Expert Directory
Having an expert witness or consultant at your side can help you navigate complex situations with confidence. These professionals understand your industry and excel at conveying crucial information, whether in a courtroom or a consulting environment. At Intellex, we have experts in over 30,000 areas in our database. We enable you to partner with an individual who has the knowledge, educational background, and relevant experience to support your needs effectively.
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Process Automation: Process Control, Computer System Validation, Alarm Management, & Modeling
Expert served for several years as a major pharmaceutical company's chief Quality Assurance GMP/GLP computer validation auditor. He chaired the team that developed the company's first policy and guidelines regarding computer validation,- and served for several years as the company's…

Executive Management, Finance, Nanotechnology, Polymers, Thin films, Display Devices, RFID
Most of Expert's career has been involved in advanced materials product innovation. He has 24 patents issued in this area and many more pending. Successful products have been released in electronics, energy conservation, post-harvest food preservation, golf clubs, animal neutraceuticals,…

Power Electronics, Motor Drives, Renewable Energy, Etc.
AC frequency converters are frequently used for AC motor drives. He has written 7 books and many publications covering this area. A CCV is a frequency changer which can be direct or through a dc link. He worked as CCV…

Electrical Power Engineering, Energy Auditing
Expert teaches a course on the theoretical and practical aspects of alternating current transformers. This course is a must for utility and industrial electrical engineers, who have the responsibility of keeping their electrical system on-line. A transformer is a very…

Software Development – Requirements to Testing, Object-Oriented Design, UNIX/Linux, Expert Testimony
Expert has developed numerous software applications ranging from real-time goat serum process control to sound monitoring to stock market analysis. The programs have been written for platforms ranging from an embedded system to Windows to Unix/Linux. Languages used include assembly,…

Software and Internet Business and Technology Development
He has worked in the field of artificial intelligence since 1971. In automated planning and problem solving, he developed highly efficient methods for state-based search, and invented what is now termed “modern” or “partial-order” problem solving. He conceived of and…

Nondestructive Testing and Evaluation; Machine and Structural Design
Expert has been at (Undisclosed) where he currently is a professor in the Department of General Engineering. Expert is also Director of the Nondestructive Testing and Evaluation Research Laboratory. The Laboratory supports research work in ultrasonics (immersion, air-coupled, and water-squirt),…

Corporate Governance, Business Strategy Review, Business Intelligence/ Audit, and Compensation
Expert J. Expert has experience with board director and executive review, evaluation, and management of events as they change and occur in business. He believes that effective board and managerial control succeeds when strategies acknowledge a logical view of decision-making…

Robotics, Computer Vision, and Sensors for Transportation Applications
Expert has taught several courses in automated inspection. In addition, he has consulted for two major manufacturers of automated inspection equipment. In particular, he has expertise in selection of sensors, vision-based inspection, software algorithms for inspection, and sensor fusion. He…

Defense and Law Enforcement Technology: Remote Sensing, Infrared & Optical Systems, Radars, etc.
Through his experience at DARPA, expert has done numerous evaluations of technology and developed many contacts in industry. This allows for the possibility of a technical idea becoming an actual product or capability. He has also done consulting for various…