Expert Details
Pulp and Paper Processes

ID: 108397
Maine, USA
Expert's experience has primarily been in solving pulp and paper industry air pollution problems using all types of control technology. Expert has done a significant amount of pulping system design, trouble-shooting and operational assistance during his career. He is particularily familiar with Kraft, groundwood and TMP pulping systems. He has developed innovative Kraft black liquor storage and supply systems as well as Kraft air pollution control systems. He has done much work in the pulp bleaching field and is a member of the TAPPI Bleaching Committee. He has also developed wet scrubbing approaches as well as incineration systems. These have saved clients on both capital and operating costs.
In addition to his work with air pollution control, Expert has done much innovative designing in conserving and recycling process water and fiber. He has helped "close-up" many paper machine white water systems and has reduced pulp mill effluent substantially at several mills. He has taken 2 mills to "zero" discharge.
Expert has a very broad background in both pulping and papermaking, with 14 years of mill management experience. He has published papers concerning de-inking, air pollution control, process control, and coating formulation. He has provided consulting to the pulp and paper industry for over 24 years. His work has emphasized process design and modification, environmental problems, particularly reuse of process effluent, secondary fiber (waste paper) systems, and molded pulp technology.
Expert has over 35 years experience working in operations and supplying consulting services to the Kraft pulping industry. He served as technical and environmental manager for a large kraft mill in Berlin, New Hampshire for nearly 10 years. His function included process design and control of the manufacturing components, including two black liquor recovery boilers, one being a B & W unit installed in 1966 and the other being a Expert unit installed in 1950. His responsibilities included process control of the two recovery boilers and aiding the manufacturing department with establishing operating parameters and procedures,
Expert's experience with recovery boilers has continued during his 25 years as a consultant to the industry particularly in the field of air pollution control where he has been involved with the design and installation of several recovery boiler scrubber systems. Design of recovery boiler scrubber systems requires a thorough knowledge of recovery boiler design and operation. As Vice President of Operations for Teller Environmental Systems he specialized in recovery boiler emissions control technology and helped design and install recovery boiler systems in the United States and Canada.
His experience with recovery boilers also includes design and operation of black liquor storage and supply systems to the combustion burners. He is familiar with all facits of fuel supply to RB's.
Year | Degree | Subject | Institution |
Year: | Degree: | Subject: Graduate Studies in Pulp and Paper Technology | Institution: University of Maine |
Year: 1961 | Degree: BS | Subject: Chemical Engineering | Institution: University of Maine |
Work History
Years | Employer | Title | Department |
Years: 1979 to Present | Employer: Undisclosed | Title: President | Department: |
Responsibilities:Available upon request. |
Years | Employer | Title | Department |
Years: 1976 to 1979 | Employer: E. C. Jordan Company | Title: Senior Process Engineer/Project Manager | Department: |
Responsibilities:Available upon request. |
Years | Employer | Title | Department |
Years: 1974 to 1976 | Employer: Teller Environmental Systems | Title: Vice President | Department: Operations |
Responsibilities:Available upon request. |
Years | Employer | Title | Department |
Years: 1966 to 1974 | Employer: Brown Company | Title: Manager | Department: Technical and Environmental Services |
Responsibilities:Available upon request. |
Years | Employer | Title | Department |
Years: 1961 to 1966 | Employer: Keyes Fibre Company | Title: Technical Director | Department: |
Responsibilities:Available upon request. |
Career Accomplishments
Professional Appointments |
Expert is the past Chairman of the Maine-N.H. Section of TAPPI. He has been Chairman of the TAPPI Publications Committee and is active in the national organization. |
Publications and Patents Summary |
He has published several technical papers. |
Additional Experience
Training / Seminars |
He has been a lecturer at educational institutions. |
Other Relevant Experience |
He has been a speaker at professional meetings. |
Fields of Expertise
de-inking, pulp bleaching, pulp-and-paper environmental control, pulp-and-paper industry air pollution control, recycled paper, pulp-and-paper process control, pulp de-inking, pulp equipment, paper equipment, displector, emission control, paper industry, gas scrubber, air-quality assessment, stationary source air pollution control, energy-efficient process control, reclaimed pulp-and-paper fiber, pulp-and-paper processing, pulp-and-paper process-control chemical, paper-stock preparation, air pollution control, water pollution assessment, waste assessment, industrial wastewater treatment, paper nonhazardous solid waste management, air pollution process, bleaching, paper stock, paper processing, water pollution control, waste recycling, waste recovery, waste management, sulfate pulping, secondary fiber, pulping chemical recovery, reclaimed fiber, pulping raw material, pulping, pulp quality, pulp processing, physical industrial wastewater treatment, paper quality, hazardous waste management incineration, flue gas treatment, environmental engineering, chemical industrial wastewater treatment, chemical pulping