Expert Directory
Having an expert witness or consultant at your side can help you navigate complex situations with confidence. These professionals understand your industry and excel at conveying crucial information, whether in a courtroom or a consulting environment. At Intellex, we have experts in over 30,000 areas in our database. We enable you to partner with an individual who has the knowledge, educational background, and relevant experience to support your needs effectively.
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Tire Condition Analysis, Application Investigation, CAT SQEP, Field Tire Testing, Expert Witnessing
Expert is a multilingual mechanical engineer with more than 16 years of experience in the tire industry. Most of his activity was as Technical Services Manager, covering all the products: PCR, LTR, TBS, and OTR. He has strong skills in…

Geostatistics, Multivariate Statistics, Site Characterization, Uncertainty Modeling, Sampling Design
Expert has 20 year experience in the geostatistical analysis of environmental data and health outcomes. He has more than 140 referred publications in the field of theoretical and applied geostatistics, including the 4th most highly cited textbook in geostatistics, totaling…

Military Ammunition Design, Production, Use, Misuse, and Field Forensics of Incidents/Malfunctions
Expert, by virtue of his 38 years of specialized employment at the U.S. Army Research, Development and Engineering Center, along with an additional 5 years as Senior Technical Expert for the Project manager's Office has achieved a base of technical…

HVAC and Refrigeration, Process Piping and Plumbing, Cleanroom Design, Hazard Occupancies, and Codes and Standards
Expert is principal and founder of a consulting LLC and is a consulting Mechanical Engineer specializing in the built environment; Expert provides: - Project Design and Management Consulting - Forensic Analysis and Litigation Consulting - Expert Testimony at Legal Proceedings…

Bulk Metal Forming, Forging, Modelling & Simulation, Process Improvement
Successful project facilitator with knowledge in the optimisation of key manufacturing process parameters used in the bulk metal forming and forging industries. An innovative and creative individual with strengths in problem solving, critical thinking and project management. Self-motivating with a…

Mixed Analog and Digital Microelectronics, Electrical Circuits and Systems, Forensic Engineering
Expert is a Licensed Professional Electrical, Electronics Engineer, and Expert Witness practicing forensic and technical electrical engineering consulting. His forensic engineering practice includes forensic investigation, advising, reporting and testimony in electrical, electronic, communication, and electro-mechanical control-system matters regarding intellectual property,…

Technology (IT) Related Projects: Implementation, Operations, and Services
Expert has lived and worked around the globe, enriching his life tremendously as well as given him significant experience advising and/or delivering on large-scale technology endeavours working for various large corporations and giants in the industry or their clients. Over…

Chemical Reactor Engineering, Chemical Process, Bioenergy, Biobased material
Expert has been investigating and teaching chemical reactor engineering for more than 20 years. Both homogeneous and multiphase reactors have been at the centre of the work. Practical applications includes: fuel preprocessing in fuel cell systems, gas cleaning (both chemically…

Facades, Building Envelopes, Glazed Roofs, Glass Structures, Design, QC, Building Commisioning
Expert has almost 40 years of experience in the facade industry and design. His expertise goes from the early stages of the facade design (teaming up with architects for competitions) up the the forensic analysis of existing facades. Design including…

Sustainability, Environmental Chemistry, Water and Wastewater Treatment
Treatability studies and process design for chemical, photochemical and biological treatment of groundwater, wastewater, and leachates. Utilization of respirometric technique for biological treatment of wastewater, soil bioremediation and evaluation of toxic effect of pesticides and heavy metals on biological systems.…