Expert Details
ID: 730172
New York, USA
Year | Degree | Subject | Institution |
Year: 1984 | Degree: MD | Subject: Medicine | Institution: Mount Sinai School of Medicine |
Year: 1980 | Degree: BA | Subject: Bio-Psychology | Institution: Columbia University |
Work History
Years | Employer | Title | Department |
Years: 1990 to Present | Employer: Undisclosed | Title: Full Time Physician | Department: Otolaryngology |
Responsibilities:Expert practices Otolarynogology Full Time clinical services |
Years | Employer | Title | Department |
Years: 1990 to 2009 | Employer: Elliot Goldofsky MD | Title: President | Department: self employed |
Responsibilities:Private Practise in Otolaryngology |
Career Accomplishments
Associations / Societies |
American Academy of Otolaryngology; American Academy of Neurotology; New York Otological Society |
Licenses / Certifications |
MD |
Language Skills
Language | Proficiency |
Hebrew | Expert is Fluent in Hebrew |
Fields of Expertise
deafness, ear, ear disease, ear protector, ear surgery, earplug, hearing, hearing loss, hearing process, meatus acusticus externus, meniere's disease, neurotology, noise induced hearing loss, otitis, otitis media, otolaryngology, otology, sensorineural hearing loss, tinnitus, vertigo, adenoidectomy, endolymphatic shunt, labyrinth fenestration, myringoplasty, ossicular replacement, tonsillectomy, tympanoplasty, tympanostomy, speech pathology, temporomandibular joint syndrome, hearing psychology