend to a…

ID: 723015 Ohio, USA

Surface Texture and Operational Characteristics of Machines

The expert is most experienced in the subset of surface science related to mathematics and mechanics of surface irregularities on micro- and macro scales and their contact interaction. In addition he has experience in the field of surface metrology and…

ID: 722951 Ohio, USA

Corporate Finance, M&A, Planning, Lender Negotiations, Restructuring, and Interim CFO Resources

Expert A. Expert has nearly 20 years of experience in strategic finance positions encompassing executive roles at private and public companies and as an advisor to a wide variety of organizations. His experiences encompasses completing over $2.5 billion in acquisition…

ID: 722831 New Mexico, USA

Petrochemical Process Design, Metals Processing, Activated Carbon, Marketing New Ideas

Expert has 15 years of experience in marketing research. He worked for eight years in marketing research at Amoco, four years as Director of Marketing Research. His major contributions at Amoco include: guiding Amoco’s marketing research to enhance and defend…

ID: 722828 Ohio, USA

Optimization of Compressed Air, HVAC, Pasteurizer, Refrigeration, Heat Recovery & Process Utilities

Prior to starting his company, Expert was the Director of Industrial Solutions for a Fortune 500 regional utility company. A graduate of IIT Mumbai, India and later the University of Illinois at Urbana, he was the Vice President of Engineering…

ID: 722794 Pennsylvania, USA

Electrostatic, Particulate and Environmental Process Development and Commercialization

After earning his PhD in solid state physics from Ohio State, Expert has centered his attention for more than 40 years on providing state-of-the-art equipment and services to enable and improve industrial operations that involve electrostatic and particulate processes. As…

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