Expert Details
Software Development, Spatial Data Processing, Image Processing, and Earth Observation
ID: 729201
United Kingdom
Expert is also coordinator for four open source software projects:
* Remote Sensing and GIS Library - a C++ library for processing spatial raster, vector and point cloud data in an efficient manor and over large datasets. This software library provide the community with direct access to our research.
* The Sorted Point Data Library is a new file format for the efficient storage and processing of 3D point data. Base on HDF5 the library defines a standard means of storing 3D point data with a gridded index allowing raster like performance for 3D point data.
* The SPD 3D Points Viewer is a 3D OpenGL viewer for 3D point data stored within an SPD file.
* The RSGISLib XML Editor provides a GUI linked to the rsgislib software library and allows the xml scripts of
rsgislib to be edited and executed while also providing useful templates.
His research focuses on the understanding of forest ecosystems in terms of carbon dynamics, biodiversity and the changes in these systems with the onset of climate change (e.g., drought) and increased human disturbance.
In particular his research concentrates on new and innovative algorithms for the segmentation and classification of remotely sensed imagery and 3D point clouds. More specifically, the work focuses on the segmentation of the landscape into scale dependent segments (e.g., tree crowns) for classification of forest structure, biophysical properties and species. Additionally, the effects of scale are being studied, particularly in relation to scaling
up classifications of high resolution imagery to lower resolution imagery over larger areas (e.g., landscapes to regions).
Year | Degree | Subject | Institution |
Year: 2007 | Degree: Ph.D. | Subject: Remote Sensing and Image Processing | Institution: University of Wales, Aberystwyth |
Year: 2004 | Degree: BEng | Subject: Software Engineering | Institution: University of Wales, Aberystwyth |
Work History
Years | Employer | Title | Department |
Years: 2007 to Present | Employer: Undisclosed | Title: Lecturer | Department: Institute of Geography and Earth Sciences |
Responsibilities:Expert teaches both undergraduate and postgraduate courses in remote sensing and GIS. |
International Experience
Years | Country / Region | Summary |
Years: 2004 to 2005 | Country / Region: Germany | Summary: Expert worked for Definiens AG while conducting the first year of his Ph.D., during this time he developed algorithms, using the eCognition image classification and segmentation software, for the delineation and classification of individual tree crowns to species. |