Intellex Acquires Expert by Big Village

We're thrilled to announce that Intellex has acquired Expert by Big Village, effective March 22, 2024. This strategic move enhances our capabilities and strengthens our commitment to delivering exceptional solutions to our customers.

Stay tuned for more updates on how this acquisition will benefit our clients and experts.

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Expert Directory


Having an expert witness or consultant at your side can help you navigate complex situations with confidence. These professionals understand your industry and excel at conveying crucial information, whether in a courtroom or a consulting environment. At Intellex, we have experts in over 30,000 areas in our database. We enable you to partner with an individual who has the knowledge, educational background, and relevant experience to support your needs effectively.

Utilize our expert finder tool to handpick the ideal mentor or consultant for your specific application.

ID: 726941 Arizona, USA

Product Development, Product Safety, Regulatory Compliance, Claims Support, Litigation Support

This expert has training and experience in the following areas: Safety of foods, cosmetics and their ingredients; and medical devices, pharmaceutical actives and excipients. Regulatory affairs related to foods, cosmetics, and medical devices. Product development of foods and cosmetics. Management…

ID: 726908 New Jersey, USA

Drug and Vaccine Adverse Effects, Standard of Care, Hepatitis

Expert is board certified in internal medicine with a focus on biomedical clinical research. He received his PhD in immunology and medical genetics from the Department of Microbiology at UCLA in 1977. He also received his MD from UCLA in…

ID: 726767 Malaysia

Analytical Chemistry, Chemical R&D, Biotech & Chemical Industry Analysis , Due Diligence

Expert has her PhD in Bio-inorganic chemistry and post-doctoral experience in Biophysics. She has worked in industrial chemical/pharma R&D departments as scientist for 10 years which involved heading Analytical departments of R&D. Later she moved to business analysis, market research…

ID: 726615 Texas, USA

Agricultural, Environmental, Biological, and Ecological Services: Herbicides, Soils, Fertilizer, Weed Sciences, and Plant Pathology

Litigation Expert Specialty Areas: Plant Physiology, Bioassay Tissue Sampling Pesticide/Herbicides/Insecticide/Fungicide Misuse Herbicide Spray Drift / Vaporization Soil, Plant, and Weed Issues GIS, GPS and Spacial Analysis Multispectral Imagery and Photography Crop Loss Due to Neglegence from Contaminants Ecological and Agricultural…

ID: 726604 California, USA

Bionanosciences, Nanomaterial interfacing & targeting, Cell biology & biophysics, Molecular imaging, Microscopy

The expert has been actively designing and developing surface chemistries and coatings that allow a controlled organic/inorganic interfacing of colloidal nanomaterials with biomolecules. Over the past 14 years, projects carried out by the expert have focused on engineering the surface…

ID: 726192 District of Columbia, USA

In Vitro Diagnostics, HPV, Women’s Health

Expert was an HPV market manager at Digene where she oversaw the marketing of HPV to clinical laboratories. In that capacity, she trained and converted clinical laboratories and gynecologists to run/request for the HPV test in addition to pap. She…

ID: 726152 North Carolina, USA

Plant Biotechnology, Greenhouse Design, Greenhouse Management, Plant Protocols

He has fourteen years of experience in the field of plant biotechnology managing the day to day production of greenhouse source plant targets for laboratory research. He has a unique skill set managing the successful production of corn for biotechnology…

ID: 726072 Texas, USA

Specialty Chemicals and Plastics, Marketing and Business Intelligence and Strategy

EXPERT has extensive experience designing and conducting complex marketing research projects, and in incorporating research results into marketing and business strategies for major corporate industrial and products clients. For example: - He conducted research to determine market segmentation and priority,…

ID: 726034 New Mexico, USA

Experimental Immunology, Virology, Specialist in Program Evaluation

Expert has extensive expertise in immunology including cellular and humoral immunology, basic immunobiology and immunochemistry, and antigen recognition. This expertise extends to veterinary immunology, cancer immunology and public health issues related to childhood vaccination protocols.

ID: 726014 Minnesota, USA

Intellectual Property and Patent Law: Chemicals, Materials, Energy, Biotech; and Chemical Engineering

He has extensive experience developing commercial biorefinery technologies for the production of chemicals, materials, and energy from biomass. He has developed patent-pending biorefinery technologies as lead inventor. He is aware of the spectrum of feedstocks, technology pathways, co-product opportunities, economic…

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