Expert Details
Semiconductor Packaging and Assembly, Systems Engineering, and Materials Science.
ID: 725326
California, USA
Expert has designed a new methodology for solder-free electronic packaging and assembly, for integrating multiple semiconductor components into 3D electronic systems or modules or subsystems. The modules can include stacked chips, including new methods for testing the miniaturized assembly, as well as new cooling methods involving chilled water circulating in copper cooling channels. The methodology is supported by several issued patents and over 20 additional patents in progress.
Expert learned the art of patent writing from the late Aldo Test, an icon in Silicon Valley patent history. He has authored over 30 patents, and recently sold a small group of patents to a large Asian manufacturer for $150,000. He has developed a methodology for leveraging provisional patents as a means to test marketability, thereby controlling costs of large patent portfolios.
Expert has invented a novel structure for an improved low-k dielectric material for semiconductor wafer manufacture. By performing an extra mask step, a dielectric constant of 1.9 is achievable in 2008. The International Technology Road Map for Semiconductors (ITRS) has indicated a critical need for such low-k dielectric materials, and this design could provide a supporting solution out to 2015. The novel structure includes a binary combination of existing materials, and overcomes the limitations of each.
Expert has invented two different types of flip chip connectors. The first is a pillar-in-well connector that can support 80 micron pitch, in assemblies that can be easily tested and reworked. This connector can provide almost zero insertion force, by providing a liquid conductive ink in the wells; this solution can be leveraged for wafer level testing of microprocessors for example, having over 350,000 simultaneous probe points on a 300 mm wafer. The second flip chip connector supports solder-free assembly, and utilizes an elastic columnar element. Expert has consistently emphasized the fundamental performance of rework, for locating and replacing defective chips in a complex assembly.
Expert has invented a novel approach for cooling semiconductor assemblies, particularly for servers, supercomputers, and data centers. He has described a stacked architecture having integrated cooling channels; the channels are formed using copper substrates employing well known and trusted methods. By providing 5 liters/min of chilled water, 20,000 W of heat can be extracted. Peak junction temperatures can be held to 40 degrees Centigrade for example, for improved reliability and increased transistor speed.
Expert has invented a new form of Built In Self Test (BIST) for the system level. By providing a socketed FPGA test chip in the integrated assembly, functional testing at the system level can be accomplished at full speed and full power. The result can be superior to functional testing performed by million dollar testers, yet can be performed at low cost. The test chip accepts streaming data from the system bus, and can detect any deviation during a full work out of the system.
He assisted attorneys at Lowrey, LLP in an international patent litigation case involving companies in the United States, Europe, and Korea. He analyzed over 100 patents, creating claim charts for each one. He performed tear downs and testing on a television set, a computer monitor, and multiple OEM displays.For ESL, a subsidiary of TRW, he performed systems engineering services on the Trailblazer program, a ground-based reconnaissance system involving signal intercept and direction finding.
Year | Degree | Subject | Institution |
Year: 1972 | Degree: EE (doctorate level) | Subject: Device Physics & Materials Science | Institution: Northeastern University |
Year: 1970 | Degree: MSEE | Subject: Electrical Engineering | Institution: Northeastern University |
Year: 1967 | Degree: BE | Subject: Electrical Engineering | Institution: Auckland University, New Zealand |
Work History
Years | Employer | Title | Department |
Years: 2001 to Present | Employer: Undisclosed | Title: Owner | Department: |
Responsibilities:Expert is an expert witness and consultant, specializing in semiconductor packaging, assembly and test, and systems engineering. |
Years | Employer | Title | Department |
Years: 2007 to Present | Employer: Undisclosed | Title: Vice President | Department: |
Responsibilities:Expert is developing new technology for electrostatic motors and generators. |
Years | Employer | Title | Department |
Years: 1997 to 2001 | Employer: The Salmon Group, LLC | Title: CTO | Department: |
Responsibilities:Expert invented solid state printing using electrostatic processes. He led a development group comprising a core team of system engineers, plus multiple consultants and suppliers. |
Government Experience
Years | Agency | Role | Description |
Years: 2006 to 2006 | Agency: SBIR | Role: Principle Investigator | Description: Developed design for electrostatic motor applied to confined area drilling. |
International Experience
Years | Country / Region | Summary |
Years: 1966 to 1967 | Country / Region: New Zealand | Summary: He performed as Assistant Electrical Engineer to the Tauranga Municipal Electricity Department. |
Career Accomplishments
Associations / Societies |
IEEE CNSV; IEEE CPMT; Inventor's Alliance; SVEWG; Meptec; RTG. |
Awards / Recognition |
He won "Best of Conference" award at International Wafer Level Packaging Congress, San Jose, California, 2005. |
Publications and Patents Summary |
He has 13 issued patents and over 20 additional patents in progress. He has presented 6 technical papers or presentations since 2005. |
Additional Experience
Expert Witness Experience |
He provided expert consulting to Howrey, LLP in a major LCD display case involving companies in the United States, Europe, and Korea. He reviewed a portfolio of over 100 patents, and prepared a claim chart for each. He performed tear-downs and testing on a television set, a computer monitor, and several OEM displays. |
Marketing Experience |
His systems engineering experience at defense and commercial companies has proven to be useful in patent litigation cases. It enables him to see "the big picture", including technical aspects, business aspects, and even aspects relating to the personalities involved. |
Other Relevant Experience |
As an author of over 30 patents, he understands the inventor's point of view. Electrical engineering, semiconductor packaging, systems engineering, materials science, flip chip, connector, assembly, test methodology, rework, cooling method, process, socket, interposer, high speed functional test, built in self test (BIST), high voltage, electrostatic printer, electrostatic motor, generator, digital printing press, energy efficient, reconnaissance, military systems, aerospace, defense, technology, patent, prosecution, expert witness, litigation, testimony, deposition, reports, oral, written, intellectual property, patent, evaluation, valuation, writing, solder-free, integration, copper substrate, cooling channel, miniaturized assembly, print head, thermal printer, integrated circuit, wafer, panel, module, inventor, repairable, maintainable, stacked, server, data center, consultant, hybrid, component, coulomb force, electronic charge, imaging, hard copy, prototype, proof-of-concept, reference design, specification, requirement, analysis, flow-down, tracking, concept of operation, invention, creativity, novel, idea, conception, torque, power, compact, power-to-weight, energy density, flux, dielectric, Gaussian surface, tear-down, variable printing, binary material, composite |
Fields of Expertise
digital printing, electronic packaging technology, ideation, legal patenting, material product development, semiconductor assembly engineering, semiconductor device thermal management, testing, package design, consumer product ergonomics, semiconductor wafer inspection, overall cycle time, new consumer product development, inorganic material performance, plastic product development, electronic packaging industry, time-to-market, digital photography, discrete semiconductor device, semiconductor device package sealing, semiconductor device packaging material, semiconductor device package reliability, chip carrier, component lead, packaged product, integrated-circuit package, semiconductor device package, voice of the customer, product reliability improvement, product management, digital data, product testing, fiber-optic component product development, design for cost, package cost reduction, product manufacturing, electronic packaging, technology innovation, electrophotographic printer, new product design, integrated product development, non-impact printing product development, electrical product development, device product development, reverse engineering, digital signal, production process, consumer product design, design for manufacturability, new product development, new product assessment, semiconductor device packaging process, research and development, research and development management, technology management, medical device packaging design, electronic product development, product design, new product development management, laser digital-imaging system, semiconductor wafer, semiconductor chip, design process, innovation, package, electrophotography, semiconductor device, packaging process, package testing, laser printer, image processing