Expert Details
Precious Metals

ID: 735059
Nevada, USA
Assisting one client with the setting up of a precious metals melt shop and several clients with assistance selling precious metals mining products
Year | Degree | Subject | Institution |
Year: 1979 | Degree: Business Administration | Subject: Business | Institution: Oxford Brookes University |
Work History
Years | Employer | Title | Department |
Years: 2015 to Present | Employer: Undisclosed | Title: Chair | Department: |
Responsibilities:Expert currently works as business manager and substantial shareholder in the independent inspection and testing laboratory for precious and base metals. He uses his wide contact base to forge business relationships. He also initiates proficiency testing exercises to secure Axium's approval as a global umpire lab. |
Years | Employer | Title | Department |
Years: 2001 to 2015 | Employer: Bruce Metals, Inc. | Title: President | Department: |
Responsibilities:Expert was responsible for running a precious metals recycling business. This business specialized in the recovery of platinum group metals from industrial processes. The business also provided consulting services (i) for the recovery of gold and silver from mining by- products, and (ii) to Johnson Matthey for the removal of deleterious elements from mining waste waters. |
Years | Employer | Title | Department |
Years: 1997 to 2011 | Employer: Inspectorate International | Title: Executive; Member of the Main Board | Department: |
Responsibilities:Expert was Global Division Director of Inspectorate International from 2006 to 2011. He assumed full Profit and Loss responsibility for the global Metals and Minerals Division of this international commodities company handling metals and minerals, among other resources. He assumed direct line management responsibility for the U.S., UK, Chinese and Australian businesses.In this role, Expert was also responsible for the implementation of Inspicio’s (parent company) growth plan through acquisition and organic growth. He served as a member of the main board and executive of Inspectorate International during this time as well. Prior to this time, from 1997 to 2006, Expert was Vice President of Metals and Minerals (Americas). In this role, he was responsible for managing the Metals and Minerals Division within the U.S. and Canada (two separate businesses): Inspectorate Precious Metals and Inspectorate Surveying. He undertook additional functional responsibility for the marketing and business development of Metals and Minerals-related commodities trading throughout Latin America. He maintained membership in the Metals and Minerals Business Development Team as well. In this role, Expert was responsible for restructuring the business and building a strong management team. Performance improved year after year for 5 years, ending (2004) 100% over budget on sales and profits with a ROR of over 20%. In this capacity, Expert served on the BSI Inspectorate Executive committee in 2003 and remains a board member of BSI Inspectorate America Corporation, BSI Inspectorate Peru and RMI Inspect Canada. He was President of the International Precious Metals Institute in 2003 and served on the Executive Committee of the IPMI. |
Years | Employer | Title | Department |
Years: 1990 to 1997 | Employer: Inspectorate Griffith | Title: VP of Marketing: Metals and Minerals (Americas) | Department: |
Responsibilities:Expert served Inspectorate Griffith as VP of Marketing: Metals and Minerals: Americas, from 1996 to 1997. He was tasked with marketing the worldwide services of the Metals and Minerals Division of Inspectorate Griffith to clients within the U.S., South America and Canada. This position included extensive travelwithin the above territory and Europe. Previously, as Marketing Director of Metals and Minerals: Americas (1994-96), Expert assumed responsibility together with the Operations Director to restructure the USA Metals and Minerals Division, which had made a loss for 10 years. The loss was reduced by $500k during the first year, and the division is currently trading profitably. Expert is also directly responsible for managing the Precious Metals subdivision and branch offices and for setting up and marketing a new company in Mexico -- each of which exceeded budget and traded profitably. He traveled extensively as part of this role. Before this time, in two roles, Expert served Inspectorate Griffith in the UK. He was Divisional Marketing Manager: Metals and Minerals from 1992 to 1994, during which time he was responsible for marketing the services of the ROW (Rest of World) Metals and Minerals Division to clients in mainland Europe, Scandinavia and the U.S., entailing extensive travel. Budget exceeded in both years. Previously, Expert was Marketing Manager: Precious Metals (1990-92). In this role, he was tasked with expanding and marketing the services of the Metals and Minerals Division to the Precious Metals Industry. Budget exceeded, Inspectorate is now the worldwide market leader in primary and secondary precious metal inspection and analysis. |
Years | Employer | Title | Department |
Years: 1981 to 1990 | Employer: Johnson Matthey | Title: Sales Manager: Precious Metal Products | Department: |
Responsibilities:Expert served Johnson Matthey as Sales Manager: Precious Metal Products from 1989 to 1990 as part of the Materials Technology Division. He was responsible for recruiting and training a new field sales force to sell precious metal products, chemicals, and catalysts. He was also tasked with managing the internal sales department and telesales department, as well asresearching and implementing a computerized marketing database. Previously, as Manager: Precious Metal Plating Products (1988-89), Expert was responsible for the sales and marketing of precious metal plating salts worldwide. He oversaw the launch of a new range of platinum plating salts. He undertook extensive travel, particularly to the Far East, Eastern and Western Europe. and Scandinavia. Before this time, Expert served Johnson Matthey as Eastern Europe Sales Manager within the Catalytic Systems Division (1986-89); Technical Sales Representative within the same division (1985-86); Technical Sales Representative within the Precious Metals Division (1984-85); Section Leader: Precious Metal Sales (1983-84) within the Precious Metals Division; and Product Specialist: Precious Metal Sales within the Precious Metals Division (1981-83). |
Additional Experience
Expert Witness Experience |
Recently expert witness for a major bank in a lawsuit against an inspection company. |
Marketing Experience |
Extensive |
Language Skills
Language | Proficiency |
English | Fluent |