Expert Directory
Having an expert witness or consultant at your side can help you navigate complex situations with confidence. These professionals understand your industry and excel at conveying crucial information, whether in a courtroom or a consulting environment. At Intellex, we have experts in over 30,000 areas in our database. We enable you to partner with an individual who has the knowledge, educational background, and relevant experience to support your needs effectively.
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Beer & Beverage Technology, Chemometrics & Multivariate Analysis, Food Microbiology, Food Chemistry
Expert has extensive experience conducting product and process research and development employing a range of disciplines including microbiology, chemistry, biochemistry, and chemical engineering on beer, cooler, fruit juice, and soft drinks. This work involves developing analytical methods for assessing the…

Power Electronics and Switched Mode Power Supplies
Expert has spent a large part of his career developing products in technical leadership positions in the general category of power electronics. He is a member of the IEEE Power Electronics Specialists Society and has attended and presented papers and…

IBM AS/400, System/36, Systems Analysis & Engineering, etc.
OS/400; APPLICATION SYSTEM/400; SYSTEM ANALYSIS; SYSTEMS ENGINEERING. Expert has expertise in helping clients successfully implement and use the IBM AS/400, Systems/36, and attached PCs. Since 1967, he has been helping clients with hardware/software evaluation, selection, and installation as well as…

Motor and Generator Design and Development
COMPUTER-AIDED DIRECT CURRENT (DC) MOTOR DESIGN; DC MOTOR DEVELOPMENT; FERRITE MOTOR. The most significant portion of Expert's work for the past 5 years has involved computer-aided design and product development of a variety of permanent magnet (PM) brushless DC motor/controller…

Pipe and Tank Insulation
Expert has 22 years experience in all types of pipe insulation. He has developed a new foam pipe insulation that handles temperature ranges from -320 degrees to 400 degrees Fahrenheit. He designed a highly efficient (R 6.25 per inch thickness)…

Network Technology and Design; Nonprofit Capacity Building and Funding Strategies
Expert has over 15 years of hands-on experience in the development, implementation, and integration of data, digital, and voice systems. Expert developed a system equipped to handle imaging, voice response, LAN, 3270, T1, and video conferencing transmission. Expert developed a…

Metrication, Metric Standards; Steam Engines, Gas and Diesel Engines; Renewable Energy; Scroll Expansion
Since entering the field in 1973, Expert has become one of the foremost experts on the application of metric (SI) units and international (metric) standards. He has helped over 100 companies and government agencies adopt metric practices. He has written…

Advanced PC Systems Design
Expert has focused his research and practice for the last several years on the design and implementation of PC-based office productivity systems. He has placed special emphasis on user interface design, decision support systems, and executive information systems. Expert is…