Expert Directory
Having an expert witness or consultant at your side can help you navigate complex situations with confidence. These professionals understand your industry and excel at conveying crucial information, whether in a courtroom or a consulting environment. At Intellex, we have experts in over 30,000 areas in our database. We enable you to partner with an individual who has the knowledge, educational background, and relevant experience to support your needs effectively.
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Freight Forwarding, Shipping Agencies, Supply Vessels, Fast Crew Boats, and Maritime Consultancy
Expert's consulting firm has offered services to clients in Nigeria since 2005 in Freight Forwarding, Shipping Agencies, Supply Vessels, Fast Crew Boats, and Maritime Consultancy. His firm is an industry-leading organizations that provides the safest possible way of transactions for…

Livestock Waste Management, Composting, Air Quality, Water Quality, and Particulate Matter (PM)
Expert serves on the USDA Agricultural Air Quality Task Force (AAQTF). For last 20 years, he has conducted research and outreach activities on animal waste and mortality management, air emission from livestock production facility and land application of manure. His…

Molecular Biology, Genetics, Cancer Biology, Radiation Biology, Genetic Engineering
Expert was continuously funded 1990-2018 by the NIH (NCI, NIGMS), typically as PI of 2-3 concurrent R01 grants, and is currently funded by the American Lung Association (2020-2022). Expert published more than 130 reports of original research and reviews that…

Agricultural Engineering, Animal Environments, Water Quality, Livestock Structures, Animal Welfare
Expert worked for 33 years for the University of Illinois as an Extension Agricultural Engineer, specializing in livestock facilities, alternative energy, and rural family housing. He retired from the University in November 2012, and now acts as a consultant for…

Water Quality, Water Conservation/Management, Ecosystem Management and Sustainable Agriculture
Innovative treatment systems and technologies for water pollution prevention and management have been the core of Expert's professional carrier for the past 20 years. Focusing especially on sustainable design, functionality and cost-efficiency, over the past several years she has worked…

Environmental Data Analysis, Time Series, Geostatistics, Pollutant Exposure, Water and Wastewater
During the past 32 years Expert has developed and applied time series and geo-statistical models to environmental quality and hydrologic data. Research and educational experiences include the development and teaching of graduate level engineering courses on this topic and the…

Salt Extraction From Brines, Solar Pond Design and Operation
Expert has 35 years of experience covering all aspects of the solar salt industry. His experience as a consultant and salt engineer ranges from troubleshooting existing production sites, to designing and operating new facilities. Business plans and market investigations have…

Food Process Engineering: Facility Design and Construction, Equipment and Process Design, and CIP
Expert is a registered, professional engineer with over twenty-five years of experience in food process engineering. He is an Associate Professor of Food Process Engineering. His responsibilities include technical assistance to entrepreneurs and food processors, research and development of food…

Mineralogy, Metamorphic Petrology, Zeolite Technology, Clays, Enviromental Sciences
Mr. Ríos has developed several research and teaching activities on geology topics. He has participated in several field works on crystalline basement complexes in different areas of Colombia, which have contributed to improved understanding of the geology and tectono-metamorphic evolution…

Environmental Exposure Assessment and Risk Assessment; Soil, Water, and Air Chemical Fate and Transport
Expert has over 25 years’ experience conducting environmental investigations and risk assessments for evaluating impacts to human health, property, and ecological receptors. His expertise focuses on the fate and transport of environmental contaminants, human health risk, exposure assessment, and ecological…