Surveying and Mapping, Boundary Disputes and all forms of measurements.
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Expert has been working with GPS since the late 80's where he went to the University of Maine and studied advanced geodetics and GPS theory. Expert has successfully blue booked projects for NGS and has been and still remains a leader in the technical advancements of GPS. He believes GPS is nothing more than a surveying tool that when properly utilized can result in high accuracy and greater efficiency. The problem in the surveying industry is the lack of theoretical knowledge among many of the GPS users. Expert has this knowledge and has been a leader promoting GPS use throughout the industry for over twenty (20) years. He is also well versed in mapping projections and coordinate systems, which go hand in hand with GPS. You will not find a more technical surveyor that is grounded in old school disciplines and advanced technical knowledge.
Expert holds a B.S. degree from the University of Maine in Orono. Expert had the luxury of studying under several of the foremost surveying and mapping professors in the country. During Expert's career he has become an expert with technology and the old school fundamentals of surveying. Expert is routinely sought out to solve complex boundary issues. Expert's approach is to always assume that the other party is correct until he can prove otherwise. This allows for open communication between other surveyors and attorneys. Boundary issues are not always about being right, they are about being diligent and humble enough to view all of the evidence openly and make a non-biased decision. Too many surveyors stick with a bad boundary decision even when they have been supplied with new evidence, simply out of ego. This is counterproductive to a client who is spending a large amount of money based on your Boundary decision. Expert is an expert in boundary surveying in Southeastern United States
Whether it be boundary issues, topography, volumes, horizontal or vertical control, hydrographic, route, or specific purpose surveys, Expert has the experience to make the difference on your project. You will not find a land surveyor with a more diverse background that will be able to solve all of your surveying needs. Expert is well versed in AutoCAD, Microstation, GPS, data collection, scanning, hydrographic sounders, etc... Expert has owned multiple surveying companies and even started surveying companies from scratch. This experience gives him the ability to know every aspect of the surveying industry, business and profession. No matter your surveying need, Expert is the expert that will make your project a success.
Expert is worked on a federal land boundary dispute case concerning rights of the public verses rights of the private land owner. This case involved riparian rights of a navigable water way in South Carolina. Expert was hired to establish geodetic control on a remote island utilizing static GPS.