Intellex Acquires Expert by Big Village

We're thrilled to announce that Intellex has acquired Expert by Big Village, effective March 22, 2024. This strategic move enhances our capabilities and strengthens our commitment to delivering exceptional solutions to our customers.

Stay tuned for more updates on how this acquisition will benefit our clients and experts.

For inquiries or more information, please contact us at


Expert Directory


Having an expert witness or consultant at your side can help you navigate complex situations with confidence. These professionals understand your industry and excel at conveying crucial information, whether in a courtroom or a consulting environment. At Intellex, we have experts in over 30,000 areas in our database. We enable you to partner with an individual who has the knowledge, educational background, and relevant experience to support your needs effectively.

Utilize our expert finder tool to handpick the ideal mentor or consultant for your specific application.

ID: 723209 United Arab Emirates

Search Engine Advertising (Paid Search and SEO), Social Media Optimization, Cross Digital Advertising, and Integrated Marketing

The failure of most new products proves that money can't buy success. The entire marketing psychology tell us that all successful products focuses on the buyer's or consumer's "needs, wants and desires." He can help you to determine your target…

ID: 723201 California, USA

Entrepreneurship, Startup Financing, Business Plan Development, Due Diligence, Cleantech, Energy Technologies, and Nanotechnology

Expert has started two early-stage cleantech companies over the past 10 years in the water treatment and building materials sectors, raising multiple rounds of venture financing and securing numerous government grants for both. He drove IP development, strategic partner identification…

ID: 723181 Florida, USA

Corrosion, Steel, Autos, Coated Steel Sheet, Galvalume, Galvanized, Galfan, Weathering Steel

During a 34-year career in the research department of a major steel producer, Expert was responsible for accelerated testing of all steel products, including Galvalume and galvanized metallic-coated products, and weathering steels. Accelerated test methods included: cabinet tests such as…

ID: 723178 Ohio, USA

Construction Claims, Architecture, Interior Arch. Design

Expert is a seasoned Trial Attorney, Architect Emeritus, and Expert Witness, serving clients throughout the United States. With over 40 years of experience in construction law and the commercial, industrial, institutional, and residential building industry, Expert truly understands the legal…

ID: 723166 Michigan, USA

Personal Injury, Industrial/Construction Safety, Compliance, Auditing, OSHA Standards

Expert provides safety engineering, accident investigation, accident reconstruction, industrial/construction accident consulting, expert witness testimony, and related expertise to a wide variety of clients. In addition to the automotive “Big Three” he was the safety director at a sheet metal stamping…

ID: 723137 Ohio, USA

Marketing Plan Development, Market Research, Brand Identity, Market Share Increase

In addition to selling advertising space for a local weekly business publication, Expert has worked for brand development and sales promotion advertising agencies. As a supplier of brand development services (package design, print promotion) to one of the largest consumer…

ID: 723122 Florida, USA

Biomechanics, Human Factors, Accident Reconstruction, Motorcycle Accidents, Brain Injury, Helmets, Motorcycle Helmet, Football Helmets, Slip and Fall

Expert, PhD, CPE is a biomechanics expert and has served as an expert witness for 25+ years, providing nationwide expert testimony in the fields of biomechanics, ergonomics, human factors and auto / motorcycle accident reconstruction. Expert has been court qualified…

ID: 723096 Ohio, USA

Telecommunications Technology, Optics, Signal Processing and Nanotechnology

As a full professor of electrical engineering at Case Western reserve University, Expert taught junior-college level electromangentics for five successive academic years and was awarded the 1998 Wittke Award for Distinguished Teaching in that field. He also developed radio frequency…

ID: 723068 Israel

IBM Mainframe Infrastructure, z/OS, capacity planning and training

Expert has almost 30 years experience with IBM mainframe computers. He has in-depth knowledge of zSeries(and its predecessors) architecture and operating systems(particularly z/OS) Expert has expert JCL knowledge incuding coding, troubleshooting, procedures and parameters. Expert has 20 years experience with…

ID: 723004 Massachusetts, USA

Electronic and Mechanical Design of Consumer and Healthcare Products for Asian Manufacture

Expert has a biomedical engineering degree from MIT (option of electrical engineering). He was instrumental in the development of an acoustic-based diagnostic instrument for the detection of otitis media (fluid in the ear due to ear infection). The product was…

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