Expert Details
Rheology, Nanotechnology, Particulate/Multiphase Processes, Chemical Engineering.

ID: 728844
Minnesota, USA
Chemical engineering is a combination of unit operations and unit processes. Unit operations are physical operations such as size change operations (size reduction, size enlargement), separations (staged, continuous), mixing, and transport (momentum, heat, mass). Unit processes are chemical reactions -
inorganic/organic and homogeneous/heterogeneous. There is hardly any unit operation or unit process involving a fluid phase that is not influenced by fluid 'rheology'. Expert has extensive experience studying the rheology of various material forms encountered in the process industry - powders, semisolids, suspensions, emulsions, foams, aerosols, solutions, and melts.
Expert's laboratory has a state-of-the-art rheometer equipped with major accessories - different geometries (cone-plate, parallel plate, concentric cylinder); bicone and Du Nouy ring for surface and interfacial rheology; peltier plate for temperature control; environmental test chamber for work with polymer melts. Rheological testing capabilities include - stress controlled, rate controlled; rotational, oscillatory; steady, transient; temperature and frequency sweeps, steady shear, thixotropy, stress relaxation, creep-recovery, and more. Glass transition temperatures, gelation points, scaling factors (fractal dimensions, aspect ratios) of structures (micro-/nano-) are among the many characteristics studied frequently. Expert has used rheology as the basis to solve problems as phase separations (syneresis, creaming, sedimentation) and other types of instabilities in various structured fluids.
Expert has optimized processes and products/formulations based on rheology where appropriate. Expert has used a variety of instruments - SEM, enviro-SEM, cryo-TEM, PCS, SAXS, AFM, etc. - to supplement rheological evaluations. He has used image analysis of the dispersed (particles, droplets, bubbles) phase to determine size distributions (mean Sauter diameter, polydispersity index), shapes (circularity, sphericity), etc. and quantified the influence of these and other relevant parameters as contact angles (dynamic, micro) and surface tensions on dispersion rheology.
Expert has successfully developed two types of viscometers for his industrial clients - a pipeline viscometer (for coal-water, coal-oil) and a rotational viscometer (for aqueous dense suspensions like those of barytes, ferrosilicon, galena, magnetite). The slurries have been characterized as pseuduplastic or dilatant usually with a
yield stress. Rheological studies have helped in estimating the type and optimal content of rheology modifiers (including modifiers of particle size distribution) to stabilize the suspensions and also in the design of hydraulic transport systems and densemedia cyclone operations. Expert has also built a capillary viscometer to
characterize several power-law fluids - pseudoplastic and dilatant - used in his studies of the hydrocyclone. His was probably the first detailed study published on this aspect of hydrocyclone flow pattern.
Expert is well experienced in the preparation (high-pressure homogenization, ultrasonic processing) and characterization of emulsions (both micro- and nano-). He has used bicone and Du Nouy ring geometries to study surface/interfacial rheology. Syneresis (phase separation) is a very common challenge Expert has addressed successfully. Expert has used a variety of techniques as appropriate - SEM, enviro-SEM, cryo-TEM, PCS, SAXS, AFM, etc. - to supplement rheological evaluations of dispersions (emulsions included) for physical stability. He has used high-speed video-enhanced microscopy to study the kinetics of droplet coalescence. Expert has correlated rheological parameters of emulsions with parameters as droplet size distribution, dispersion phase fraction, contact angle, surface tension, and others as appropriate.
Expert has used rheology as a tool to assess the quality of solid particulate dispersions produced in colloid-mills and high-pressure homogenizers. In addition to rheological evaluations, Expert has measured a variety of surface/interfacial characteristics - wettability (using dynamic and micro- contact angles); critical micelle concentration (using adsorption isotherms); and surfactant layer thickness (SEM, SAXS, PCS) and stiffness (AFM) - in optimizing dispersions for physical stability.
Expert is well experienced with the rheological characterization of food products of different forms - powders (Jenike shear cell), semisolids (doughs, cake-mixes, jams/jellies, cheese, sour cream), suspensions, emulsions, foams (whipped-cream, ice-cream, cake-mixes, egg-white, beer, espresso coffee), syrups, etc. In the case of food emulsions and foams Expert has studied interfacial rheology as well as image analysis of droplets/bubbles where appropriate/feasible.
Expert has studied the melt rheology of various thermoplastic polymers and their composites with nanomaterials. He has used both dynamic as well as steady-shear measurements as appropriate.
Expert has studied the rheology of various silicone fluids for biomedical applications including use as lubricants.
Expert is well experienced with the formulation optimization of surface modifiers including paints and coatings based on their rheology. A well formulated coating has the desirable rheological characteristics – shear thinning to provide low roller spatter and good film build at high shear rates while maintaining a low viscosity at low shear rates for improved flow, gloss, and leveling. The choice of a rheology modifier is tricky as the zero shear viscosity should be adequately high to keep the suspension stable in storage.
Expert has studied the rheology of protein precipitates and related the parameters shear modulus, plasticity, and apparent viscosity to the recovery efficiencies of centrifugation and ultrafiltration. Also Expert has used rheology to study the flocculation and deflocculation states of a coacervate; denaturation temperature of a protein solution; and the optimal storage temperature to keep a protein solution fully frozen so as to minimize its transportation costs. Expert is knowledgeable in the area of foam fractionation of proteins.
Expert is well experienced in the development of formulations, products, and processes for the pharmaceutical industry in the area of novel drug delivery systems. Expert has successfully addressed several rheological challenges encountered in pharmaceutical processing - powder mixing, surface coatings, capsule filling, extrusion, injection molding, surgical implants, spray-drying, drug-in-adhesive mixes, inhalation products, ocular formulations, in situ gelling systems/depots, transdermals, therapeutic foams, etc. Major problem areas addressed include - production efficiency as well as product uniformity, physical stability, and drug delivery performance.
Expert has used rheological characterization to evaluate/optimize different cosmetic formulations/products - and product forms for their performance and physical stability. Examples of products include - tooth pastes, lotions, creams, ointments, lipsticks, nail polishes, deodorant sprays, and shampoos.
Expert has consulted for the ceramic industry in the area of rheology. Expert has used rheology in formulating various products and in optimizing the unit operations involved in their production - wet mixing/milling, shape forming, and coating/deposition. Projects have involved development of desired physical properties in the processed materials (powder, green body, surface coating, etc.) as well as structural/rheological characterization of particle-fluid systems (suspensions, injection molding mixes, etc.). Expert's initial exposure to the subject of fine ceramics has been as an elective during his undergraduate curriculum in chemical engineering. Then his doctoral work in fine particle technology has enhanced his strengths in the subject area leading to several industrial consulting opportunities. Expert has edited the Manual of Chemical Technology, the second of the four volume series includes chapters on ceramics, refractories, cements, glass, electrothermal products, etc. Expert has authored a chapter on refractories for this volume.
Expert is well experienced with various mechanical unit operations involving dispersions where rheology matters - wet milling, agglomeration, mixing/homogenization, spray-drying, physical separations, hydraulic transport, surface coating, etc. as well as those involving dry powders - dry milling, air classification, blending, compaction, seiving, pneumatic transport, storage bins/hoppers, etc. Expert has used various state-of-the-art instrumentation for characterizing fine/ultrafine particulates (size, shape, relative density, contact angles, surface charges) and multiphase systems (rheology, stability, surfaces/interfaces). Expert has evaluated/optimized various binders for producing pharmaceutical compacts, agglomerates, granules, etc. with predictable/controllable properties as strength, porosity, and tortuosity.
Expert is experienced in the generation of nanoparticles by various methods - top-down (milling) and bottom-up (precipitation) - and dispersion of these nanoparticles in aqueous and non-aqueous media and in polymeric matrices. Characterization of these dispersions involved the use of microscopic (SEM, TEM) as well as rheological techniques. Application areas include - nanofluids, nanocoatings, nanofilms, nanofibers, and nanocomposites.
Expert's experience in the area of comminution has been both as a researcher and as a consultant. In his research on densemedia separation of ores in a hydrocyclone, Expert used a variety of size reduction equipment, including - hammer mill, roll crusher, vibration mill, ball mill, planetary ball mill, and fluid energy mill - for preparation of feed material to the hydrocyclone pilot plant. Expert used vibratory screens to separate the milled material into different size fractions. Expert used a variety of analytical techniques for determining the size distributions of the milled materials. These techniques include - centrifugal classification, air-jet seiving, sedimentation balance, surface area instruments, and optical microscopy. He developed his own techniques for determining the degree of mineral liberation using sink-float analysis involving organic heavy liquids. Expert fitted the data of particle size distributions and relative density distributions into appropriate mathematical models for use in process modeling and optimization. Expert has consulted for the ceramic and mineral industry on the choice of appropriate particulate processing equipment for their applications. Expert performed pilot-scale tests on these equipment and made recommendations. Expert worked on various pilot scale equipment and mastered both theory and practical aspects of the unit operations involved. Expert computed breakage and selectivity functions from the milling data and determined grinding efficiencies for use as objective functions in optimizing the milling process. Expert has considerable experience with the design and scale-up of fluid-energy mills. He has consulted extensively for the industry on fine grinding of mica, and a variety of food, pharmaceutical, pigment, and ceramic materials.
Expert is experienced in optimizing the spray drying operation of food, pharmaceutical, polymer, and various industrial products based on the rheology of the suspension, the emulsion, or the solution being atomized. Rheology influences the spray pattern, the droplet size distribution, and the movement of the wall material or the the diffusion of the solvent to the surface, thereby influencing the morphology and the particle size distribution of the microcapsules or the powder particles produced.
Expert has significant research contributions in the area of hydrocyclones for density based separations of coal and minerals. He was the principal consultant on a multimillion dollar project on physical desulfurization of fine coals sponsored by the Department of Energy. The project team included six corporate partners, four
of them being major coal producers in the USA.
Expert was among the first to recognize and report on the effects of the non-Newtonian nature of suspensions involved in the operation of a hydrocyclone as a classifier or a densemedia separator. He characterized dense media as power-law or yield power-law fluids and incorporated this aspect in a phenomenological model he developed for hydrocyclone performance. Expert used aqueous solutions of carboxymethyl cellulose to represent pseudoplastic fluids and aqueous starch solutions to represent dilatant fluids and made indepth studies of the hydrocyclone reporting for the first time the effect of non-Newtonian nature of the fluid
on hydrocyclone operational characteristics as flow patterns, volume split, pressure drop, and classification efficiency. His work has clarified several performance features of the hydrocyclone and at the same time negated certain prevailing notions concerning its flowpatterns.
Expert during his academic affiliation had the opportunity to set up a flow characterization/visualization laboratory. His work involved laser-doppler velocimetry to study the three-directional fluidflow patterns including turbulence levels in hydrocyclones of different designs and fluid systems Newtonian and non-Newtonian. Also he used a highspeed video system to study particle trajectories in a hydrocyclone. Expert's work is well referenced in literature as the first to examine in detail the role of fluid rheology on the flow pattern in the hydrocyclone and consequently on the performance of the hydrocyclone as particle separator based on size, shape, or density.
Expert has developed a novel froth flotation process carried out in the centrifugal force field of a hydrocyclone. He patented the process that he developed during his doctoral work at the Indian Institute of Technology Madras. The process offers the advantage of a specific capacity 50-200 times (for a specified efficiency of
separation) offering enormous cost savings compared to that of conventional froth flotation devices for mineral beneficiation, newsprint deinking, treatment/recycling of wastes, remediation of contaminated soils, removal of volatile organic compounds from ground waters, and clean-up of oil spills, and various other applications where froth flotation is applicable. Expert has considerable experience with the selection of surfactants as collectors and frothers for this application. Expert has further developed the theoretical aspects of bubble-particle attachment and detachment under shear conditions. Colloid and interface chemistry and contact angle measurements have been an essential part of the froth flotation process development. Expert used a high speed video system to determine the induction time for a bubble to get attached to a particle to be on the order of a few milliseconds. Then, the several minutes of residence time in conventional flotation cells is the time spent by the particle-laden bubble to travel to the surface of the tank or column for collection at the top. The process carried out in the centrifugal field reduces this residence time considerably saving costs.
Expert's experience in the area of pulp and paper technology includes - rheological characterization of paper pulp; rheological optimization of a paper coating formulation; separation of impurities from paper pulp and fractionation of wood pulp fibers based on fiber length using a hydrocyclone; newsprint deinking by froth flotation in a hydrocyclone.
Over the years, Expert had the opportunity to work on a number of industrial projects in the area of particulate/multiphase processes covering almost the entire spectrum of unit operations and processes. Some examples of projects include - selection of a binder of optimal rheology for agglomeration, effect of dispersion
rheology on the physical characteristics of the spray-dried powder, rheological considerations in optimizing surfactant type and content in nanomilling, effect of densemedium rheology on the separation efficiency of a hydrocyclone used for beneficiating different ores and minerals, detection of sol-gel transition in a food product
to determine the cause of a pump failure, design of a pipeline transportation system based on slurry rheology, optimization of powder mixing in a ribbon blender for product uniformity in tablet manufacture, and many more.
Expert has worked on a number of projects in the area of environmental engineering - color removal from effluent waters from a dye manufacturing plant; newsprint deinking by froth flotation in a hydrocyclone; desulfurization of fine coal in a densemedia cyclone; oil-water separation by froth flotation in a hydrocyclone; rheological characterization of waste sludge to determine its filtration characteristics; removal of volatile organic compounds from ground waters and industrial waste waters in a froth flotation cyclone; design of a hydrocyclone system for dissolved air flotation; recycling of waste materials by physical separations based on size, shape, density, and surface characteristics; optimization of a multiple hydrocyclone system.
Expert has studied the rheological characteristics of various liquid (e.g. waste cooking oil, crude glycerine, molasses) materials having good potential for use as additives in solid biofuel production utilizing different biomass materials (e.g. sawdust, straw, hay, grass cutting). Natural binders (e.g. starch, corn flour, and potato flour) keep biomass fuel chemically stable. Molasses is also a good binder specifically with the herbaceous biomass. An understanding of the rheological behavior of the liquid additives allows anticipation of different phenomena during solid biofuel production such as spreadability of the fluids in the powder mixture, flow and compactability of the powders during pelleting at different temperatures and pressures, penetration and retention of additives in pellet voids during and after pelleting.
The aim of the study has been to examine and compare the rheological properties of selected liquid and semisolid materials and to predict their physical behavior during different stages of solid biofuel production. The information is used further to select the most appropriate raw materials for biofuel production.
The liquid additives increase energy content, reduce energy consumption in briquetting/pelleting operations, decrease dusting, avoid segregation, and improve the physical quality of the final product.
In-depth studies of therapeutic foams - evaluated different foam generation techniques; studied bubble size distributions by high-speed digital video-microscopy and image analysis; rheological characterization - bulk/interfacial; formulation development for controlled/predictable stability and improved performance. Rheological optimization of a biomedical lubricant. Formulation and process development of a rheologically stable inhalation product with controlled and predictable drug delivery.
Rheological solutions to challenges (product non-uniformity and wastage of the valuable active) in a pharmaceutical capsule filling operation. Optimal coating formulation for controlled drug release tablets based on rheological considerations.Rheological characterization and image analysis of nanoparticle dispersions for biomedical applications. Evaluation of high-pressure homogenizer performance based on product rheology. Rheological evaluation of a dairy product to determine the root cause for failure of a heat-exchanger. Optimizing surfactant dosage in the colloid milling of pigment particles using rheological approach.Evaluation, engineering, and development of advanced liquid cyclone processes for physical desulfurization of fine coals. A comparative study of nanofluids for heat transfer rate enhancement.
Year | Degree | Subject | Institution |
Year: 1984 | Degree: Post-Doctoral | Subject: Fluidflow phenomena in particulate processing | Institution: University of Utah - Metallurgical Engineering |
Year: 1979 | Degree: PhD | Subject: Chemical Engineering - Particulate Technology | Institution: Indian Institute of Technology - Madras, India |
Year: 1968 | Degree: MTech | Subject: Chemical Engineering - Plant Design | Institution: Osmania University, India |
Year: 1966 | Degree: BTech | Subject: Chemical Engineering - elective ceramic technology | Institution: Osmania University, India |
Work History
Years | Employer | Title | Department |
Years: 1990 to Present | Employer: Undisclosed | Title: President & Chief Science Officer | Department: Contract R&D |
Responsibilities:Consulted and performed contract R&D for chemical and process industries in the area of rheology and fine particle technology.Provided contract R&D and laboratory testing services to the process industry (clientele>30) - agro/food, biomedical, ceramic, coal/mineral/oil, chemical, cosmetic, ink/paint, nutraceutical, pharmaceutical, polymer, pulp/paper, specialty products. Successfully completed various research projects in the area of particulate/multiphase processes - sol-gel methods; atomization/spraying; spray drying; lyophilization; milling - reactive, fluid-energy, stirred-media; centrifugal air-classification; blending/mixing; high-pressure homogenization; coagulation/flocculation; granulation; compaction; extrusion/injection-molding; froth flotation; membrane separation; foaming/ defoaming; magnetic/magnetic-fluid separations; gas-solid/solid-solid/electro-chemical reactions; semifluidizedbed reactors; surface modification; biodegradable polymers; newsprint de-inking; wastes recycling; slurry transport; water/waste-water treatment; air-pollution control; novel applications of gas cyclones, liquid cyclones, centrifuges, ejectors. Performed detailed rheological studies on a variety of materials - dispersions (semisolids, suspensions, emulsions, foams, nanofluids) and composites - temperature and frequency sweeps, steady shear, thixotropy, stress relaxation, creep-recovery, and more. Studies include - glass transition temperatures, gelation points, scaling factors (fractal dimensions, aspect ratios) of structures (micro-/nano-), dispersion stability, and surface/interfacial rheology. Optimized processes and products/formulations - based on rheology where appropriate. Supplemental work - highspeed digital videomicroscopy, image analysis, AFM, SAXS, DLS, SEM/enviro-SEM, cryo-TEM, contact angles, other. Presented short courses for engineers/researchers in the process industry. Topics include - particulate/ multiphase processes - rheology, optimization, design/scale-up; liquid cyclones. Presented over 40 invited seminars to academic and industrial audiences. |
Years | Employer | Title | Department |
Years: 1986 to 1990 | Employer: University of Minnesota, Duluth | Title: Associate Professor | Department: Chemical Engineering |
Responsibilities:Taught core courses in chemical engineering - transfer operations, reaction engineering, chemical process simulations. Set up a state-of-the-art laser-doppler anemometry laboratory. Conducted research in the areas of dense-media cycloning of coal and minerals, newsprint deinking, synthesis/utilization of biodegradable polymers, and rheology of dispersions. Consulted for the industry in the area of fine particle technology. |
Years | Employer | Title | Department |
Years: 1984 to 1986 | Employer: | Title: Research Assistant Professor | Department: Metallurgical Engineering |
Responsibilities:Set up a state-of-the-art flow visualization/characterization laboratory consisting of a laser-doppler anemometer, a high-speed video system, a rotational viscometer, and a pipeline rheometer. Initiated research in the area of fluidflow phenomena in physical separation operations - specifically hydrocyclones and air-sparged hydrocyclones. Co-advised graduate research in these areas.Developed and taught different undergraduate courses in chemical engineering - heat transfer, mass transfer, unit operations, and reactor design. Developed and taught a graduate course (open to advanced undergraduates) in process plant simulation/optimization. Taught design of experiments and several statistical packages - BMDP, SAS, SPSS, and Minitab. Successfully integrated the use of process simulators - ASPENPLUS, PROCESS, DESIGN-II, FLOWTRAN, HYSIM - with various core courses. Set up a state-of-the-art research laboratory equipped with - a laser-Doppler anemometer; hydrocyclone classifier; rheometer; and various software packages for process simulation, operations research, and statistical analysis. Successfully sponsored eight student projects under the undergraduate research opportunities program (UROP) of the University of Minnesota - modeling the performance of the hydrocyclone as a classifier, as a froth flotation device, and as a densemedia separator for coal beneficiation; setting up a laser-doppler velocimeter unit; ASPENPLUS simulations of processes for the production of polyglycolic acid and for the treatment of waste-water from a dye-manufacturing plant; simulation of a closed circuit coal grinding unit using SPOC; CFD simulation of the hydrocyclone for different shapes of the inlet using FLUENT. Consultant: Coal Technology Corpn. (Bristol, VA); Process Technology, Inc. (Calumet, MI); Intermagnetics General Corpn. (Guilderland, NY); ICF Kaiser Engineers (Pittsburgh, PA); US Bureau of Mines; Office of Energy Related Inventions, NIST. Professional activities: International Corresponding Member, 3rd Intn'l Conf on Hydrocyclones, BHRA Fluid Engng, Oxford, England (1987); Workshop, "Design and scale-up of hydrocyclones - a rational approach", Powder & Bulk Solids Conference & Exhibition, Rosemont, IL (1988). Invited seminars (industry/academia): 18. |
Years | Employer | Title | Department |
Years: 1972 to 1982 | Employer: Indian Institute of Technology | Title: Senior Scientific Officer & Research Faculty | Department: Chemical Engineering / Curriculum Development |
Responsibilities:Coordinated the development of a new 4-year (change from then existing 5-year) undergraduate curriculum in chemical engineering approved by the Department of Education, Gov't. of India for adaption nationwide. Production editor of a number (28) of text/reference books in chemical engineering and chemical technology published with funding from the Department of Education, Gov't. of India. Performed contract research in the area of fine particle technology - size reduction (jet milling, ball milling), size enlargement (agglomeration, granulation, compaction), physical separation (hydrocyclones, froth flotation, electrostatic separation, centrifuging, filtration), spray-drying, and hydraulic transport. Co-advised graduate research - treatment of effluent waters (color removal by coagulation/flocculation); reaction engineering (solid-solid reactions, fixation of dinitrogen, furfural from rice-hull). |
Government Experience
Years | Agency | Role | Description |
Years: 1990 to 1992 | Agency: US Department of the Interior | Role: Consultant | Description: Advisor to the Chair of the subcommittee that reviewed R&D programs in the area of 'froth flotation' at various laboratories of the then US Bureau of Mines nationwide. |
International Experience
Years | Country / Region | Summary |
Years: 2014 to 2014 | Country / Region: UK | Summary: Studied bubble generation from a gas sparged surfactant column using a high speed video camera. Sub-tasks included - determination of critical micelle concentration of the surfactant solution; measurement of the dynamic (advancing and receding) contact angles and the microcontact angle of the surfactant with the porous sparger; determining poresize distribution of the gas sparger using scanning electron microscopy; determining bubble size distributions using image analysis; and more. |
Years: 2014 to 2014 | Country / Region: UK | Summary: Studied the interfacial rheology of various surfactant solutions with air and the bulk rheology of foams to determine foam stability. |
Years: 2015 to 2015 | Country / Region: UK | Summary: Studied and modeled the rheology of medical foams. |
Years: 2016 to 2016 | Country / Region: UK | Summary: Studied and modeled the flow of foams through mesh-stacks. |
Career Accomplishments
Associations / Societies |
Member - American Institute of Chemical Engineers; Society of Rheology; American Association of Pharmaceutical Scientists; Association of Consulting Chemists & Chemical Engineers. |
Publications and Patents Summary |
Co-editor/project-leader: "Manual of Chemical Technology", in four volumes (2,400pp) published by Chemical Engineering Education Development Center, Indian Institute of Technology with funding from Government of India - CHEMTECH-I (General); CHEMTECH-II (Inorganic Products); CHEMTECH-III (Natural Organic Products); CHEMTECH-IV (Synthetic Organic Products). The first volume deals with general aspects of the process industry, such as - economics, planning, safety, materials of construction, utilities, energy, effluents, and environment. The other three volumes cover almost the entire spectrum of chemical processes and products. Excerpts from different journal reviews: "... should be available in several copies on the library shelves of every technical or research institution and every industrial concern in the country ..."; "... classics in the field ..."; "... a Herculian task ...". Co-edited Proceedings of the Annual Meeting, Indian Institute of Chemical Engineers, four volumes. Technical/production co-editor, a series of four textbooks in automobile engineering. Patent on flotation cyclone. Author/co-author more than 60 papers/book-chapters in chemical engineering, chemical technology, particulate technology, and rheology. Author/co-author, more than 100 research/consulting reports. |
Additional Experience
Expert Witness Experience |
An IRS dispute - Expert provided technical support to a law-firm representing a major mining corporation on an IRS dispute. Work involved examination of published literature and also conducting certain laboratory experiments to prove a specific technical concept. The strength of the argument led the IRS to reclassify that particular unit operation as part of only a mining operation and not a manufacturing operation, thereby saving the mining company hundreds of thousands of dollars in back taxes and in future annual taxes. The case was resolved without need for any personal appearances before the tax court. A patent infringement case - Expert provided technical evidence based on rheological profiles that clearly differentiated the client's product from that of the plaintiff's. The dispute was settled between the parties outside the court. |
Training / Seminars |
Expert has developed and presented a number of short courses for engineers and researchers in the process industry. Topics include - rheology of dispersions - semisolids, suspensions, emulsions, and foams; rheological effects in particulate processing; liquid cyclones - theory and applications; design of pipeline transport of dispersions. Presented over 40 invited seminars to academic and industrial audiences on topics of specific interest to the sponsor - optimal design and scale-up of hydrocyclones for fine particle separations based on size, density, and surface characteristics; rheological challenges in pharmaceutical development; rheological challenges in surface coating operations; rheology of foams for biomedical, cosmetic, food, pharmaceutical, and various other applications; rheology - what you do not know could hurt your company's bottomline. |
Vendor Selection |
Expert is experienced in techno-economic feasibility studies, selection/sizing of process equipment, and evaluation of bids for the process industry in the area of particulate processing. |
Other Relevant Experience |
Expert has identified potential customers for a major client, a reputed manufacturer of large-scale equipment for solid-liquid separations. Typical tasks involved - market intelligence and research; process flowsheet synthesis; material and energy balances by process simulation; selection of the type and size of the appropriate separation equipment from the client's product line; providing techno-economic justification for the purchase of the client's equipment by the potential customer. |
Language Skills
Language | Proficiency |
English |
Fields of Expertise
rheology, rheological property, rheometer, capillary rheometry, non-Newtonian fluid, non-Newtonian fluid rheology, rheological measurement, fluid rheology measurement, liquid rheological measurement, relaxation measurement, dispersion rheology, gel rheological measurement, gel viscosity, viscometry, viscosity measurement, viscosity control, image analysis, slurry rheology, slurry viscosity, dilatant material, shear thickening, emulsion (mixture), microemulsion, emulsion stability, dispersion, dispersion technology, fine particle dispersing, homogenizer, particle dispersion (mixture), particle suspension (mixture), slurry mixing, colloid technology, aqueous suspension, colloidal suspension, colloid and interface chemistry, contact angle measurement, slurry fluid flow, slurry pumping, ice cream quality management, food rheology, dough rheology, food microstructure, food emulsion, food engineering, cereal science, food product agglomeration, fluid dairy product, food viscosity measurement, polymer rheology, melt rheology, lubricant rheology, silicone rheology, coating material, surface modification, paint rheology, paint formulation, paint stability, protein engineering, protein purification, over-the-counter drug product development, ophthalmic pharmaceutical product, pharmaceutical scale-up, pharmaceutical product development, biopharmaceutical product development, controlled-release drug delivery, biopharmaceutical, pharmaceutical coating material, injectable pharmaceutical product, pharmaceutical engineering, pharmaceutical technology, biodegradable material, biocompatible material, nasal drug delivery, ocular drug delivery, oral drug delivery, controlled-release drug delivery technology, controlled-release oral drug delivery, parenteral drug delivery, topical drug, transdermal drug delivery, polymer drug-delivery method, protein drug delivery, nasal spray, toothpaste, nail polish, lipstick, after-shave, shampoo, personal care product, cosmetic product development, cosmetic stability, antiperspirant, personal care deodorant, deodorant stick formulation, skin care product development, skin care cream, ointment, lotion, hand lotion, cocoa butter, skin adhesive tape, ceramic engineering, ceramic technology, ceramic powder, ceramic powder characterization technology, fine-particle technology, particulate material, powder technology, unit operations, particle transport, powder filling, particle-size enlargement, agglomeration, powder mixing, dry powder blending, nanomaterial, nanotechnology, nanoparticle, nanopowder, carbon nanotube, nanocomposite, particle-size reduction, size reduction, comminution, grinding equipment, milling technology, ball milling, colloid mill, tumbling mill, wet milling, fluid-energy mill, fluid-energy milling, micronization, grinding efficiency, powder, ultrafine, particle surface area determination, plastic material pulverizing, plastic milling, wheat milling, encapsulation, atomizing, particle surface modification procedure, spray drying, slurry spraying, separation technology, physical separation, cyclone separator, particle classification, particle-size control, hydrocyclone, oil-water separation, biochemical separation, particle filtration, clean-coal technology, froth flotation, ore flotation, flotation separation, dissolved air flotation, de-inking, pulp-and-paper technology, iron ore, barite beneficiation, feldspar beneficiation, iron ore beneficiation, mineral processing, ore processing, beneficiation, recycling, chemical industrial wastewater treatment, environmental engineering, waste sludge, biomass, biodiesel fuel, nanomedicine, fire fighting foams, powder rheology, multiphase flow analysis, in vivo biodegradable polymer, polymer spray drying, video microscope, extensional viscosity, drilling mud, formation fracturing fluid, biofuel, wheat wet milling, heat transfer fluid, pressure-sensitive adhesive, particle characterization, metal powder, mass transfer operation, non-Newtonian fluid flow, food stability, food spray drying