Intellex Acquires Expert by Big Village

We're thrilled to announce that Intellex has acquired Expert by Big Village, effective March 22, 2024. This strategic move enhances our capabilities and strengthens our commitment to delivering exceptional solutions to our customers.

Stay tuned for more updates on how this acquisition will benefit our clients and experts.

For inquiries or more information, please contact us at


Expert Directory


Having an expert witness or consultant at your side can help you navigate complex situations with confidence. These professionals understand your industry and excel at conveying crucial information, whether in a courtroom or a consulting environment. At Intellex, we have experts in over 30,000 areas in our database. We enable you to partner with an individual who has the knowledge, educational background, and relevant experience to support your needs effectively.

Utilize our expert finder tool to handpick the ideal mentor or consultant for your specific application.

ID: 736747 Kentucky, USA

Environmental and Occupational Health and Safety

Expert is an experienced Occupational Safety and Health professional with over 30 years of diverse background as a trainer, consultant, and manager. Currently a high-level team leader with highly effective interpersonal and communication skills, Expert is recognized as an organized,…

ID: 736462 Pennsylvania, USA

Industrial Hygiene (Certified)

Certified Industrial Hygienist with 41 years environmental health experience in consulting, insurance claims and industry. Comprehensive knowledge and experience regarding hazardous materials/chemicals, asbestos, indoor air quality, mold, occupational noise, lead-based paint, and formaldehyde. Skilled in field evaluations, and expert and…

ID: 735610 California, USA

Forensic Geology, Hydrogeology, Well Drilling, General Engineering

Expert has more than 38 years of experience as a geologist. He is a certified hydrogeologist, professional forensic geologist, licensed well driller, and general engineering contractor. His most recent work includes forensic analysis of subsurface events, including pipe breaks, contaminant…

ID: 734489 Texas, USA

Environmental Assessments, Asbestos, Mold, Lead, Hazardous Materials

With 23 years of providing clients quality and innovation, expert runs a local-to-national firm executing work within 7 distinct (related) NAICS codes. Identifying, addressing, and improving environmental, and IH conditions across industry; client objective-scoped; cost efficient; ethically driven to serve.…

ID: 730210 Alabama, USA

Construction Safety

Expert has over 40 years' experience in worldwide professional safety. His work experience includes tenure as Corporate Safety and Security Director for four Engineering, Design and Construction Management Firms. This work has involved over 600 worldwide construction projects. Additionally, as…

ID: 729490 California, USA

Environmental Site Assessment; Soil and Groundwater Contamination; Site Cleanup Appraisal; Environmental Forensics

Expert has over 27 years’ experience providing environmental consulting and expert services to commercial, industrial, municipal, and legal clients. He has conducted environmental site assessments, hydrogeological investigations, hazardous materials audits, pollution evaluations, and historical contamination reconstructions at a wide variety…

ID: 726027 Maryland, USA

Industrial Hygiene, Non-Friable Asbestos-Containing Materials, Formaldehyde, Silica, Indoor Air Quality, Mold, Accident Investigation, Auditing and Hazard Assessment

He has conducted numerous indoor air quality and environmental mold assessments for commercial and residential environments. Assessment includes monitoring for applicable indoor air consituents, developing corrective action plans, and verification of correction/efficacy. He also lead the indoor air quality committee…

ID: 725843 California, USA

Navigation of the Maze of Environmental Regulations, Environmental Issue Analysis, Pragmatic Environmental Solutions, Environmental Regulations

Expert has the technical and scientific expertise to navigate the maze of environmental regulations. He concentrates on resolving the synergistic, interdisciplinary environmental issues posed by the discovery and remediation of toxic and hazardous chemicals. More importantly, he has the ability…

ID: 725067 Illinois, USA

Biomedical Engineering, Biomechanics, Industrial Hygiene, Toxicology, Epidemiology, Occupational Health

Expert is a physician, attorney, industrial hygienist, and biomedical engineer licensed to practice medicine and law in Michigan and Illinois. He is a graduate of Kalamazoo College, Wayne State University School of Medicine and Law School as well as Harvard…

ID: 724757 Florida, USA

Mold, Industrial Hygiene, Indoor Air Quality, Toxins, Environmental Microbiology, Formaldehyde

Expert has worked for over 30 years in studying the effects of contaminated air in a wide variety of work, office and residential environments. He has performed field studies and reviewed cases in hundreds of lawsuits involving exposure to heavy…

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