Expert Details
Tooling, Engineering, Plant and Corporate Management, Supplier Development for Plastic Molding Proc

ID: 724542
Michigan, USA
Throughout Expert's career he has been respected as someone who will make a decision based on data and input from all levels, then take full responsibility for all outcome. This has been especially true since his retirement from General Motors in 1997. Evidence of this is Expert was hand picked by CEO's and V/P's from several different Corporations during his career to "turn around" poor performing plants within each Corporation. These plants were in several different states, union and non-union; plus different locations within Mexico, also some union and non-union. To accomplish this, one must have excellent communication skills at all levels, leadership ability, knowledge of the total manufacturing and management process, and a proven system to implement. Expert was very successful in improving the overall P&L at the facilities he was assigned.
Expert has successfully held multiple manufacturing positions throughout his career. These positions are from the very basic to Director of Operations of several plants. Starting as an apprentice tradesman on the shop floor, then to manufacturing engineering, maintenance management, senior tooling engineering and management, advanced engineering (including three patents), plant management and operations management for manufacturing. This has been accomplished both within General Motors and during his career after General Motors. Expert has received various awards for outstanding performance during his career within manufacturing.
As a result of Expert performance managing poor performing plants, he was promoted to operation management with additional responsibility to assist other sister plants. He reported to an area VP and was required to implement a standard operation system to improve overall performance. This system has become the standard for operations at several locations and other Corporations where Expert has been employed. It is a proven "Ten Commandments", when fully implemented, will improve the overall P&L. This was coupled with a complete management operations reportout financial system. In addition, Expert would evaluate, access, and make the required changes of all staff reporting to him; thus creating a team to implement all systems quickly and efficiently.
During Expert's career, he was selected to participate as at team member, when employed at General Motors, to evaluate the "best in class" global manufacturing companies. This resulted in the "Ten Commandments" discussed under operation management. The AT Kearney consultant group of Chicago lead this activity. The team traveled throughout North America, Asia, and Europe to develop these metrics and measurables. These metrics were reported out to top management as the basis for improving manufacturing within General Motors. One of the areas of interest was "organization structure" of "best in class". This study is the foundation f, coupled with his work experience, to redesign organizations he was responsible for. Expert's first task was to always evaluate and access all personnel, especially staff, to create the best possible team for success. His ability to accomplish this was especially evident during his assignment to the Mexico City Sarna facility. Within (8) months, the P&L went from negative to positive. Organization redesign was critical to achieve this this.
This is probably one of Expert's strongest areas of expertise. In 1999, he was assigned to a large tier one supplier plant that was plagued with Quality, delivery, and overall performance issues. His assignment was to identify all "hard and soft issues", then develop a recovery plan. It quickly became evident that the primary issues were the plant manager and some selected staff. Expert was empowered to make all required changes and was assigned as the plant manager. The metrics and measurables discussed in organization redesign were implemented. Within (6) months the plant had been removed from Fords Q1 Quality concern list and had exited from GM's top focus program. The P&L had improved to Corporate budget requirements. As a result of this activity, Expert was promoted to top "turn around plant manager" for the Corporation.
As reviewed in the plant management manufacturing management sections, Expert was assigned as a specialist to visit several different plants and review plant operation process and procedures with local plant management. He was empowered to implement standard operating metrics and measurables developed during his employment at General Motors and the AT Kearney project, as modified for the current Corporation he was employed with. These metrics and measurables were the standards to developing the overall Corporate Budget and Strategy. All plants were to have the same Vision, Strategy, Objectives, and Goals that supported Corporate budget and each plant product line. Expert was promoted as result of this activity.
As discussed in maintenance management, manufacturing, and plant management; Expert has experience and "hands on" training starting with tooling, engineering, floor activities, production, materials, and process. He has completed with honors the "share the knowledge" program as presented by General Electric for plastics. This program was developed to "train the trainers" with the intent to teach the complete plastic conversion process to all users of plastic resin. Expert was also responsible to implement a complete Quality System in the new startup General Motors facilities in Reynosa Mexico, complete with process and auditing standards. He was given special accommodations for this activity. These standards were later adapted by Corporations that Expert was employed by since retiring from General Motors.
Vendor control or supplier development is crucial to the success of any operation. During Expert's career in General Motors, he was assigned to Central Purchasing as an internal consultant to evaluate and review suppliers. This was closely monitored by the Supplier Control procedure within General Motors. Expert traveled to various states and into Mexico to evaluate and assist suppliers; given any Quality or delivery issues. He was also charged with finding new and improved suppliers with any special process or product that would enhance General Motors product lines or designs. As the plant manager and later Director of Operations for several plants, Expert was responsible to develop and monitor his supplier chain. This was facilitated by following the General Motors supplier development procedure and implementing procedures and metrics as discussed in standard operating procedures section.
The workforce management system that Expert has partially referred too under standard operating systems section is as follows. First, all meetings must correlate and support each other; which in turn will create the workforce management system. They should start with shift transfer meetings conducted by the shift supervisor or leader and Quality Control. This information should be compiled and used during daily Staff and production meetings to quickly identify any open issues. The daily Staff/production meetings should support a Weekly Quality Operating System (QOS); which in turn will support the monthly Corporate report out. The metrics should be as follows: 1. Financials as related to total sales, material, delivery, and labor. 2. Sales forecast. 3. Asset management. Human resource issues. 4. Customer satisfaction. 5. Plant performance metrics.
He has just completed a consulting assignment in Saltillo Mexico. The assignment consisted of evaluating the staff reporting to the CEO and to assist Employerto identify and implement plants within Mexico for the Ecoclean division of Durr. He assisted Walker Medical with changing a steel product to plastic. Expert also evaluated the skills of the Walker plastic tooling person.
Year | Degree | Subject | Institution |
Year: 1968 | Degree: Associate | Subject: Mechanical Engineering | Institution: Mott Comm. College |
Work History
Years | Employer | Title | Department |
Years: 2007 to Present | Employer: Undisclosed | Title: Consultant | Department: Ecoclean |
Responsibilities:He assisted with Employerentering the Mexican market. He reported to the CEO with the assignment to evaluate the staff who reported to the CEO. Several changes are currently being considered per this evaluation. |
Years | Employer | Title | Department |
Years: 2006 to 2007 | Employer: Walker Stainless | Title: Consultant | Department: Medical |
Responsibilities:He was assigned as a Plastic processing expert for medical. The main focus was to improve the complete plastics engineering staff at Walker. His role with Walker is still on going as required. |
Years | Employer | Title | Department |
Years: 2005 to 2006 | Employer: Palm Plastics | Title: General Manager | Department: Palm Manufacturing |
Responsibilities:He was employed as a "turn around" specialist for Operations. He reported directly to the owner and investors. |
Years | Employer | Title | Department |
Years: 2001 to 2005 | Employer: Sarna Motive Blue Water Plastics | Title: Director of Operations for North America | Department: North America Automotive |
Responsibilities:He was responsible for North American Operations, reporting to the CEO of North America. Expert's first assignment was to turn the Mexican facility from negitive to positive. This was completed year end 2001. The facility was laocated in Mexico City Mexico. He completly re-staffed hand picked people to continue after he was assigned to the US facilities. Expert was given special awards for this accomplishment. He also ensured that the proper metrics and measurables were in place and adhered too. Expert had (4) plants directly reporting to him in the US and (3) plants under a jurnior director reporting to him. Blue Water is a large tier one supplier to the automotive companies. |
Years | Employer | Title | Department |
Years: 1997 to 2001 | Employer: Key Plastics | Title: Plant Manager | Department: Automotive Plastics |
Responsibilities:He was employed as the "turn around" plant manager for several different plant locations. Expert reported to the division V/P and would evaulate, then manage troubled plants to improve their P&L. He would then make the required changes in staff and metrics to ensure success. Once this was accomplished in a facility, he would transfer to the next one. Expert managed plants in North America and Mexico for Key Plastics and negociated contracts with the Union. |
Years | Employer | Title | Department |
Years: 1965 to 1997 | Employer: General Mortors Corp. | Title: Senior Tooling Engineer. | Department: Fisher Body, Chevy, Delco Electronics. |
Responsibilities:Expert was first employed as an apprentice, then promoted to management in 1976. He held various positions as journeyman tool maker and master mold maker, 1st level, 2nd level, 3rd level manager in tooling and engineering, as well as senior engineer employed in various North American facilities and Mexico for General Mortors. Expert retired in 1997 with 33 years service and aquired (3) patents while employed at Delco Electronics |
International Experience
Years | Country / Region | Summary |
Years: 2001 to 2001 | Country / Region: Mexico City Mexico | Summary: He was the Director General of Sarna Mexico. All functions reported to Expert including Finance and Sales. |
Years: 1999 to 2000 | Country / Region: Chihauhau, Chihauhau | Summary: He was the Corporate expert for all new launch production plastic issues. |
Years: 1988 to 1997 | Country / Region: Matamoros and Reynosa Mexico | Summary: Expert was responsible for all plastics tooling and secondary equipment for staring up Delco Electronic Instrumentation and Display products for the Reynosa facility. He was also the Corporate expert for plastic tooling for the Audio Systems plant in Matamoros Mexico. |
Years: 1986 to 1988 | Country / Region: Matamoros Mexico | Summary: Expert was assigned to the Inland Fisher Guide plant to "turn around" the Mexican plastics department. Expert was the General supervisor for this large General Motors plastics facility. |
Career Accomplishments
Associations / Societies |
Society of Plastics Engineers |
Publications and Patents Summary |
Published plastic tooling article in Plastics Technology May 1995. Received (3) patents in plastics tooling and processing. |
Additional Experience
Expert Witness Experience |
Expert is currently retained as an expert witness with Valtec LLC as a management specialist for the plastics industry. At issue is, the current owner who Valtec has invested in is not qualified to manage plant operations which has resulted in a loss for the company. Expert is an expert on how organizations should be operated structured and is testifying as such. |
Training / Seminars |
He has set up a "Train the Trainers" program for plastics within Delco Electronics (GM). Expert was the internal expert who taught all new tooling apprentices coming into the program. Expert also was the "go to" expert within Delco Electronics with all new Design Engineers for audio systems within the US and Mexico. See resume. |
Vendor Selection |
He was assigned to Delco purchasing as the supplier evaluation expert for tooling, plastic processing, and to assist with price negotiations. Expert was responsible for large programs entering Mexico for production. This included suppliers for production support after program launch. As the Director General for Sarna Mexico in Mexico City, Expert was responsible for purchasing, sales, production, human resource, finance, and materials. As the Director of Operations (4) plants, Expert had a complete department all materials, inbound and outbound, with a comprehensive metric system to monitor this activity. |
Marketing Experience |
Expert was assigned to the A. T. Kearney Consulting company of Chicago. The vision of this assignment was to traverse Asia, Europe, and North America to evaluate and develop metrics and measurables that enabled companies to excel in profits and performance. He was the tooling and manufacturing expert of the team. This assignment was completed and fulfilled with a report out of metrics and measurables to high levels within General Motors. These metrics are in use today within General Motors. |
Other Relevant Experience |
Expert has extensive knowledge and skills with Union plants, especially within the UAW. He has received (3) patents for tooling and plastic processing. Expert is considered one of the top "turn around" plant managers available for plastic automotive plants within the US and Mexico. He has actual data to support this. |
Language Skills
Language | Proficiency |
Spanish | He understands and speaks at an entry level. |
Fields of Expertise
maintenance management, management decision-making, manufacturing, operations management, organization redesigning, self-directed work team, standard operating procedure, team building, plant management, plant operations management, process assessment, production process, vendor control, workforce management system, business process management, business, gap analysis, business valuation, business performance, business development, business startup, globalization, business ethics, small business, business strategy, business operations, cross-functional team, purchasing, outsourcing, business management, technical management, chemical plant operation, work team, North American Free Trade Agreement, supply chain management, pilot plant construction, product management, chemical plant management, chemical management, pilot plant process development, pilot plant operations management, pilot plant design, pilot plant, pilot plant studying, chemical pilot plant development, pilot plant scale-up, technology innovation, operational auditing, manufactured housing, business re-engineering, materials management, redesign process, power utility resource planning, product, technology transfer, new technology business value measurement, technology management, operations research, program evaluation-and-review technique, optimization, strategic planning, engineering management, inventory, waste reduction, vendor, quality management, quality engineering, project management, production control, process optimization, planning, management information system, decision support system, business process re-engineering