Expert Details
Software Development, Technical Writing, and Project Management
ID: 723910
Massachusetts, USA
Expert is aggressive about scheduling, flexible about changes in project plans, and takes much satisfaction from working with a productive team. His work habits show two key qualities: a quick grasp of complex concepts and processes over a wide range of software and hardware technologies; and a methodical approach to large doc projects, which yields orderly execution, on-time completion, and uniformly high quality.
Develop Online Help for Specialized Accounting Software: Centive develops a web-based application to calculate and track incentive compensation for companies’ finance and sales departments. Redesigned and rewrote a large HTML help system. Prepared it for migration from RoboHelp to Flare. Centive, Burlington, MA, June 2006 – February 2007, technical publications manager.Prepare Quality Assurance User Guides for a Major Medical Supplier: Documentation for the quality assurance database and data entry system at Tyco Healthcare needed extensive improvements. Developed new reference tables, procedures, images, and summaries of key functions for three separate guides. Update User’s Guides for MATLAB Toolboxes: Write and edit reference pages and tutorial material for The MathWorks’ financial toolboxes. Developed release notes and demonstrations, and managed other editing projects. The MathWorks, Natick, MA, October 2005 – January 2006, senior software writer.Eclipse-Based HTML Help System: Developed an extensive help system for Pathfinder’s model transformation toolset. HTML help deployed in Eclipse, an open source platform for software developers. Prepared XML files for the help system’s table of contents. Pathfinder Solutions, Foxboro, MA, March – August 2005, writer, editor, and publisher.Medical Testing for Pharmaceuticals: Prepared technical documentation for Image Therm’s SprayVIEW system, used to bring greater reliability, accuracy, and efficiency to the testing of nasal sprays. Used to develop and test spray pumps and medications for FDA approval. Image Therm Engineering, Inc., Sudbury, MA, September 2002 – January 2003, lead writer and project manager.
Year | Degree | Subject | Institution |
Year: 1987 | Degree: PhD | Subject: Politcal Science | Institution: University of Iowa |
Year: 1984 | Degree: MA | Subject: Political Science | Institution: University of Iowa |
Year: 1976 | Degree: BA | Subject: History | Institution: Reed College |
Work History
Years | Employer | Title | Department |
Years: 1997 to 2006 | Employer: TechWrite Publishing | Title: Principal | Department: |
Responsibilities:Writing, editing, and publishing services to technology firms in greater Boston |
Years | Employer | Title | Department |
Years: 2004 to 2005 | Employer: Pathfinder Solutions | Title: Technical Publications Manager | Department: |
Responsibilities:Software development tools for embedded systems engineers |
Years | Employer | Title | Department |
Years: 1997 to 2002 | Employer: Techniscribe, Inc. | Title: Senior Technical Writer and Vice-President | Department: |
Responsibilities:Marketing, project management, and technical publishing |
Years | Employer | Title | Department |
Years: 1987 to 1997 | Employer: University of Wisconsin – Madison, Hopkins-Nanjing Center, and Carthage College | Title: Professor | Department: Political Science |
Responsibilities:Available upon request. |
Years | Employer | Title | Department |
Years: 1978 to 1982 | Employer: United States Navy | Title: Officer | Department: |
Responsibilities:Specialized in radar and communications equipment. |
Fields of Expertise
computer software, information management, marketing software, product information management, project management, software development tool, software project management, technical communication, technical writing, DO-178B, .Net, video writing, knowledge management, project review, business management, business intelligence, technical editing, project assessment, information content, information delivery, technical marketing, application development system, software design, electronic system program management, technical video writing, writing, computer software technology innovation, application software, technology management, project management software selection, technical documentation process, information, communication, information technology, marketing, technical document, software engineering, project scheduling, project planning, planning, management information system, executive information system