Expert Directory
Having an expert witness or consultant at your side can help you navigate complex situations with confidence. These professionals understand your industry and excel at conveying crucial information, whether in a courtroom or a consulting environment. At Intellex, we have experts in over 30,000 areas in our database. We enable you to partner with an individual who has the knowledge, educational background, and relevant experience to support your needs effectively.
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Materials Technology, Powder Metallurgy, Advanced Ceramics, Process & Product Development, R&D, Lean
25+ years of experience in successfully managing and spearheading R&D and Operations projects to completion. Developed new products and processes, led cross-functional teams, project management and implementation, mentored subordinates and peers, provided team building and leadership, problem solving skills, and…

Analytical Chemistry, Environmental Chemistry, QA/QC, GC-MS Data Analysis, Legal Defense
Expert has provided professional services in chemistry for over 40 years to government agencies and private industry, including legal firms. His commitment to careful, detailed, and documented work results in clients that rely on him to ensure that their legal…

Forensic Drug Chemistry –Controlled Substances, Forensic Toxicology–Blood Alcohol, Drugs DWI
Expert has 37 years experience in the field of Forensic Drug Chemistry in the testing of evidence submitted to determine the presence or absence of a controlled substance and expert testimony. He is also qualified in Forensic Toxicology in both…

Statistics (Pharmaceuticals (CMC): Design of Experiments, Process Validation, Stability)
After receiving a Expert in statistics, expert has worked in the pharmaceutical industry for over 30 years as a non-clinical statistician applying statistical methodologies, performing data analysis, and interpreting results with scientists in research and development. He collaborated with scientists…

GMP Compliance EPCMV of BioPharmaceutical Process, Clean Utilities, Systems, Facilities Engineering
He is a Health Canada Expert (in 2007) and a Senior BioProcess Engineer & Project Manager Consultant; He acquired more than 21 years’ experience with various BioPharma Industries & Consulting companies (SNC Lavalin Pharma), where more than 50 projects were…

Construction Safety
Expert has over 40 years' experience in worldwide professional safety. His work experience includes tenure as Corporate Safety and Security Director for four Engineering, Design and Construction Management Firms. This work has involved over 600 worldwide construction projects. Additionally, as…

Hazardous Materials, Retrospective Toxic Chemical Exposure Assessment, Mold, Hazard Communication
Results oriented environmental scientist with over 35 years of experience providing consultation and litigation support in the fields of, industrial hygiene, retrospective toxic exposure assessment, indoor air quality, indoor mold contamination, hazardous consumer and industrial products, chemical hazard communication, labeling…

Chemical Patents, Air Bags, Product Contamination, Fires and Explosions, Chemical Exposure
Expert has been retained by plaintiff, defense and state Attorney General attorneys to investigate and provide expert opinions, expert reports, depositions, Daubert, Grand Jury & trial testimony for 91 air bag cases filed in Federal and State courts in 19…

Audio, Linguistics, Acoustics, Speaker Identification, Tape Enhancement, Forensic Phonetics
Expert has 20+ years expereince in forensic casework including speaker identification using auditory, acoustic and text analysis techniques; transcription (in particular, the transcription of poor quality recordings); enhancement of poor quality recordings; examination of tape recordings to determine whether or…

Wastewater, Trade Effluent, Organic Waste Treatment, Analytical Science, Water Quality and Pollution
Expert is an experienced analytical chemist specialising in the analysis of waters, wastewaters, sludges and formal samples from both a regulator industry and regulated industry point of view. Experience of the design and implementation of effluent monitoring programes for various…