Intellex Acquires Expert by Big Village

We're thrilled to announce that Intellex has acquired Expert by Big Village, effective March 22, 2024. This strategic move enhances our capabilities and strengthens our commitment to delivering exceptional solutions to our customers.

Stay tuned for more updates on how this acquisition will benefit our clients and experts.

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Expert Details

Senior Software Engineer / IT Architect / Java Dev

ID: 738934 Belgium

Request Expert

Expert is a Senior Software Engineer, with 17 years of experience in software development, integrations and process automation, focusing on Backend, Java, Web, Microservices, Rest-APIs and Databases. He is experienced in analysis, design, development, maintenance, code review and support. He is competent in architecture and software design. Expert has a strong use of UML, OO, software design patterns and class modeling. He has mature experience in Agile / Scrum / Kanban, and is familiar with front-end technologies.

Industry experience: Government/Defense; Oil, Gas & Energy; Telecom; Aviation/Transportation; Education; Banking/Financial; Biotech/Medical

- Java
- Agile
- Hibernate
- Maven
- Spring
- Web Services
- APIs
- Databases
- Microservices
- Git

- Big system from scratch to Prod: Worked in full development life cycle, from scratch to production roll-out, on a 3.000 function point size system at Petrobras to manage the engineering workforce.
- More than 50 successful sprints: Ran and delivered more than 50 successful Scrum sprints in a 5-7 people dev team at CASNAV as team-leader, having completed / evolved more than 60 use cases / stories.
- Real-time Electronic Vote System: Designed and developed an electronic voting system for the Brazilian Navy, totally web-based using innovative technology in a master-slave real-time communication env.
- Technical Review on Java Book: Made technical review and partial translation on the 1128 pages book


Year Degree Subject Institution
Year: 2018 Degree: MBA Subject: Software Engineering (Master) Institution: Federal University of Rio de Janeiro (UFRJ)
Year: 2018 Degree: Post-graduation Subject: Information Technology and Communications Management Institution: Cândido Mendes University (UCAM)
Year: 2006 Degree: BSc Subject: Electrical Engineering - Telecom emphasis Institution: State University of Rio de Janeiro (UERJ)

Work History

Years Employer Title Department
Years: 2022 to Present Employer: Undisclosed Title: R&D Software Engineer / IT Consultant Department:
Project BMS (Beam Management System): allocated on Innovation & Development Software Engineering team, for software development and maintenance to support medical devices and software solutions for innovative cancer treatments. Proton therapy software specialized.

Responsibilities: Senior IT Consultant / Research & Development Engineer. Design and implementation of user requirements and also prototyping solutions. Use of Agile/Scrum/Kanban. TDD and code review practices. Troubleshooting for labs & hardware equipments. Participating in investigations, technical definitions and solutions with teams/customers.

Technologies: Java 11, JEE, JPA, Hibernate, Oracle DB, HsqlDB, JPQL/HQL/SQL, IntelliJ IDE, Functional Programming, TDD, BDD, Tomcat, Spring MVC, Spring security / OWASP, Maven, Junit, DbUnit, Mockito, JSON, REST Webservices, Rest APIs, Swagger, Postman Rest Client, XML, XSD, JAXB, UML, Logback, Sonar Qube/Lint, Nexus Repository, TeamCity, Upsource, SVN, Git / Git Bash / GitLab, Atlassian toolset (Jira, BitBucket, Confluence, Stash, Bamboo), Docker / Docker-Compose, Agile development with Scrum/Kanban. Linux / Unix environments.
Years Employer Title Department
Years: 2021 to 2022 Employer: Worldline Ingenico TMS e-Payments (via Oliver James) Title: Senior Software Engineer / IT Consultant Department:
Projects TMS - Xenturion / XPS / WSS / PayView / TEM: Development and maintenance of web-systems for digital payments on electronic terminals for the European leader in financial services Worldline / Ingenico.

Responsibilities: Technical Leader. Design and implementation of user requirements and prototyping solutions. Use of Agile/Scrum/Kanban. Definition of development processes. TDD and code review practices. Participating in technical definitions with project teams/customers.

Technologies: Java 8, JEE, JPA, Hibernate, Oracle DB, HsqlDB, MySQL, PostgreSQL, JPQL/HQL/SQL, IntelliJ, Functional Programming, TDD, Tomcat, JBoss Wildfly, Spring MVC/Security, OWASP CVEs, Maven, Ant, Junit/DbUnit, Mockito, JSON, REST Webservices/APIs, Swagger, Postman, XML/XSD, JAXB, Logging, Sonar Qube/Lint, Nexus and Artifactory, TeamCity, Apache Mina and State Machines, DF-Util USB, UUU, Security (PKCS, WS-Security, JAS/Ldap Auth, X509 Certificates), DI & IoC, Crypto (BouncyCastle, HSM, DEP, PKI, Symmetric/Asymmetric), Android/ADB devices integration and testing, SVN, Git/Git-Bash/GitLab, Atlassian toolset (Jira, BitBucket, Confluence, Stash, Bamboo), Docker/DockerCompose, Agile development Scrum/Kanban. Linux/Windows env.
Years Employer Title Department
Years: 2021 to 2021 Employer: National Belgium Bank - NBB (via Koda Staff) Title: Senior Software Engineer / IT Consultant Department:
Project CashSSP2: Development and maintenance of web-systems for cash management in the National Bank. Financial reporting and cash movement management for 9 Central Banks in European Union.

Responsibilities: Implementation of user requirements and prototyping solutions. Use of methodology Agile / Scrum / Kanban. Development and integration of technological components. BDD, TDD, and code review practices. Participating in tech meetings with project teams/customers.

Technologies: Java 8, JEE, JPA, Hibernate, Oracle DB, HsqlDB, JPQL/HQL/SQL, IntelliJ IDE, Functional Programming, TDD, Tomcat, DI & IoC, Spring (MVC, Data, Batch, AOP, Security), OWASP, Maven, Junit, DbUnit, EasyMock, Angular, Apache CXF, Jax-RS, JSON, REST Webservices, Rest APIs, Postman, Rest Security / JWT / E-Tag, XML, XSD, JAXB, iReport, UML, Log4J / SL4J, Sonar Qube/Lint, Nexus Repository, Oracle SQL Developer, Cucumber BDD Test Suite / Gherkin / Arqullian, Git / Git Bash, Atlassian toolset (Jira, BitBucket, Confluence, Stash, Bamboo).
Years Employer Title Department
Years: 2017 to 2020 Employer: European Comission (via CRI Group) Title: Senior Software Engineer / Application Architect Department:
Project SyGMa / PPGMS: Development and maintenance, on configurable web systems for Grant Agreement and Management. Resources analysis, financial reporting, workflow, notifications, multiple app integrations in the EU.

Responsibilities: Implementation of user requirements and prototyping solutions. Use of methodology Agile / Scrum / Kanban. Use of DDD and Event Driven Architecture (EDA) based solutions. TDD, pair programming and code review practices. Managing application configuration, builds, deployments and versions. Requirements gathering with customers.

Technologies: Java 8, JEE, JPA, Hibernate, Oracle DB, JPQL/SQL, Eclipse IDE, Functional Programming, Oracle Weblogic 12, DI & IoC, JMS, EJB 3, CDI, Maven, Junit, Mockito, AngularJS, Vaadin, HTML, CSS3, JSON, XML, XSD, JAXB, SOAP and REST Webservices, CQRS, SOAP UI, DDD, Event Sourcing, Microservices, iText PDF, UML, Rational Team Concert, Log4J / SL4J, Jenkins CI/CD, Sonar Qube, Kibana, Nexus Repository, Oracle SQL Developer, Enterprise Architect / Archimate, Fitnesse Test Suite, Git, BitBucket, Jira, Confluence, Bamboo, Linux server.
Years Employer Title Department
Years: 2016 to 2017 Employer: Infnet Technology Institute (Extra / Independent activity) Title: Instructor/Teacher for Technical College Department:
Teaching Java, UML, Data Modelling & Object Orientation (OO) on Information Systems course graduation on Analysis and Systems Development.

Responsibilities: Teaching Java, UML, Data Modelling and OO concepts for a class of graduation students. Presented discipline content, improved materials, and promoted use of tools and techniques. User of Competence Based Learning (CBL) / Project Based Learning (PBL) for practical and innovative learning. Managed schedules, assessments & class activities.

Technologies: Java, Oracle, PostgreSQL, MySQL, CA ERwin Data Modeler, Sparx Enterprise Architect / Archimate, AstahUML, StarUML, SQL, Moodle.
Years Employer Title Department
Years: 2013 to 2017 Employer: CASNAV - Navy Systems Analysis Centre (via FEMAR) Title: Application Architect / Dev Team Leader Department:
Project SisCPO: Development and design on a web system for Brazilian Navy – human resources analysis, multiple systems integrations, voting career promotions, resource mgmt. Agile/Scrum/Kanban. ISO 9001-2008, MPS.BR F.

Responsibilities: Design and architecture in web apps, implementing user requirements and prototyping solutions. Application configuration, builds, deployments, and version control. Coordinating Agile Scrum dev team and supported test & business team. TDD, pair programming and code review practices. Integrated components & apps. Mentoring & dev task assigning.

Technologies: Java / J2EE, JPA, Hibernate/EclipseLink, PostgreSQL, Oracle, JPQL/HQL/SQL, Eclipse IDE, Apache Tomcat, DI & IoC, Spring MVC, Spring Security, Maven, JUnit, Selenium, HTML5, JSP, Ajax, JQuery, CSS3, Bootstrap, Javascript, JSON, Probe, UML, XML, XSD, Xtream, JAXB, SOA Webservices, SOAP, LDAP, Quartz, iText, Jasper Reports, iReport, AspectJ, Cryptography (AES, RSA, SHA, MD5), Websockets, Subversion (SVN), Log4J, SL4J, Jenkins, Sonar Qube, RedMine, FindBugs, Pencil prototype, Sparx Enterprise Architect (EA) / Archimate, Unix/Linux envs.
Years Employer Title Department
Years: 2008 to 2013 Employer: Petrobras S/A - Oil, Gas & Energy (via Avanti / Dclick) Title: Senior software engineer / Product Leader Department:
Project SSOV3 / PAE / SIG: Worked on a web system for Oil & Gas technical people qualification, equipment inspection, engineering task planning, and workflow. ISO 9001-2008.

Responsibilities: Made development, maintenance, and customer support. Developed & integrated new modules from scratch until prod. Coordinated dev team and supported test (QA) & business. Technical documentation of systems & architecture, Mentor/task assigning for devs.

Technologies: Java / J2EE, Oracle, SQL Server, SQL / PL-SQL, DB Triggers / Procedures / Functions, Eclipse IDE, BEA Weblogic, Hibernate, EhCache, Adobe Flex, Visual Source Safe (VSS), Maven, Ant, JUnit, DbUnit, HTML, JSP/Servlets, Javascript, CSS, XML, UML, Jasper Reports, iReport, ClearCase, Rational Requisite Pro, CVS, SVN, Log4J, Jenkins, Sonar Qube, Nexus Repository, FindBugs, JProfiler, Enterprise Architect (EA), Erwin.
Years Employer Title Department
Years: 2012 to 2013 Employer: Alta Books - Tech Publisher (Extra / Independent activity) Title: Independent Technical Reviewer and Translator Department:
Technical Publishing Revision for books and magazines.

Responsibilities: Technical review and translation of publishing office's technical books / electronic publishing in Brazil. Partial or total translation in tech texts, specially in code blocks and examples. Freelance activity.

Reference : Java, The complete reference - 7th Edition PT-BR.
Technologies: Java, J2EE, JSP, Servlets, UML, SQL, HTML.
Years Employer Title Department
Years: 2006 to 2008 Employer: WFMS - Work Force Management System (via EDS/HP Company) Title: Software Developer Department:
Telecom project. Development, maintenance, and support on a call center workforce management system. Outsourcing. ISO 9001-2000, CMMI 5.

Responsibilities: Responsible for development, maintenance, and providing customer support in client-server applications. Developed new modules from scratch, re-engineering legacy systems. Implementation of business requirements, prototyping, and system integration testing.

Technologies: Java, Swing, Log4J, NetBeans IDE, CORBA, C, C++, StarTeam, Citrix, running on Unix and Windows environment.
Years Employer Title Department
Years: 2006 to 2006 Employer: VRS - Volume & Rating Solution (via EDS/HP Company) Title: System Analyst / Billing Cycle Operator Department:
Telecom project. Execution, maintenance, and support of a telecom’s billing cycle. Outsourcing contract. ISO 9001-2000, CMMI 5.

Responsibilities: Responsible for running the billing cycle, verifying inputs and outputs for correct execution, and technical support. Performed small developments and solved related defects and issues. Application testing and validation. Draft technical documentation and modelling artifacts.

Technologies: Java, Single View Billing Tool, Oracle Database, SQL queries, MS Access, MS Excel, Perl scripts, Shell Scripts, Log4J, Visual Source Safe (VSS), FTP, Citrix, running on a Unix and Windows envs.
Years Employer Title Department
Years: 2005 to 2006 Employer: US Airways - Flight Operations & Kiosk (via EDS/HP Company) Title: Application Developer Department:
Aviation project. Development, maintenance, and support of a kiosk equipment application placed at US and Canada airports Kiosk AppTeam.

Responsibilities: Developed, tested, and maintained application modules working on a client-server application, using C on server-side and Java on client-side, connecting to SABRE Airlines Reservation System. Provided production support 24x7 on-call, required for 1 week every month. Worked on customer services solving defects and issues. Testing and validation.

Technologies: Java, Eclipse IDE, Log4J, C, C++, Ant, Gdb, Citrix, SABRE Reservation System, Visual Source Safe (VSS), on Unix and Windows envs.
Years Employer Title Department
Years: 2004 to 2004 Employer: SBC Toll Free (via EDS/HP Company) Title: Software Developer Department:
Telecom project. Development of a Telecom corporate website, for toll free calls/records management. Outsourcing contract. ISO 9001-2000, CMMI 5.

Responsibilities: Implemented, tested, and maintained a corporate Web application. Procedures for connectivity and querying. Implemented of user requirements and prototyping. Technical meetings & project teams.

Technologies: Java & J2EE, JSP, Servlets, HTML, CVS, JDBC, Eclipse IDE, Citrix, Tomcat, WebSphere, MySQL, SQL scritps, on Unix / Windows env.

Career Accomplishments

Licenses / Certifications
SCJP - Sun Java Certified Programmer
SUN / Oracle OCJP - 2005

Language Skills

Language Proficiency
Portuguese Native
English Proficient
French Proficient
Spanish Intermediate
Dutch Beginner

Fields of Expertise

Request Expert

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Matched Rewrite Query: experts=senior-software-engineer-it-architect-java-dev&page=
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