Expert Directory
Having an expert witness or consultant at your side can help you navigate complex situations with confidence. These professionals understand your industry and excel at conveying crucial information, whether in a courtroom or a consulting environment. At Intellex, we have experts in over 30,000 areas in our database. We enable you to partner with an individual who has the knowledge, educational background, and relevant experience to support your needs effectively.
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Storage Terminal Design/Air Emission/Pollution Control/Combustion Systems
Expert has spent 10 years of his career with a company that designs and sells various combustion systems. His experience with gas flares and flare systems runs from the design to the installation and operation of the actual equipment. He…

Microwaves, Antennas, Radio Frequency Systems and Devices
Expert's expertise is RF and microwave applications from component design and development to systems integration and support. In the area of new products he has had direct experience with microwave controlled devices (solid state switches, attenuators and modulators, phase shifters,…

Organic Coatings: Comprehensive Knowledge of the Theory and Practice
COATINGS; LIQUID COATINGS; POLYMER COATINGS. Expert has over 40 years of research, development, and teaching experience in coating technology. He was trained as an organic chemist but switched to synthetic polymer chemistry early in his career. While his experience in…

Project/Program Management Evaluation; Engineering Support for the Legal Profession
Mr. Martin Expert brings many years of hands-on experience as a project management professional specializing in Program/Project management, assisting the legal profession with delay claims and personal injury cases, CPM planning and scheduling, project organization and control, and interfacing with…

Metrication, Metric Standards; Steam Engines, Gas and Diesel Engines; Renewable Energy; Scroll Expansion
Since entering the field in 1973, Expert has become one of the foremost experts on the application of metric (SI) units and international (metric) standards. He has helped over 100 companies and government agencies adopt metric practices. He has written…

Surface Mount Solders
Expert has extensive expert witness experience in product liability, supply chain issues, patent dispute, etc. Core Expertise Areas: • Expert witness- extensive experience in product liability, supply chain issues, patent dispute, etc. • Intellectual property - management and dispute resolution…

Solid State Electronics, Electromagnetics
Expert has expertise in technologies, and in technology forecasting and technology management. Expert aids inventors, technologists, and high-tech start-up companies develop and position their technology assets for maximum economic benefit. He has extensive experience with patents, trademarks, copyrights, and other…

Communication Systems
Expert has extensive experience in several types of spread spectrum systems, including slow, medium, and fast frequency hopping, direct sequence, chirp, and an innovative noise modulation technique which transmits a sinusoid-free waveform. These systems have been used for anti-jam, low…

Nondestructive Testing
For over 50 years, Expert has been actively engaged in the technology of nondestructive testing. During that period, he has covered a wide range of industries and applications. His long-term affiliations with various technical societies have developed into a valuable…

Energy & Process Piping Design
PIPE; PIPELINE; CIVIL ENGINEERING. Expert has over 35 years of experience in mechanical and civil/structural engineering, principally in the design and analysis of industrial process and energy-related structures, equipment, piping, pipelines, and support. PIPING CODE; BOILER CODE. Expert is an…