Expert Directory
Having an expert witness or consultant at your side can help you navigate complex situations with confidence. These professionals understand your industry and excel at conveying crucial information, whether in a courtroom or a consulting environment. At Intellex, we have experts in over 30,000 areas in our database. We enable you to partner with an individual who has the knowledge, educational background, and relevant experience to support your needs effectively.
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Gene Expression, Genomics, Microarrays, DNA, Drug Discovery, Product Development
Expert has worked in the biotechnology industry for more than 30 years. He has directed R&D efforts in gene expression technology, genetic engineering technology, DNA microarrays, and high-throughput screening at Sandoz (Novartis), Operon, Agraquest, and GenoSpectra. He has led product…

Clinical Applications, Microbiology, Biotechnology, Diagnostics, Immunology, and Custom Speaking
Expert has been involved in the identification of biological molecules associated with disease and infection with bacterial and viral agents. By applying molecular techniques to vaccine and infection models, he has identified immunological (antigenic) markers of bacterial infections of human…

Expert worked with a team that cloned and expressed the enzyme T4 endonuclease VII for commercial distribution. He developed the basic assay of enzyme activity that was used in optimization and quality control of the enzyme. He is an author…

Biotechnology: All Areas of Business and Technology
Expert has extensive hands-on experience with, and knowledge of, deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) probe technology, having worked in this area for 10 years. He used nucleic acid probe technology to characterize mammalian viruses and oncogenes while performing research supported by the…

Reproduction Biology, Gonadotropins (hCG), Glycoproteins, Biochemistry, X-Ray Crystallography, etc.
Expert is a biophysicist/biochemist working in the field of medicine. Currently, she is doing x-ray crystallography and double labelling NMR studies to ascertain the 3-dimensional structure of a protein, human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG). This protein (hormone) maintains pregnancy in the…

Cellular Immunology, stem cells, regenerative medicine,
CELLULAR IMMUNOLOGY; CELLULAR IMMUNITY; HYBRIDOMA; IMMUNOCHEMICAL ASSAY. Expert's career has been spent in the area of basic and applied cellular immunology. He is very knowledgeable of infectious disease and the analysis of immune competence in humans and animals. He has…

Membrane Traffic
MEMBRANE TRAFFIC. All of Expert's work in the last ten years has involved membrane traffic, ranging from genetic analysis of endocytosis and secretion in mammalian cells to biochemical analysis of the entry of protein toxins, including immunotoxins, into cells. HYBRID…

Coronary Blood Flow
A substantial portion of the experts work involves the study of coronary arteries, both in vivo and using isolated artery segments. This work is directed toward measurement of responses of coronary arteries to drugs and biologically-active materials. Expert has carried…

APPLIED MICROBIOLOGY; BIOTECHNOLOGY. Expert is an authority in biotechnology, especially biotechnological principles for food, chemical, and pharmaceutical applications. He expends significant research efforts on the genetics of industrial organisms, with the ultimate goal of isolating, overproducing, and utilizing enzymes and…