Web Coating Technology and Process Scale-Up
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Expert consults in all aspects of the web coating process and has experience in a wide range of coating process and product types. He has over 35 years expertise in the coating and drying of thin films, coating process development and scale-up, coating line design, coating formulation, manufacturing process technology, development polyester base development, film defect mechanisms and defect characterization techniques. He has extensive experience in designing coating application and drying machines and has experience with a wide variety of applicators. Expert provides services in the areas of process analysis, product and process development and scale-up, process troubleshooting, defect reduction, litigation support, and expert witnessing. He teaches courses in various aspects of the web coating process. Titles are “Web Coating Processes Technology,” “Troubleshooting Film Coating Defects: Analysis, Causes and Cures,” “Improving Product and Process Development,” and “Measurement Techniques for the Coating Process.” The courses can be modified to meet specific needs. He recently retired from DuPont Central Research and Development as a DuPont Fellow. He is co-editor of Modern Coating and Drying Technology and co-author of Coating and Drying Defects: Troubleshooting Operating Problems. He has given many presentations and lectures at technical meetings. He is Technical Consultant for AIMCAL (Association of Industrial Metallizers, Coaters and Laminators), was founding President and currently Treasurer of the International Society of Coating Science and Technology, and is a contributing author for Converting Magazine, and Paper, Film & Foil Converter. He has also been active in professional development and innovation activities for scientists and engineers.
Expert has extensive experience in a wide variety of coating and drying systems. He gas designed, optimized, and scaled up many coater dryer systems and has been involved with modernizing older coating lines.
He has experience in controlling bubbles using both physical and chemical methods.
Expert has experience in measuring and controlling interfacial tensions in the web coating process.
He has extensive experience in the measurement and classification of coating defects. He developed image analysis technology to characterize and quantify defects. He has worked on fundamental principles of defect formation in web coating systems.
Expert helped a client develop a new coating process for a new product.