Expert Details
Physiotherapy - Sports Rehab- Specialist in Knees, lower limb and running
ID: 729530
United Kingdom
Expert has consulted on a wide range of Physiotherapy subjects which come to him through ownership of a primary domain name in his field.
Consultation projects include: Literature revie in relation to RSI and hand held devices. Collaboration with a multi-national in relation to developing a specialised exercise programme. Regular contribution to National Health and Fittness publications.
Regular contributions to Health and Fitness Magazine in the UK
Q/A on Health and Physiotherapy related topics.Literature review for PR company retained by the Rank Organisation. Recommndations for exercise to assist in smoking cessation.Literature review and recommendation in relation to RSI and hand held devices. Client was launching a voice to text application for international release.
Year | Degree | Subject | Institution |
Year: 1997 | Degree: MSc | Subject: Physical Therapy / Physiotherapy | Institution: University College London |
Year: 1994 | Degree: BSc (Hons) | Subject: Physiotherapy | Institution: University of East London |
Work History
Years | Employer | Title | Department |
Years: 2001 to 2006 | Employer: University of Bristol | Title: Senior Sports Physiotherapist | Department: Sports Injury Clinic |
Responsibilities:Clinical lead for the Sports Injury Clinicians.Marketing events Purchasing capital items Establishment of new programmes. eg Pilates Studio |
Career Accomplishments
Associations / Societies |
Licenses / Certifications |
Awards / Recognition |
Joan Pearcy Prize for Physiotherapy |
Additional Experience
Training / Seminars |
Pilates goes Vertical - Two day practical workshop - Movement analysis in relation to injury and delivery of corrective exercise - Typical group size 10-25 participants. Risk assess ment in relation to Desking and VDU use. 2 Hour Workshop. |
Marketing Experience |
Literature review in relation to supporting products "health credentials" for hand held devices. Q/A for Health Magazines in relation to physiotherapt and exercise questions. |