Expert Details
Petroleum Refining Evaluation

ID: 714496
Texas, USA
Expert assists petroleum refining clients by applying their problem solving abilities to a wide variety of situations. Their technical know-how, in combination with their knowledge of world-wide refining industry practices and their expertise in petroleum pricing and marketing, qualifies them to undertake a wide range of assignments involving refining economics. Their refinery assignments have frequently required utilization of computerized refinery simulations incorporating a wide range of process configurations, investments and operating costs, as well as a variety of crude oil assays. They have acquired considerable expertise and experience with various refinery process configurations and costs, crude oil yields, and relative product values. They assist petroleum refining clients by: preparing basic feasibility studies for grassroots facilities, new processing units in existing refineries, and modification of existing units; evaluating site locations, including access to pipelines,
Expert has investigated a wide variety of industrial accidents in energy, chemical, and gas related facilities. They have determined the causes of fires, explosions, material failures, process interruptions, and low process yields. They have investigated commercial and residential accidents involving hydrocarbons and chemicals. The economic consequence of these losses has been determined in many cases. Their investigations provide careful collection, critical analysis, and practical interpretation of the data, and a clear presentation of the facts and conclusions. Because they frequently investigate accidents, they are adept at determining the cause, rather than the manifest outward symptoms.
Expert's economic and physical appraisals of petroleum refining, gas processing, and chemical manufacturing facilities have evaluated areas such as investment and operating cost, contracts on which a project is based, feedstock and product markets, environmental standards and compliance, financial requirements, and labor conditions. Their appraisals and surveys have been used by insurance companies and insureds to determine values for new, modified, or existing facilities before and after losses.
Expert's fair market value determinations of petroleum refineries, gas plants, transmission facilities, and chemical plants have been used by individuals and corporations for planning, allocation values, acquisitions and sales, litigation, arbitration, and bankruptcy. Reports by the firm has been recognized in courts, by local and federal government agencies, and in private transactions.
Expert studies relevant national and international factors related to the energy and chemical markets. For specific projects, local and short-term adjustments are incorporated into the evaluations. They monitor various feedstock and product markets, government regulations, and contract trends. They provide advice and assistance to clients in matters related to contract prices, escalation clauses, quality adjustments, and others. Their feedstock and product evaluations consider prices, volume supply and demand, location factors, and processing capabilities of the available facilities.
Expert's company assists oil and gas producers and gas processors in the areas of: gas contracts (negotiations, modifications, amendments, and compliance monitoring), gas processing (proposal analysis, processing alternative evaluations, and settlements reviews), gas and gas liquids markets (general market trends and special studies), and regulatory information. In today's economic and regulatory environment, attention to contract conditions, government regulations, and operational efficiencies is often crucial to the success of a business. Many independent producing companies are not structured and cannot justify full-time employees to adequately monitor their gas processing arrangements. (Undisclosed) "fill the gap" with their expertise in matters related to markets, prices, quality adjustments, escalation clauses, treatment and compression costs, fuel and shrinkage adjustments, and others.
Work History
Years | Employer | Title | Department |
Years: 1974 to Present | Employer: Undisclosed | Title: President | Department: |
Responsibilities:Available upon request. |
Career Accomplishments
Associations / Societies |
Member of National Fire Protection Association, American Arbitration Association, AIChE, and the Society of Petroleum Engineers. |
Awards / Recognition |
Several of the professionals Expert's company have received the Engineer of the Year Award from AIChE. |
Additional Experience
Expert Witness Experience |
Expert has extensive experience assisting law firms and their clients in disputes involving petroleum, chemicals, gas, and related industries. They have worked for plaintiffs and for defendants as independent experts striving to objectively present facts and opinions as they find them. In this capacity they have: investigated accidents and determined causes, provided guidance and analysis, assisted with depositions, provided opinions related to economic and technical matters, and appeared as expert witnesses. They are members of the National Panel of the American Arbitration Association, and have served as arbitrators in disputes involving technical and economic matters. |
Other Relevant Experience |
Expert has prepared feasibility studies and project reviews for financial institutions, insurance companies, prospective purchasers and sellers, U.S. regulatory agencies, courts, and foreign governments. These studies and reviews have been used in conjunction with research and development project evaluation, new plants and process additions, plant modifications, insurance liability and subrogation, filings with the Securities and Exchange Commission, contract negotiations, mergers and acquisitions, and taxation. Expert has conducted and assisted in the preparation, analysis, review, and defense of many property damage and business interruption insurance claims. They have also advised in subrogation matters and in liability cases. As an independent firm, they have at different times represented the insurance company, the insured company, the insurance broker, the equipment owner, the equipment manufacturer or licenser, or the injured party. Because of their familiarity with the process and insurance industries, they can provide objective advice that is understandable by both industries. Their processing expertise and understanding of energy and chemical markets, feedstock costs, and operating expenses allows them to efficiently evaluate the design and operating practices of the insureds and to knowledgeably prepare, or audit, insurance claims. As an additional benefit to both the insured and the insurer, Expert is frequently able to identify potential safety problems and high-risk situations. |
Fields of Expertise
crude oil, petrochemical catalysis, petroleum, petroleum processing, petroleum refinery design review, accident investigation, chemical accident, chemical plant accident, accident causation, chemical manufacturing facility evaluation, facility evaluation, petroleum refinery evaluation, chemical feedstock evaluation, natural gas processing, natural gas, liquefaction, natural gas facility, business interruption, petroleum quality, broker dispute, gas transmission, polymerization reactor, oil exploration, feasibility study, oil-spill control, thermodynamic process evaluation, natural convection heat exchanger, heat-transport property, coke-oven gas, hazardous material handling, process-engineering distillation, water-treatment ion exchange, chemical processing plant design, atmospheric-gas liquefaction, agricultural-residue fuel, activated-carbon system, desiccation, chemical compound absorption, filtration, energy-efficient petroleum refining, solvent extraction, Department of Transportation pipeline safety regulation, gas material, liquid-liquid mass transfer, liquid state mechanics, biomass energy system, tetrachloroethylene, fluid-solid mass transfer, phase (homogeneous component), aromatic compound, furnace, fluidized bed, fluid flow, zeolite, water hammer, toxic material handling, thermal insulation system, stratigraphic exploration, spray drying, shock wave, renewable energy source, reformulated gasoline, refined fuel, project management, polyethylene, physical contacting, petroleum engineering, peat gasification, overpressure, organic solvent, microelectronics cooling, methane fuel, live oil, liquid gas, liquefied natural gas, internal flow, hydrogen fuel, hydraulic jet, heatsink cooling, heat radiation, heat exchanger selection, heat exchanger application, gasoline, gas-liquid heat exchanger, gas-gas heat exchanger, gas pipeline, gas mixing, gas flow through a nozzle, gas density measurement, fossil fuel environmental effect, formation gas, forced-convection heat exchanger, fertilizer, explosion effect, ethylene, ethanol, epoxidation, electrostatic precipitator, dust explosion, diesel fuel, crude oil recovery, cost engineering, heat exchange condenser, coal gasification, coal (fuel), coal-and-syngas catalysis, chemical process heat exchanger, chemical equilibrium, cation exchange, catalytic reactor, bituminous coal, batch oven, applied organic chemistry, anion exchange, aliphatic hydrocarbon, alcohol fuel, absorbent material