Expert Details
Solution Development Leader

ID: 735665
California, USA
Year | Degree | Subject | Institution |
Year: 1985 | Degree: BS | Subject: Chemical Engineering | Institution: Bucknell University |
Year: 1985 | Degree: BA | Subject: Economics | Institution: Bucknell University |
Work History
Years | Employer | Title | Department |
Years: 2013 to 2018 | Employer: UOP Honeywell | Title: Solution Development Leader | Department: Integrated Process Solutions |
Responsibilities:Lead refinery configuration studies. The configuration studies provide technical and economic evaluations of multiple refinery configuration using linear programming, process models and kinetic models. As study lead, I manage the project, serve as the primary customer contact, and coordinate the team of programming and process specialists.Projects: • Major Refinery Expansion Project, South Asia • Oil Sands Upgrader expansion, North America • Grassroots refinery, Central America • Modular condensate refinery, North America • Oil-to-Chemicals complex, Middle East • Oil-to-Chemicals complex, East Asia • Grassroots refinery, South America • Refinery Master Plan, Australia Patents: • Two awarded: three product PSA gas separation, hydrotreater product separation • Four pending: integrated naphtha complex (hydrotreater, reformer, isomerization), LP vector automation, light crude/condensate fractionation, Enhanced aromatic yield reforming |
Years | Employer | Title | Department |
Years: 2011 to 2013 | Employer: Tesoro | Title: Lead Process Engineer | Department: Hawaii Refinery |
Responsibilities:Responsibilities:• Technical lead for Reformer, Light Ends, Gasoline Blending and Utilities. • Refinery Energy Coordinator. Accomplishments: • Designed the reconfiguration of the Refinery to a Storage and distribution Terminal. • Justified and coordinated Catalytic Reformer catalyst replacement. • Start-up of Mercury Removal unit and Reformer Air Pre-heater. • Optimized gasoline blending, modified naphtha splitter operations to increase gasoline yield by 2%, decrease benzene content by 30%. |
Years | Employer | Title | Department |
Years: 2006 to 2011 | Employer: Tesoro | Title: Production Superintendent | Department: Hawaii Refinery |
Responsibilities:Responsibilities:• In coordination with the Operations Superintendent, managed 40 people and processes to safely and efficiently operate Area 3, which includes: Tank Farm, product pipelines, Barge Harbor, Single Point Mooring, Fuel Treatment and Wastewater Treatment. • Coordinate PSM activities for Operations • Provide priorities and guidance for maintenance work and capital projects. Accomplishments: • Sustained efficient operations with multiple tanks out of service. • Modified Tank Farm procedures and configuration for changing product specs. • Continually improved work practices and built high performing team. • Rapidly and effectively responded to crises of sinking roofs, ruptured pipelines, process unit outages, and oil spills. |
Years | Employer | Title | Department |
Years: 1994 to 2000 | Employer: Tesoro | Title: Operations Planning and Supply Engineer | Department: Hawaii Refinery |
Responsibilities:Responsibilities:• Determine crude slate, operating modes, and product blends to maximize refinery profits. • Build, modify and update Linear Program model (PIMS) to predict and match refinery performance. • Perform margin analysis for complex capital projects, company budget, and business plans. • Evaluate the economics of crude and marketing contracts and strategies. • Quantify and analyze the economic performance of Refining and Supply. Accomplishments: • Developed Monthly Performance Review that provided metrics on performance of Planning, Crude Trading, Refining, and Marketing and quantified the impact of performance and key decisions on profitability. • Programmed major modifications to the LP model: redefined assay cutting methods, added logical crude units, and added delta based vectors to sub-models. • Modeled split degradation, mode specific limitations in multiple logical crude units, and graded properties on recursed swing cuts. • Provided economic justification for investments in mercaptan treating units and a crude unit overhead upgrade. • Produced the economic analysis rejecting a condensate splitter. |
Years | Employer | Title | Department |
Years: 1988 to 2006 | Employer: Tesoro | Title: Process Engineer | Department: Hawaii Refinery |
Responsibilities:Responsibilities:• Technical support, process design, and trouble shooting for refinery operations. • Developed start-up, shutdown, and operating procedures. Assignments: • Crude Unit (5 years) Distillate Hydrocracker (3 years) • Catalytic Reformer (4 years) Utilities (3 years) • Visbreaker (3 years) Wastewater Treatment (3 years) • Sulfur Recovery (1 year) Blending and Tank Farm (3 years) Accomplishments: • Designed Crude Unit Expansion from 80 MBPD to 95 MBPD. Project completed on time, under budget, better splits and higher efficiency. • Characterized refinery wastes, reviewed the contractor's design and designed off plot facilities for $22 million Wastewater Treatment Unit. • Multiple projects modifying the refinery rundown and blending systems. • Process Engineer for a new 400 gpm demineralizer and utility water upgrade. • Designed a flash drum system for the Distillate Hydrocracker which replaced a planned compressor saving $300K. • Optimization study of the crude unit using simulations increased Jet fuel yields by 4%. |
Career Accomplishments
Publications and Patents Summary |
• Two awarded: three product PSA gas separation, hydrotreater product separation • Four pending: integrated naphtha complex (hydrotreater, reformer, isomerization), LP vector automation, light crude/condensate fractionation, Enhanced aromatic yield reforming |
Fields of Expertise
petroleum refinery, petrochemical, Petroleum Refinery Engineering, petroleum refinery simulation, refinery operations, capital planning, chemical process economics, hydrocracking, catalytic reforming, chemical industrial wastewater treatment, crude oil market analysis, crude oil supply, crude distillation, linear programming