Expert Directory
Having an expert witness or consultant at your side can help you navigate complex situations with confidence. These professionals understand your industry and excel at conveying crucial information, whether in a courtroom or a consulting environment. At Intellex, we have experts in over 30,000 areas in our database. We enable you to partner with an individual who has the knowledge, educational background, and relevant experience to support your needs effectively.
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On-Line Near Infrared Process Analysis, Chemometrics Analysis, and Applied Spectroscopy
ON-LINE PROCESS ANALYSIS. Expert pioneered the development and use of on-line near infrared (NIR) process analysis for refinery and chemicals process monitoring at Exxon. His designs are the basis for a commercially available system and have been instrumental in products…

Analytical Chemistry, Precious Metals Analysis and Refining
Expert has over 30 years experience in the field of analytical chemistry, especially in the field of electrochemistry with platinum group metals, including product development, customer service and analytical methods development. He has special skill in training and mentorship of…

Medicinal Chemistry, Drug Discovery, Organic Chemistry, Antibody-Drug Conjugates
Accomplished project leader with strong experience as R & D medicinal chemist in advancing projects from inception to Phase I clinical trials in ocular, inflammation, diabetes and neuroscience areas. Skilled in medicinal chemistry, organic chemistry, small molecule and peptide lead…

Forensic Drug Chemistry –Controlled Substances, Forensic Toxicology–Blood Alcohol, Drugs DWI
Expert has 37 years experience in the field of Forensic Drug Chemistry in the testing of evidence submitted to determine the presence or absence of a controlled substance and expert testimony. He is also qualified in Forensic Toxicology in both…

Petroleum Processing Chemistry and Oil Products Compositional Chemistry
Expert was the lead process chemist supporting Acid Gas Amine Treating units in Shell US and Canadian Refineries and for Shell Canada Gas Plants. Expert also provided technical support Canadian Gas plants operating Shell licienced Amine systems (SCOTT and Sulfinol-D…

Biochemistry, Drug Development, Antibiotics, Proteins, Medicines, Pathogens, and Pharmaceuticals
Expert serves on the faculty of a University, Department of Chemistry and Chemical Biology. He previously held a senior scientist and lecturer position at ETH Zurich, Switzerland. His interests are at the interface of chemistry and biology, where he is…

DNA Sequencing: Next-Generation Sequencing (NGS)
Expert was until 2/2022 the Senior Director of NGS R+D at DNA Electronics (DNAe). Prior to that, he was the VP of Sequencing at a major research institute. He is involved with many aspects of the Illumina production sequencing pipeline…

Organic and Medicinal Chemistry
Expert has expertise and broad knowledge in Synthetic Organic Chemistry of various classes of compounds coupled with experiences and adept characterizing compounds using various NMR techniques 1-D and 2-D (COSY, HMBC, TOCSY, ROESY) diverse analytic techniques for compounds purification, use…

Fragrance , Neutraceutical, Foods, Home and Personal Care Analytical Science
Expert has applied his Measurement science knowledge background in the field of Flavors and Fragrances, Neutraceutical, Foods and Home and personal Care industry. He has vast knowledge on raw-materials and and has capability and capacity of developing analytical methods. His…

Water Treatment Process Design,Commissioning and Maintenance of Water Treatment Plant
Expert is serving as a Water Treatment Process Engineer for twelve years and currently having the responsibility of designing 32 MLD treatment facility worth 79 M US$. He has a sound knowledge in process design, commissioning of water works, operation…