Expert Directory
Having an expert witness or consultant at your side can help you navigate complex situations with confidence. These professionals understand your industry and excel at conveying crucial information, whether in a courtroom or a consulting environment. At Intellex, we have experts in over 30,000 areas in our database. We enable you to partner with an individual who has the knowledge, educational background, and relevant experience to support your needs effectively.
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CDR and Reconstruction, Defective Industrial Equipment/Processes, Product Development, Manufacturability and Launch
Expert has been performing insurance and forensic loss type Contractor work since 1996. Starting as a sole proprietorship with automotive warranties, but was capitalized on by a forensic engineering company for inherent knowledge and experience of industrial process and product…
Human Factors: Human Error and Accident Reduction, Performance and Safety into Complex Systems, etc.
Involved in accident analysis from the point of view of human error as a causal or contributory factor in the accident. Led the investigation for the Nuclear Regulatory Commission into the extent to which human error and training played a…
Tire Design, Construction, Performance, Failure and All Related Matters
Expert has extensive experience in tyre (tire) design and failure analysis, having held senior positions with two of the world's largest tyre (tire) manufacturers, with experience spanning Australasia, Asia, the Middle East and parts of Africa. His subsequent consulting work…
Earth Surface Processes & Hazards, Especially Landslides, Floods, Forensic Geoscience; Deposition
Following three degrees in geology and a 99 percentile GRE score in geology, he established the geology degree undergraduate program at the University of Nebraska at Omaha in 1981. In his >40-year teaching career he has taught introductory physical and…
Public Safety, Occupational Health and Safety, Industrial Training and Course Development
A Workplace Accident and Injury Reduction Program, Expert has worked in the field of Accident Investigation for many years giving him the opportunity to research and establish sound reduction programs for various businesses. Expert has the ability to observe and…
Safety Consulting, Safety Engineering, Recreation Safety, Ergonomics, Fall Protection
Expert currently serves as a general safety and health consultant as a safety engineer, and has done so since 1978. This has involved General Safety Engineering Consulting with emphasis on worker safety, industrial product safety, third party safety, accident prevention,…
Forensic Engineering, Metallurgy and Materials Engineering, Failure Analysis
As a metallurgist and Professor of Engineering, he has taught about the microstructural design of cast irons and the properties associated with each microstructure. He has also investigated failures of cast iron components under varied service conditions. As a metallurgist…
Hydrographic Surveying, Shipping Accidents Resulting From Inaccurate Surveys, Expert Witness
He has investigated various shipping vessel grounding's. The most important one was the grounding of the Queen Elizabeth 2 off of Martha's Vineyard in 1992 and the subsequent trial in 1996 in a court in New York. He has investigated…
Safety, Ergonomics and Human Factors
Has provided workplace safety and injury reduction programs for several organizations including hospitals, industrial organizations and governmantal entities. Has investigated hundreds of product liability and personal injury accident cases in the area of human factors, safety, and industrial-organizational psychology. Issues…
Fasteners, Latching mechanisms, structures, aircraft decompression.
Expert has extensive experience in the nonlinear analysis of structures and metals behavior. He has developed algorithms that enable accurate nonlinear finite element analysis of metallic components and assemblies up to the point of failure. As Chairman of the joint…