On-Air Medical Reporting, Medical Journalism, Motivational Speaking (Urban and Fortune 500)
ID: 726836
Louisiana, USA
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Expert is a well-known physician practicing medicine in pediatrics. He is now the On-Air Medical Editor for a major metropolitan NBC television affiliate serving as an on air personality as well as supervising medical expert for various news broadcasts and special programming. He is often described as an inspirational professional in medicine and a motivational speaker. He is also a radio talk show host discussing pertinent medical topics of all ages, taking calls and answering questions from listeners in his region. He is an annual keynote speaker for the National Health Service Corps and other medical conferences hosted by several nationally recognized associations. He has been a featured physician on ABC, BET, CBS, Good Morning American and NBC and is a major contributor for several well known newspapers and magazines including USA Today and CNN News, accumulating several media consulting experiences and publications.
He has created and implemented all medical programs for faculty, staff, administration and students in the largest school distict in Louisiana, collaborating with in-house legal counselors on several medical legal issues.He has also served as Director of Pediatrics as well as practicing physician at several clinics and teaching hospitals. Besides clinical and hospital appointments, he has held several academic appointments including director of Pediatric Interest Group, Instructor of Occupational Therapy in Pediatrics and the Foundations in Medicine in Pediatrics. He has held numerous other professional leadership positions as well.
He is the President, Owner and Pediatric of his own consulting business providing medical consulting for national pharmaceutical companies, conducting FDA regulated clinical trials, medical billing, and various medical entities in his region.