Expert Directory
Having an expert witness or consultant at your side can help you navigate complex situations with confidence. These professionals understand your industry and excel at conveying crucial information, whether in a courtroom or a consulting environment. At Intellex, we have experts in over 30,000 areas in our database. We enable you to partner with an individual who has the knowledge, educational background, and relevant experience to support your needs effectively.
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Ventilation Maintenance Advisory and Infection Control in Healthcare Facilities, Functionality Audit
He is an experienced building environmental systems engineer with special experience in the areas of heating, ventilation, air conditioning and industrial ventilation. Experience includes the design and installation of the electrostatic filtration system for healthcare ventilation infection control. His studies…
Healthcare Industry: Ecosystems and Data
Expert brings over 20 years of healthcare industry experience encompassing acute care hospitals, ambulatory centers, health plans, and physician groups in the clinical, operational, financial, and technological realms of the continuum of care. Inasmuch, She has demonstrated the importance of…
Industrial Fire Protection, Fire Engineering, Emergency Response, Investigations, audits
Expert's 27-year career ranges from firefighting to engineering. His experiences include municipal and industrial firefighting, project management, fire protection and detection design, commissioning, insurance audits, due diligence, HPR risk engineering, industrial fire protection and process safety for a wide variety…
International Consumer Brand Management/ Automotive OEM
Expertise in global business with deep-rooted experience in cultural, economic, and product development in the US, Europe, Asia, Latin American and African markets. Self-motivated, persuasive, and results-driven professional with extensive experience in International Sales, Management, Strategic Planning, and Marketing; very…
Architectural Precast Concrete, Cast Stone, Commercial Construction Process
Expert is successful in the management of projects in the IT arena and in construction-related manufacturing and subcontracting. He consistently adds value to projects and delivers high levels of client/customer satisfaction. He has experience and comfort in multiple environments: Fortune…
Commercial Auto Policy Language, Truckers, Motor Carrier and Garage
Expert has over 40 years of Commercial Insurance experience in many casualty lines of business. In addition, he has extensive experience developing underwriting strategies, underwriting guidelines, marketing, sales product development, and direction for several large insurance companies. His specialized experience…
Banking, FDIC, Garnishments, Levies, Fraud, and Internal Controls
Expert has over 30 years of experience in banking and bank regulation, including bank operations, both retail and back room. He also has extensive mortgage experience, including time spent at Fannie Mae as a consultant. He has spent over 20…
Patents, Copyrights and Intellectual Property, Technology, Financial Services, Health Care
In 30 years of application development and support, Expert has worked on a wide range of local, wide area and global networking projects. This has required a high degree of expertize in technologies created around TCP IP. The software has…
IBM Mainframe Assembly language, CICS
Expert has very good experience in IBM MAinframe Assembly Language and CICS programming. She has executed projects on CICS Macro Level programs to Command Level programs. She has extensive experience in Application Development, Maintenance and Conversion projects. Maturity model for…
Insurance; Market Entry and Emerging Markets in Central and Eastern Europe
Expert possesses 40 years' executive and marketing management experience in financial services, the securities industry, and insurance and consumer products. He also served as the Chief Deputy Insurance Commissioner for the State of California. Expert has experience as the Chief…