Expert Directory
Having an expert witness or consultant at your side can help you navigate complex situations with confidence. These professionals understand your industry and excel at conveying crucial information, whether in a courtroom or a consulting environment. At Intellex, we have experts in over 30,000 areas in our database. We enable you to partner with an individual who has the knowledge, educational background, and relevant experience to support your needs effectively.
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Ceramic Coating Materials
CERAMIC COATING MATERIALS; CERAMIC GLAZE; FRIT. Expert has over 30 years experience in the formulation and application of ceramic coating materials to meet end-user requirements. Products include ceramic glazes, porcelain enamels, frits, ceramic-metal sealants, glass colors, engobes, brick coatings, thermal…
Metallurgical Engineering
Expert has expertise in the selection and application of materials, including metals and ceramics. He has been responsible for material selections for aircraft jet engines, industrial gas turbines, steam turbines, and generator components for 35 years. This includes the statistical…
Molecular Biology, Molecular Pathology, Polymerase Chain Reaction Technology
Expert has expertise in the adaptation and development of molecular biological techniques to answer medical questions of human genetics, differential gene expression, diagnostics, epidemiology, and pathogenesis, particularly in regard to infectious agents and genetic diseases. The CGS is a multidisciplinary…
Materials Failure Analysis, Consulting Chemistry, Laboratory Analysis of Unknowns
Dr. J. Expert has over 30 years' experience in materials failure analysis and materials characterization as well as chemical analysis of cosmetics, pharmaceuticals, and foods. Expert's materials experience has included investigations of metals, plastics, ceramics, glass, and composites by laboratory…
Analytical Chemistry, data analysis, liquid and gas chromatography and chemical separation science,
CHROMATOGRAPHY. For the past 35 years, expert has specialized in many different sub-fields of chromatography, including HPLC, reversed phase LC, gas chromatography, affinity chromatography, and ion chromatography. He has published extensively in all of these fields. Additionally, he has pioneered…
X-Ray Imaging
Expert is the inventor, designer, and project scientist/program manager of a number of different X-ray imaging systems, ranging from satellite-based X-ray telescopes to large systems for nondestructive imaging of 50 ton rocket motors and nuclear pressure vessels. Expert has both…
Protein Biochemistry, Purification, Characterization; Gentle Immunoaffinity Chromatography
Expert is internationally known for his contributions to the fields of biochemistry and molecular biology. He has worked in this area since 1964, generally in purifying enzymes involved in RNA synthesis, characterizing the structure and function of enzymes, and studying…
Chemistry of Materials
APPLIED INORGANIC CHEMISTRY. Expert has extensive experience in applied inorganic chemistry. Using new sol-gel methods that employ hydrogen peroxide, Expert has made a variety of ceramics and minerals, for example, forsterite, enstatite, and members of the olivine family. Sols (colloidal…
Theoretical Physics, Acoustics, SONAR, Signal Processing, Piezoelectric
Expert has studied theoretical acoustics for the past 20 years. His work is strongly mathematical, extending beyond the wave equation to non-linear acoustics and propagation and to noise and even temperature. His work applies to a very wide range of…
Dairy and Food Technology
DAIRY PRODUCTS. A major portion of Expert's formal education was devoted to dairy products manufacturing. He teaches courses at the University of Wisconsin on dairy product design and milk, butter, cultured products, and frozen dessert manufacturing. He also teaches short…