Intellex Acquires Expert by Big Village

We're thrilled to announce that Intellex has acquired Expert by Big Village, effective March 22, 2024. This strategic move enhances our capabilities and strengthens our commitment to delivering exceptional solutions to our customers.

Stay tuned for more updates on how this acquisition will benefit our clients and experts.

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Expert Details

Petroleum Process Analysis, Sample Conditioning Systems Design, Process Analyzers, etc.

ID: 108332 Nevada, USA

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Expert has expertise in many aspects of industrial, process, utility, and municipal process plant systems engineering. A significant portion of his career in this area has involved solving process analysis problems in the petroleum refining and petrochemical industries. He has also been involved in the implementation of several major PCS upgrades, PLC revamps, initial DCS/PLC applications and Man-Machine Interface applications. His work with computerized analytical instrumentation and computerized spectroscopy includes the application of single loop microprocessor-based controllers and programmable logic controllers for process analyzer applications. This has resulted in several publications and professional presentations.

Expert has expertise in many applications of emissions monitoring. His area of expertise include USEPA emissions monitoring (he received the Kermit Fisher International Environmental Award from ISA in July 2001 for design, implementation and training on more thatn 200 40 CFR Parts 60 and 75 systems), process emissions (mainly petroleum refining and petrochemical manufacturing measurements of SO2, SO3, N0, N02, H2S, COS, CS2, HCl, Hg, CO, CO2, mass flow, and opacity), PEMS (Predictive Emissions Monitoring Systems), and emissions monitoring of automotive exhaust gases (both no-load and dynamometer-loaded measurements). Expert has applied his expertise to both the analytical methodologies and the data reporting requirements of these emissions monitoring fields.

Expert is the author of the definitive text on Sample Conditioning Systems. He is also the volume editor and a chapter author of a best-selling book on analysis instrumentation. He has expertise in using UV, VIS, IR, NIR, FTIR, GC, MASS SPEC and X-ray for on-line and continuous process and chemical analysis. He has designed more than 1,000 on-line and continuous process analysis systems for the petroleum refining and petrochemical process industries, the utility and cogeneration industries, cement and steel/iron production. He has been involved in sample conditioning for liquids and gases with all types of contaminants (e.g., solids, immiscible liquids, entrained liquids, and dissolved gases).

Expert has been designing process analyzer sample conditioning systems since 1972. These systems include gas-liquid filtration, gas-solid filtration, and liquid-solid filtration systems. The total operating success of a process analyzer application is dependent upon the proper design of these filtration systems.

He has designed total on-line and continuous process analysis systems from the sample probe to the packaging of the fabricated system in a walk-in process analyzer shelter. The process analyzer systems Expert has designed have included gas chromatography, gas-liquid chromatography, ultraviolet spectroscopy, infrared absorption spectroscopy, Fourier transform infrared and near infrared spectroscopy, moisture sensors and spectrophotometry in general. He has participated on several analyzer manufacturers' new product design teams (including DuPont, Applied Automation, and Precision Scientific). Expert is familiar with the hazardous area requirements of the National Fire Protection Association (NFPA) and the National Electric Code (NEC).

Expert has performed this analysis and performance optimization scheme on several process units, using mass spectrometers, continuous spectroscopic analyzers, and gas chromatographs as the analytical methodologies. The design of the sample conditioning system is absolutely critical to the success of this blast furnace top gas analysis. Expert has designed several analysis systems in this industry for major iron and steel production facilities. There is no reason that this same technology could not be applied to mini-mills to further enhance their profitability and optimize their batch-to-batch quality control. Run times without maintenance have approached six months (30 days is the norm).

A significant portion of Expert's career in the process industries has involved spectroscopy. While he has applied his expertise to a broad variety of industries, much of this work has been applied to emissions monitoring via absorption spectroscopy (UV, VIS, IR, NIR), Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (FTIR), mass spectroscopy (such as quadrupole, magnetic sector, and time-of-flight), gas filter correlation spectroscopy, ultraviolet absorption spectroscopy, and turbidimetry (absorption, transmission, and reflectance). Expert has also had experience in X-ray absorption and fluorescence spectroscopy as applied to electrochemical processes, lubricant oil additive package analysis, and quality control and industrial lubricant analysis for wear processes.

Expert has experience with the interpretations of regulations particularly the Clean Air Act Amendment-1991 (40 CFR60 and 75), the selection of analyzers, and the design of CEMS and PEMS to meet these regulations.

Expert has expertise in many aspects of industrial, utility, process, and waste-to-energy flue gas treatment processes and analytical measurement methodologies. He has been involved in the field evaluation of several flue gas treatment processes including deNOx, deSOx, NH3 treatment, selective catalytic reduction (SCR), non-selective catalytic reduction (NSCR), and oxidative processes. He has supervised the optimization of major waste-to-energy and utility flue gas treatment systems via the use of process gas analyzers.

Expert has expertise in many aspects of industrial, process, BIF, and waste-to-energy hazardous waste incineration processes. He has been involved in the field evaluation of several burner management and direct injection, BIF-fired incinerators and other large-scale combustion processes, their combustion efficiency, their destruction efficiency, and the measurement/reporting requirements for Federal regulatory requirements.

Expert has performed the project management function for hundreds of process analyzer system projects on a stand-alone basis or in conjunction with process control projects (such as upgrades, optimizations, and new applications). He is familiar with the application of many project management techniques, including PERT charts, GANTT charts, critical path methodologies (CPM), marginal return/opportunity cost justification, heuristic priority choice, project networks, three estimate approach, and linear programming. Expert has experience in deterministic as well as time-and-cost methodologies, and has made several professional presentations on project management.

He has written training manuals for laboratory technicians and technical educational material for engineering professionals. He teaches one and two day professional education courses on Process Analyzer selection and Process Sample Conditioning Systems. He has written many technical operations and systems manuals for process analyzer systems. Additionally, as mentioned above, Expert is the editor of a publication published by ISA, the International Society for Measurement and Control (now called the Instrumentation, Systems and Automation Society). He also co-wrote a chapter in the ISA's Encyclopedia of Measurement and Control.

Expert has approximately thirty years experience in design and commissioning of process analyzer systems and continuous emission monitoring systems (CEMS). These systems are monitoring refining, petrochemical, electric power generation, cement and steel production along with many other industrial process plants. Expert has a strong background understanding in the selection of analyzers and components, the design of integrated analysis systems to meet 40CFR60/40CFR75/CAAA-91 regulations.

As a consultant, Expert has been involved with internal combustion engine applications and process heaters for the measurement of energy efficiency, exhaust opacity, exhaust oxygen level, exhaust carbon monoxide, and exhaust gas flammable material analysis.

A significant portion of Expert's career has involved researching EGO sensors (1975-present). He wrote a 40-page Teltech Dossier on EGOs in September of 1995. Additionally, he wrote a monthly update on EGO literature/patent activity through September, 1997. Expert has a basic knowledge of automotive intake gas sensors, which are installed in an IC engine intake system for feedback control of A/F mixture or catalytic converter operation/efficiency measurement. He is also familiar with devices installed in an IC engine combustion chamber for feedback control of A/F mixture, catalytic converter operation/efficiency measurement, and setting IC engine ignition timing.

Expert has been Chairman and Member of Precision Scientific’s Technical Advisory Board. Precision Scientific, Inc., is the largest worldwide supplier of on-line/process physical property analyzers. Expert has experience performing laboratory and on-line/process measurements for a large number of fluid physical properties and their related applications. The following list represents the type of measurements Expert has performed. Most notably, he designed the on-line/process analyzer systems for all of the on-line/process applications named below:

Gasoline Properties: ASTM D 86 / D 1078 - Automatic Distillation (Initial Boiling Point-IBP, 50% Point, Final Boiling Point-FBP); ASTM D 5845 / 6277 - Octane (Research Octane Number-RON, Motor Octane Number-MON, R+M/2 Road Octane Number); ASTM D 5191 - US EPA Standard Vapor Pressure for Gasoline; ASTM D 56 - TAG Closed Cup Flash Point; ASTM D 5188 - Vapor / Liquid Ratio (V/L); ASTM D 6378 - On-Line/Process Vapor Pressure for Gasoline.

Other Petroleum and Petrochemical Fluid Physical Properties:

Flash Point: ASTM D 92 - Cleveland Open Cup Flash Point; ASTM D 93 - Pensky-Martens Flash Point; ASTM D 6450 - MINIFLASH (1ml Sample) Grabner Flash Point; NAVIFLASH (1 ml. sample) U.S. Navy Ship (NAVSEA); and Naval Air Station (NAVAIR NAS) Fuel Flash Point.

Vapor Pressure: ASTM D 1267 - Vapor Pressure Equivalent for LPG; ASTM D 2879 - Vapor Pressure Equivalent for Low Pressure Samples; ASTM D 6377 - Vapor Pressure for Liquids (and Solids); ASTM D 6378 - On-Line/Process Vapor Pressure for Gasoline and Crude Oil.

Density: API and Specific Gravity at 59-95DEGF.

Viscosity: ASTM D 445 - Automated Kinematic Laboratory Viscosity (0.4ml sample); ASTM D 445 - On-Line/Process Kinematic Viscosity.

Expert has performed a variety of physical property measurements on a wide range of materials. He has analyzed: the penetration of asphalts, cosmetics, greases, soaps, and waxes; the viscosity of clear and opaque fluids (epoxies, soaps, blood plasma, whole blood, inks); flash points of liquids and solids for ASTM, IATA, IMO, and US DOT classifications; and the stress/breaking point under defined bending force and temperature gradients for asphalts, coatings, epoxy finishes, paints, and rubber samples. The viscosity measurements he’s conducted have been on-line/process measurements where he has designed the total process analyzer system.

He also has experience performing physical property measurements on food and dairy industry products. These include penetration measurements of butter and cheeses, density of various food and dairy products, color of food and dairy liquids, and viscosity of food and dairy liquids. He has performed on-line/process viscosity measurements and designed the total on-line/process analyzer system.


LaFarge Cement, Richmond, BC, Canada: For LaFarge Cement, Expert provided successful program development and management between LaFarge and regional environmental officials for the CEMS program to thwart plant shutdown due to long-term and continuing air pollution violations.Holnam Cement, Mason City, Iowa, USA: He provided successful program development and management between Holnam and USEPA regional officials for a CEMS maintenance and calibration program to meet 40CFR Part 75 CEMS requirements. Expert also provided design that reduced maintenance from four man-hours per eight-hour shift to four man-hours per six-month operating period with minimum capital expenditures.Inland Steel, East Chicago, IN, USA: Expert provided successful program development, system fabrication and installation, training and documentation for Blast Furnace (#5 and #7) Top Gas Analysis systems, to improve reliability, minimize maintenance requirements, and contribute to known quality steel production at all times.Northern Indiana Public Service Company (NIPSCO), Gary, IN, USA: At NIPSCO, he provided program development and management to rebuild 18 in-line (12-18-in. pipe sizes) high-pressure (350 psig) fuel gas flowmeters on a hypercritical time schedule. The meter had to be removed from the field, transported, shop-rebuilt, pressure-tested, painted, installed, and operation-accepted by NIPSCO and a utility fuel client within 104-hour time window (0800HRS MON to 1700HRS FRI).U.S. Navy, NAVAIR and NAVSEA Commands, Worldwide: Expert provided program development and management assistance to coordinate the return, repair, calibration, and reshipping of mission-critical ship's fuel and aviation turbine fuel flash point analyzers for aircraft carriers (CVN) and 'gators' (LHA, LHD). He achieved 48-hour in-shop turnaround time and an email reporting system to let USN personnel know the status (dates and times the unit was received and reshipped).


Year Degree Subject Institution
Year: 2001 Degree: Certificate Subject: Small Business Executive Program Institution: The University of Illinois at Chicago (UIC), College of Business Administration (CBA)
Year: 1982 Degree: M.B.A. Subject: Marketing/Management Institution: Indiana University
Year: 1976 Degree: M.S. Subject: Inorganic Chemistry Institution: St. Louis University
Year: 1967 Degree: B.S. Subject: Inorganic Vacuum Line Chemistry Institution: St. Louis University

Work History

Years Employer Title Department
Years: 2002 to Present Employer: Undisclosed Title: Business Development Manager Department:
Expert's responsibilities are to establish marketing and sales programs to sell technically-proven pipeline instrumentation products to the hydrocarbon and chemical processing
industries, and to search the marketplace for merger and acquisition candidates to bring in
symbiotic technical product lines to add profits to the Corporate bottom
Years Employer Title Department
Years: 2000 to 2002 Employer: Petrolab Company Title: President Department:
Expert was President of Petrolab, a process and laboratory analyzer distributor and sample conditioning system designer and fabricator.
Years Employer Title Department
Years: 1998 to 2000 Employer: Dearborn Professional Services, Inc. Title: Group Manager Department: Advanced Solutions Group
He managed the technical and administrative aspects of an experienced systems group for design of process control and sample conditioning systems.
Years Employer Title Department
Years: 1995 to 1997 Employer: Duke/Fluor Daniel [Indonesia] Title: International Consortium Start-Up Manager Department: Fossil-Fueled Power Generation
As a consortium start-up manager for Duke/Fluor Daniel, Expert provided management of calibration and documentation for two 630 MW fossil-fueled power generation utility stations in rural Indonesia.
Years Employer Title Department
Years: 1992 to 1994 Employer: Fluor Daniel Title: Principal Specialist Department: Process Analyzer Systems
He provided management of design and documentation for more than 150 fossil-fueled CEMS for USEPA Part 60 and PART 75 Continuous Emissions Monitoring Systems.
Years Employer Title Department
Years: 1986 to 1992 Employer: Consulting Technologists, Inc. Title: President/CEO Department: Admin.
Expert provided management and technical expertise to a start-up company to grow it to 12 employees and US $12 million in revenue in six years.
Years Employer Title Department
Years: 1974 to 1986 Employer: Amoco Oil Company Title: Principal Engineer Department: Refining Technology
For Amoco Oil Company, Expert started as a laboratory chemist and progressed through the roles of Operating Engineer, Unit Superintendent, and finally to Corporate Principal Engineer for Process Analyzer Systems with Refining.
Years Employer Title Department
Years: 1972 to 1974 Employer: Beckman Instruments Title: Field Technical Specialist Department: Process Instrument Division
He provided systems repair and calibration services for process IR, GC, pH, and conductivity analyzer systems for the midwestern area of the U.S.

Government Experience

Years Agency Role Description
Years: 1994 to 2001 Agency: U.S. Navy Role: Developed Fuels Quality and Safety Analyzer Description: For the Navy, he assisted in the development and on-going marketing of a flameless 1 ml sample replacement analyzer for the open-flame 75 ml Pensky-Martens flash point analyzer widely used on U.S. Navy ships and at Naval Air Stations. This greatly increases safety (no open flame) and minimizes hazardous waste disposal (99 ml less per test).
Years: 1969 to 1970 Agency: U.S. Army Role: Physical Sciences Assistant Description: For the Army, he provided quality control services on all 105-mm howitzer propellant for use in the Vietnam war.

International Experience

Years Country / Region Summary
Years: 2000 to 2002 Country / Region: Austria and Germany Summary: Expert provided management coordination to assure continuous supply of physical property analyzers from European suppliers for North American distribution. He rewrote all sales literature, instituted three-month rolling sales forecasts, and improved the communication structure between three independent companies involved in this joint marketing and sales program.
Years: 1996 to 1998 Country / Region: Indonesia - East Timor, Java Summary: Expert was International (Indonesia-Japan-USA) Assistant Consortium Start-Up Manager (responsible for all documentation and calibration) for two 630-MW fossil-fueled electric power plants at Paiton, East Timor, Java.
Years: 1994 to 1996 Country / Region: Mexico Summary: He worked in Mexico at government-owned utility plants and PEMEX refineries on CEMS and process analyzer systems for process control.
Years: 1994 to 1996 Country / Region: Canada Summary: Expert developed and managed programs for CEMS and other process analyzers for process control across Canada at LaFarge Cement production facilities.
Years: 1986 to 1987 Country / Region: South Korea Summary: He was responsible for the design, fabrication, documentation, and commissioning of 18 explosion-proof physical property analyzer systems in a greenfield refinery at Kukdong Refining, Seo San, RK.

Career Accomplishments

Associations / Societies
Expert is a Fellow of the Instrument Society of America (ISA, now known as the Instrumentation, Systems and Automation Society). He is a Senior Member of the Association of Iron and Steel Engineers (AISE), and the Air and Waste Management Association (AWMA). He is member of Sigma Xi.
Licenses / Certifications
Expert is a Certified Specialist in Analytical Technology.
Professional Appointments
He has been on the Technical Advisory Boards of DuPont (Photometric and Moisture Analyzers), Precision Scientific, Inc. (Physical Property Analyzers), and Applied Automation, Inc. (Gas Chromatographs). He is on the editorial boards of the magazines Spectroscopy and Control, and is editor of an ISA best-selling title. Expert also wrote a monthly industry informational bulletin on this subject.
Awards / Recognition
He received the Kermit Fischer International Environmental Award presented by ISA. The award acknowledged his exceptional work on several major projects to install CEMS on coal-fired utility plant stacks. He also received the Raymond Molloy Award.
Publications and Patents Summary
He has written two best-selling texts, more than 30 technical publications, contributed to five chapters, edited one best-selling technical volume, and authored one technical volume.

Additional Experience

Expert Witness Experience
Expert has provided expert witness written depositions for civil cases involving the misuse of commercial chemicals and practices used for industrial and process chemical manufacturing processes.
Training / Seminars
He has developed and teaches two professional development seminars and a 16-hour professional development seminar in Process Analyzer Sensor Selection. He has also developed and teaches a 32-hour course to prepare process industry technicians for the ISA CCST (Instrumentation, Systems, and Automation Certified Control Systems Technician) Program.
Vendor Selection
He has experience locating vendors of process and laboratory analyzers, process sample conditioning components, and CEMS certification/QA & QC/RATA contractors. He has access to vendor catalogs, personal contacts, vendor parts lists, reference publications and texts, as well as application reference files on more than 1,200 process analysis and process control topics.
Marketing Experience
He has successfully executed marketing consulting assignments to develop technical literature and documentation for DuPont Process Analytical Instruments, Precision Scientific Process Instruments, and THERMO VG/FISONS.
Other Relevant Experience
Expert founded and operated an award-winning manufacturers' agency/systems fabrications company for the sale of process analyzers and ancillary equipment. He is currently president of a worldwide laboratory and process analyzer distributor and systems design/fabrication company.

Language Skills

Language Proficiency
German, Polish, Russian, Spanish Expert reads and writes technical German, Polish, Russian, and Spanish.

Fields of Expertise

systems engineering, automotive emission monitoring, emission monitoring, emission product, vehicle air-pollution test equipment, vehicle air-pollution test procedure, continuous process analysis, gas-solid filtration, on-line chemical analysis, on-line process analysis, petrochemical process, blast furnace top gas analysis, exhaust-gas carbon monoxide analyzer, exhaust-gas flammable material analyzer, gas-liquid filtration, X-ray fluorescence, X-ray fluorescence spectroscopy, environmental regulation, flue gas, hazardous waste management incineration, project management, technical documentation process, continuous air emissions monitoring system, energy-efficiency exhaust gas opacity analyzer, energy-efficiency exhaust-gas oxygen analyzer, energy-efficiency measurement system, energy-efficiency exhaust-gas analyzer, automotive sensor, exhaust-gas sensor, fluid physical property, material physical property, physical characterization, physical property, solid physical property, food physical property, oil analysis, oil meter, carbon monoxide emission, petroleum process technology, petroleum analysis, combustion engineering, immiscible liquid, smokestack analysis, gas-phase infrared spectroscopy, hazardous area motor, exhaust filter, boiler emission, coolant fluid filtration, infrared spectrophotometry, automation, dust filter, oxygen level, combustion emission product, pollution gas analyzer, selective catalytic reduction, smokestack flow, furnace air emission product, emission control, heavy-duty engine emission control device, gas chromatography application, rubber physical property, epoxy resin physical property, combustion measurement, exhaust emission measurement, analyzer, in-plant fume control, air-pollution monitoring equipment, compressed-air system, mobile source air pollution control, process-engineering distillation, stationary source air pollution control, energy-efficiency analysis system, waste-incineration energy recovery, vacuum leak detection, pulp-and-paper environmental control, program evaluation-and-review technique, particle-size measurement, automotive fuel-economy technology, aluminum alloy property, air pollution control, water pollution assessment, petroleum hydrogenation, ultraviolet radiation energy, probe, materials sampling, gas analysis, fugitive emission process, electrochemical sensor, X-ray spectroscopy, X-ray emission, X-ray absorption spectroscopy, marketing, porous material, gas flare, automotive exhaust, turbidity, ultraviolet absorption, phase equilibrium, vibration pickup, value engineering, technical writing, spectrophotometry, remote sensing, refining, purging, physical separation, petrochemistry, optical instrument, nuclear quadrupole resonance spectroscopy, natural gas, moisture sensor, metal finishing wastewater treatment, liquid-solid filtration, infrared absorption spectroscopy, industrial gas safety, gas mixing, fuel cell, food analytical chemistry, fluid filter, flavor chemistry, emission measurement, electrical safety, diffusion pump, cost engineering, copper alloy property, colorimetry, Clean Air Act, chemical sensor, chemical equilibrium, absorption spectroscopy

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