Skin Cancer and Mohs Surgery, Cosmetic Surgery and Facial Plastic Reconstruction
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Expert is board certified in dermatology with a subspecialty in mohs micrographic surgery by the American Board of Dermatology and the American College of Mohs Micrographic Surgery. She received her M.D. from Boston University in 1999 after receiving her M.A. in 1993 in Medical Sciences. She did her internship in general medicine in Florida, and then completed her resident training in dermatology in New York in 2003 and additional fellowship training in mohs micrographic surgery in California in 2004.
Expert, M.D. works specifically with Moh micrographic surgery and dermatologic surgery. She has numerous publications in the field of skin cancer and carcinoma, surgical reconstruction, cutaneous surgery and other dermatology related topics. She has also given numerous lectures and presentations national-wide on dermatological surgery.
Expert has presented and published articles on topics such as surgical reconstruction with rhombic transposition flap, z-plasty, dermatologic surgery volunteerism, squamous cell carcinoma, PIBIDS - type trichotyiodystrophy, skin cancer, cutaneous surgery, mohs surgery, auricular nerve anastomosis, skin allergy, basal cell carcinoma, treating facial rhytides with Botulinum A and B toxins, managing the obstructive airway, treating epidermal nevus with isotretinoin, and angiosarcoma. One of her major publications is on the history of skin grafting, published in 2002; she has also co-founded and authored a chapter in a study guide and practice exam on allergen dermatology, which is used by medical and resident students nationwide in the practice of dermatology.
She is an advocate speaker on the prevention and treatment of surgical infections and how to deal with other problems including bleeding during surgery. She has published a procedural and protocol article on the reconstruction of a large surgical defect particularly focused on the lower eyelid and cheek (facial reconstructive surgery).
Her expertise as a dermatologist particularly on skin cancer has provided her with the opportunity to be a guest speaker for an AM Radio show sponsored by the American Cancer Society and a headline news hour hosted by CNN and Comcast Newsmakers. She has also given presentations and provided media consultation (on television and/or on the radio) on fighting skin cancer with your bare body, the importance of sunscreen, the danger of tanning, the secrets to youthful skin and how to detect, treat and prevent skin cancer.