Intellex Acquires Expert by Big Village

We're thrilled to announce that Intellex has acquired Expert by Big Village, effective March 22, 2024. This strategic move enhances our capabilities and strengthens our commitment to delivering exceptional solutions to our customers.

Stay tuned for more updates on how this acquisition will benefit our clients and experts.

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Expert Details

Nuclear Power/Accidents, Radiation Detection, Radioactive Waste, Environmental Science, Forensics

ID: 727758 Maryland, USA

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Expert, a licensed professional engineer (P.E.), has earned B.S., M.S., and Ph.D. degrees in nuclear engineering.

Expert is a former Visiting Full Professor of Nuclear Science and Engineering at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. In addition, he is a former Chief Engineer/Principal Nuclear Physicist at the U.S. Department of Defense.

Expert' has received numerous commendations for his work and expertise. These recognitions include being named National Young Engineer of the Year, being named a Director of National Intelligence Fellow (the highest award available to U.S. scientists based upon classified research and accomplishments), a Dominion Energy Excellence in Leadership Award, and a Certificate of Congressional Recognition.

Expert' M.S. and Ph.D. degrees in nuclear engineering were focused on environmental issues. His M.S. thesis was entitled, "Plasma Destruction of North Carolina’s Hazardous Waste," and his Ph.D. dissertation was entitled, "A Process Model to Characterize Airborne Radionuclide Emissions and Transport Using Radiological and Meteorological Measurements." In addition, his M.S. degree was funded through a U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) Environmental Restoration/Waste Management Fellowship.

Expert has worked in DOE's Environmental Management Office, where he served on a team researching and developing new technologies to address hazardous, radioactive, and mixed wastes. In addition, Expert' instructed United Nations scientists in environmental areas including environmental radioactivity, meteorology, atmospheric chemistry, and the environmental effects of radiation. Expert now uses his environmental expertise as one of the Discovery Science Channel's on-air green technology television experts.

Expert, a licensed professional engineer (P.E.) in the nuclear engineering discipline (a credential which requires significant nuclear power knowledge), has earned B.S., M.S., and Ph.D. degrees in nuclear engineering.

As an former Visiting Full Professor at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) Department of Nuclear Science and Engineering, he not only used his knowledge of reactors (including PWRs, BWRs, and fast reactors) in research, but he also instructed graduate and undergraduate students in nuclear reactors -- especially in areas related to nuclear reactor accidents and effluents.

Expert provided significant expertise to multiple Fortune and Global 500 companies with offices in Tokyo during the crisis phase of the Fukushima nuclear accident.

Expert was honored by Dominion Energy (a nuclear power company) with an Excellence in Leadership Award because of his nuclear engineering related achievements.

Expert, a licensed professional engineer (P.E.), has earned B.S., M.S., and Ph.D. degrees in nuclear engineering.

Expert is a former Visiting Full Professor of Nuclear Science and Engineering at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, where he taught the undergraduate and graduate level Radiation Detection and Measurement class, amongst others. This class, which included a major laboratory component enabled him to instruct students in a wide variety of aspects related to alpha, beta, gamma, neutron, and X-ray radiation, and how those radiations can be measured in laboratory and in real world conditions. He also co-sponsored several federal proposals based on his team's novel approaches related to port cargo surveillance, etc.

As Chief Engineer/Principal Nuclear Physicist at the U.S. Department of Defense (DoD), Expert was responsible for the development of radiation detection equipment for specialized DoD elements that served in hostile territory. The equipment that his team developed was generally more robust than standard laboratory equipment -- able to withstand harsh environments, shock, etc.

As a radionuclide analyst within the Prototype International Data Center (a United Nations Training Center), Expert analyzed the data from radiation detectors from around the world to characterize ambient vs. anomalous radiation levels. His typical method of analysis involved the use of gamma-ray spectroscopy.

As the Fukushima nuclear crisis was unfolding, Expert provided expert radiation detection and measurement analysis to multiple Fortune and Global 500 companies who were trying to determine whether they should evacuate their employees.

Expert' Ph.D. dissertation entitled, "A Process Model to Characterize Airborne Radionuclide Emissions and Transport Using Radiological and Meteorological Measurements," specifically addressed environmental radioactivity, natural radioactivity, and background radiation.

Expert' expertise in each of these areas was pivotal to his work instructing United Nations scientists in fields related to nuclear treaty monitoring. In addition, his understanding of real world phenomena (including fractionation) were shaped through his analysis of internationally collected radionuclide data during his work with the Prototype International data Center (PIDC). While at the PIDC, Expert analyzed data collected from the Middle East/South Asia resulting from the Pakistani and Indian nuclear weapons tests in 1998. By the time Expert left the PIDC, he had analyzed more environmentally collected radiation/radionuclide data than any analyst in the history of the organization.

Expert, a licensed professional engineer (P.E.), developed an understanding of radiation effects, safety, and damage as he earned his B.S., M.S., and Ph.D. degrees in nuclear engineering. He also received specialized training in these areas as a Senior Nuclear Engineer with the U.S. Department of Defense (DoD). In addition to maintaining expert level knowledge in radiation effects, safety, and damage as they relate to nuclear reactors, Expert possesses this knowledge in areas related to nuclear weapons, nuclear medical technology, etc.

As a Massachusetts Institute of Technology Nuclear Science and Engineering Visiting Full Professor and a Senior Nuclear Engineer with DoD, he regularly conducted unclassified and classified research and analysis into all aspects of radiation effects, safety, and damage. His work supported the Office of the Secretary of Defense, the Commander of the Pacific Fleet, and other senior entities.

Expert, a licensed professional engineer (P.E.), has earned B.S., M.S., and Ph.D. degrees in nuclear engineering.

As a Senior Nuclear Engineer with the U.S. Department of Defense (DoD), Expert led a joint DoD/Department of Energy program investigating radioactive material and radiation contamination issues. His team reported their findings on Capitol Hill. In addition, he received highly specialized training on issues relating to radioactivity, radioactive material, and radioactive contamination.

As Chief Engineer/Principal Nuclear Physicist with DoD -- being responsible for the development of radiation detection equipment for specialized DoD elements that served in hostile territory -- Expert had to address a myriad of radioactive material/contamination issues related to the collection of radioactive materials and field data on behalf of DoD.

Expert is a former Visiting Full Professor of Nuclear Science and Engineering at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, where he taught the undergraduate and graduate level Radiation Detection and Measurement class, amongst others. This class, which included a major laboratory component enabled him to instruct students in a wide variety of aspects related to alpha, beta, gamma, neutron, and X-ray radiation, and how to address radioactive material contamination.

After the crisis phase of the Fukushima nuclear incident had concluded, Expert provided his expertise to a school principal located in Tokyo who was concerned about possible residual radioactive contamination at his school.

Because Expert, a licensed professional engineer (P.E.), possesses M.S. and Ph.D. degrees in nuclear engineering, each with an environmental focus, he is specially qualified in mixed waste issues. In addition to his academic training, he has actively worked on mixed waste issues professionally during his time at the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) -- even participating with DOE's original Mixed Waste Working Group.

Expert, a licensed professional engineer (P.E.), has earned B.S., M.S., and Ph.D. degrees in nuclear engineering.

As Chief Engineer, Expert spearheaded development of U.S. Department of Defense (DoD) chemical, biological, radiological, and nuclear sensors.

Expert' highly specialized nuclear, biological, and chemical (NBC) defense and nuclear proliferation knowledge was shaped significantly during his tenure as a Senior Nuclear Engineer and as Chief Engineer/Principal Nuclear Physicist with DoD. The classified and unclassified knowledge that influenced his expertise were instrumental as he briefed DoD seniors (including the Office of the Secretary of Defense and the Commander of the Pacific Fleet), Congress, and the Senate on behalf of DoD and the Director for National Intelligence (DNI). Expert received two DNI commendations based upon his outstanding presentations on Capitol Hill. In addition, he was named a DNI Fellow because of his outstanding research and analysis in the NBC defense and nuclear proliferation arenas. The DNI Fellow Award, which was conferred at a White House ceremony, is the highest award available to U.S. scientists based upon classified research and accomplishments.

In addition, Expert is slated to serve as the undergraduate and graduate instructor for the Massachusetts Institute of Technology's Nuclear Threat Course offered in 2013.

As the Fukushima nuclear crisis was unfolding, Expert was contacted by a Fortune 100 company with offices in Tokyo. The company needed an immediate diagnosis of the problem at Fukushima, a prognosis regarding what should be expected, and an assessment regarding whether their Tokyo workers were safe (or if they should evacuate). Within 6 hours of the initial contact, Expert provided them with an assessment. They said that they were impressed with the thoroughness of the assessment and the fact that, although none of them had scientific backgrounds, they were able to understand the information he prepared.

As a result of Expert’ ability to discern between scientific fact and conjecture, and his skill in communicating the facts in an extremely understandable manner, they had him to address all of the workers in the Tokyo office and their families to provide them with a real-time assessment and field their questions. The meeting was lengthy because of the anxiety of the workers and their many questions, but despite the length of the meeting and the 12 hour time zone difference (which meant the meeting began after midnight f), his communication skills remained fully effective. The workers and their families appreciated that he respected their questions and feelings, and provided credible information.

The company was so impressed with Expert’ work that they contacted other Fortune 500 and Global 500 companies to praise his efforts, which led to Expert having multiple customers in the region.Months after the crisis phase of the Fukushima incident had passed, Expert was contacted by a school principal who was concerned about reports of elevated radiation levels in his area. The principal communicated his concern for the students, and the fact that the school did not have the resources needed to pay for an analysis. Therefore, Expert accepted the principal as a customer on a pro bono basis. He provided the same level of service to the principal that he provided to major corporations. As a result, the school had an accurate understanding of the radiological risks facing the students, and understood ways to self-assess changes in those risk factors.Expert was contacted by a Global 100 company that was interested in diversifying its market share -- adding the nuclear/radiological field to its well established chemical portfolio. Because of Expert’ understanding of the nuclear/radiological field and the nature of their specific request, he was initially hesitant to accept the work. He felt that his expertise in the area -- although strong -- might not be strong enough to render success. Despite his reservations, the company insisted that Expert’ expertise in the area was the strongest they had found after months of searching. Therefore, Expert accepted the work.

Expert successfully performed the initial phase of the work. Then, he identified and put the company in contact with an obscure expert with the specific proficiencies the company needed. The company later reported to Expert that they were happy with his work and the work of the expert he put in touch with them.


Year Degree Subject Institution
Year: 2005 Degree: Ph.D. Subject: Nuclear Engineering (Focus: environmental radioactivity, nuclear forensics) Institution: University of Maryland
Year: 1994 Degree: M.S. Subject: Nuclear Engineering (Focus: hazardous waste destruction, plasma physics) Institution: North Carolina State University
Year: 1992 Degree: B.S. Subject: Nuclear Engineering Institution: North Carolina State University

Work History

Years Employer Title Department
Years: 2008 to Present Employer: Undisclosed Title: Senior Science Advisor Department: Office of Intelligence and Counterntelligence
Expert provides expert technical depositions for legal proceedings on behalf of DOE. He also serves as the final authority in his directorate for all technical matters related to advanced technology, environmental science, and nuclear/radiological weapons and effects.
Years Employer Title Department
Years: 2008 to Present Employer: Undisclosed Title: On-Air Technical Expert Department: The Science Channel
Expert appears on the "Brink" television show as a technical expert addressing advanced technology, environmental science, and traditional and renewable energy sources.
Years Employer Title Department
Years: 2006 to 2008 Employer: Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) Title: Visiting (Full) Professor Department: Department of Nuclear Science and Engineering
Expert led classroom instruction at both the undergraduate and graduate levels for the following courses: Radiation Detection and Measurement and Measurement, Nuclear Waste Management, and the Science and Technology of Nuclear Nonproliferation and Security. He also served as a thesis adviser to several students and conducted research in the areas of environmental forensics and advanced radiation detection techniques.
Years Employer Title Department
Years: 2005 to 2008 Employer: U.S. Department of Defense (DoD) Title: Principal Nuclear Physicist Department: Science and Technology Brain Trust
Expert served as the principal adviser on all nuclear matters, which included radiation and radionuclide detection, radiation transport and dispersion, material deposition, nuclear fuel cycles, nuclear and radiological weapons, and advanced nuclear technology.
Years Employer Title Department
Years: 2004 to 2005 Employer: Department of Defense (DoD) Title: Chief Engineer/Principal Nuclear Physicist Department: Technical Analysis Division
Expert oversaw all technology development related to chemical, biological, radiological, and nuclear weapons detection. Beyond the requisite expertise needed in each of the detection disciplines, Expert demonstrated expertise in supporting disciplines including electrical engineering, environmental science, and systems engineering.
Years Employer Title Department
Years: 2000 to 2004 Employer: Department of Defense (DoD) Title: Senior Nuclear Engineer Department: Counterproliferation Support Office
Expert managed classified nuclear research activities within DoD, at DOE national laboratories, and internationally. He also taught environmental forensics, nuclear weapons design, and nuclear defense at Defense Nuclear Weapons School.
Years Employer Title Department
Years: 1996 to 2000 Employer: Prototype International Data Center (PIDC) Title: Radionuclide Analyst Department: Radionuclide Monitoring Group
Expert instructed international experts in nuclear and environmental forensics prior to their service as United Nations (U.N.) scientists in Vienna, Austria. He also performed nuclear weapons and environmental forensics at U.N. specified sites around the world. He used gamma-ray spectroscopy and other techniques to differentiate between typical radiation/radionuclide ratios from nuclear power reactors, weapons detonations, and natural radiation sources.
Years Employer Title Department
Years: 1994 to 1996 Employer: U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) Title: Associate Engineer Department: Office of Environmental Management
Available upon request.

International Experience

Years Country / Region Summary
Years: 2011 to 2011 Country / Region: Tokyo, Japan Summary: Expert performed technical analyses for a Fortune 100 company in response to the Fukushima nuclear crisis. He provided nuclear, radiological, and environmental expertise to this client.
Years: 2011 to 2011 Country / Region: Tokyo, Japan Summary: Expert performed technical analyses for a Global 200 company in response to the Fukushima nuclear crisis. He provided nuclear, radiological, and environmental expertise to this client.
Years: 2011 to 2011 Country / Region: Tokyo, Japan Summary: Expert performed technical analyses for a Global 500 company in response to the Fukushima nuclear crisis. He provided nuclear, radiological, and environmental expertise to this client.
Years: 2011 to 2011 Country / Region: Tokyo, Japan Summary: Expert performed technical analyses for a school in response to elevated radiation readings in the vicinity of the school. He provided radiological and environmental expertise to this client.

Career Accomplishments

Associations / Societies
Expert is a member of the following technical and professional organizations: IEEE, ANS, NSPE, AAAS, and APS.
Licenses / Certifications
Expert holds a P.E. license.
Professional Appointments
Expert serves as an appointed Board Member of the Discovery (Science) Channel. Earlier in his career, he was appointed to the American Nuclear Society, Special Committee on Nuclear Nonproliferation.
He was elected president of the Potomac Maryland Region of National Society of Professional Engineers. He was also elected to the American Nuclear Society, Environmental Sciences Executive Committee.
Awards / Recognition
Expert has earned numerous awards based upon his technical expertise. He is most proud of his Director of National Intelligence (DNI) Fellow Award. This career defining award, which was conferred at a White House ceremony, is the highest honor available to scientists based upon classified research and accomplishments. Expert has also earned a Certificate of Congressional Recognition, a Dominion Energy Excellence in Leadership Award, and a DNI Citation for exceptional technical presentations to Congress. Earlier in his career, he was named National Young Engineer of the Year and earned a Department of Energy Environmental Restoration and Waste Management Graduate Fellowship.
Publications and Patents Summary
Expert has authored over 50 classified and unclassified technical and Expert reviewed journal publications.

Additional Experience

Expert Witness Experience
Expert currently serves as an expert witness for the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE). In this capacity, he regularly prepares technical depositions for legal proceedings involving DOE.
Training / Seminars
Expert has developed and delivered a wide variety of courses and seminars in his fields of expertise.

His academic experience includes the following Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) courses and seminars:
- Nuclear Waste Management
- Radiation Detection and Measurement
- Providing for the Uncommon Defense - Nonproliferation in the Cold War Era
- The Science and Technology of Nuclear Nonproliferation and Security
- Detecting Nuclear and Radiological Weapons.

He also led a U.S. Naval Academy Seminar entitled Detecting Trace Quantities of Anthropogenic Airborne Radionuclides through Environmental Sampling.

His media experience includes the following Discovery Channel features:
- The Feasibility of Low Energy Nuclear Reactions
- The Feasibility of Solar Power Beamed from Space-based Satellites
- The Feasibility of Biologically-based Solar Power
- The Feasibility of Practical Applications of the Smart Grid.

He also led a Public Broadcasting Service seminar entitled Diverse Applications of Nuclear Technology.

Expert' international seminars include:
- Discrimination of Minimal Peaks from Background in Gamma-Ray Spectroscopy (13th International Conference on Nuclear Engineering)
- CTBT Monitoring Station Operating Regime Influence on Radionuclide Detection Sensitivity (7th International Conference on Nuclear Engineering)
- Ultra-Sensitive Environmental Monitoring of Emissions from a Radioisotope Production Facility (11th Pacific Basin Nuclear Conference)

His federal seminars include:
- The Concept and Operation of the Through Wall Detection and Identification System (1st Annual Capitol Hill Technical Expo)
- The Development and Radiation Testing of a New Generation Biochip (2nd Annual Capitol Hill Technical Expo).

Fields of Expertise

nuclear science, nuclear engineering, nuclear technology, environmental science, environmental management, environmental forensics, nuclear reactor, nuclear power, radiation detection, nuclear radiation measurement, environmental radioactivity, natural radioactivity, background radiation, radiation damage, radiation safety, radiation effect, radioactive contamination, radioactive material, radioactivity, mixed waste disposal, radioactive mixed waste, nuclear biological chemical defense, nuclear proliferation, military science, X-ray detector, radiation hardened device, cobalt-60, actinide hydride, environmental waste, neutron irradiation, radiation hazard, material uranium content analysis, attenuation, advanced gas-cooled nuclear reactor, uranium-lead dating, radiation burn, extraterrestrial radiation, uranium ore, gamma-ray sterilization, Wigner energy, slow neutron, photonuclear reaction, subcritical nuclear reactor, magnetic bottle, cosmic radiation, hard radiation, radioactive material containment process, fallout, depleted uranium, electromagnetic spectrum, nuclear reactor cladding material, atomic number, free-electron laser, nuclear reactor corrosion, radiation shield, uranium recovery, zero-power nuclear reactor, boiling-water nuclear reactor, cooling water, radiation detector, radiation-related equipment, naturally radioactive-compound environmental effect, nuclear waste management, swimming pool nuclear reactor, thermal-equilibrium nuclear reactor, pressurized-water nuclear reactor, liquid metal cooled nuclear reactor, heterogeneous nuclear reactor, fast-neutron nuclear reactor, high-temperature gas-cooled nuclear reactor, enriched-fuel nuclear reactor, breeder nuclear reactor, beryllium-moderated nuclear reactor, actinide-element chemistry, ultraviolet radiation energy, infrared radiation energy, electromagnetic radiation, national defense, proton, uranium chemistry, radioactive isotope, radiation processing, nuclear radiation, uranium environmental effect, thorium environmental effect, solar energy, radium environmental effect, radiochemistry, polonium environmental effect, plutonium environmental effect, nuclide, nuclear waste volume reduction, nuclear reactor technology, nuclear fuel, nuclear chemistry, nuclear electromagnetic pulse, irradiation, gamma ray, fission product, environmental modeling, control rod, Cerenkov counter

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