Intellex Acquires Expert by Big Village

We're thrilled to announce that Intellex has acquired Expert by Big Village, effective March 22, 2024. This strategic move enhances our capabilities and strengthens our commitment to delivering exceptional solutions to our customers.

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Expert Details

Next Generation Internet, Semantic Web, Database, Languages, Research, Programming, Project Funding

ID: 728181 Germany

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Expert holds a doctor of engineering degree in informatics in the area of software engineering from Technical University Dresden, Germany, with special focus on automated compiler generation for programming languages. She worked as scientific fellow in the area of high speed and multimedia communication protocols at Technical University Berlin (Germany) and developed multiple versions of XTP (express Transfer Protocol) for broadband networking environments in German BERKOM and European RACE projects. In the area of QoS for multimedia communication (audio, video and content) over ATM and mobile applications over UMTS, she was involved in German telecommunication projects (in collaboration with T-Systems).

In European research projects, she developed also the first version of the CM Toolset automated measurement architecture for performance measurement of Internet connections with traffic generation, which was later enhanced and extended in European projects, like INTERMON and NETQOS. She worked also as technical manager of EU IST project INTERMON in the area of inter-domain QoS monitoring, modeling, simulation and visual data mining with special focus on models and automated tools for data mining patterns in communication networks. Together with T-Systems, she developed software system for planning of bandwidth for applications in ISP infrastructures (data base, management procedures and graphical interfaces). During her work at University of Applied Sciences Bonn-Rhein-Sieg, she participated in EU IST DAIDALOS (I and II) project with focus on research and developments of mobile multicast services (for instance with integration of NORM platform) in QoS based heterogeneous mobile infrastructures (WLAN, UMTS, MANET) and broadcast technologies (DVB-T and DVB-H), as well as routing technologies and algorithms for wireless mesh and sensor infrastructures (ZigBee, 6LOWPAN). As research fellow of Fraunhofer Institute, she contributed to EU IST NETQOS project in the area of ontology development, design and implementations of policy management systems.

Her current interests include studies and project proposals in the area of Next Generation Internet and media communication services for enhanced management and planning of heterogeneous cooperative network infrastructures, considering GMPLS, LTE, WIMAX, DVB-H/DVB-T, Gigabit Ethernet, cellular systems, inter-domain routing (IPv4, IPv6), as well as mission critical applications and evacuation systems, mobile video, e-cinema, knowledge infrastructures and ontology design, pattern analysis, haptics, Semantic Web 3.0 and cloud computing.

Her software engineering and programming expertise include UML, object oriented technologies, RDBMS MySQL, Postgre SQL, Informix, InterBase, SQL Server, JAVA, JavaScript, PERL scripts, C++, .NET, XAML, WPF, CLR, C, TCP/IP, XTP, Mobile IP, Multicast and Mobile Routing algorithms, GMPLS, Reliable Multicast NORM, PHP, COBOL, Fortran, Drivers FDDI, Ethernet, Broadcast Media DVB/H, DVB/T, VoIP, Audio, Video, Multimedia Transport and Production, Ontology Languages OWL, Protégé, Software design UML, Web Site Creation (WordPress) and Content Management, HTML, XML, XSL, Semantic Web (Web Services, RDF, OWL, SPARQL).

C, C++, JAVA Programming, cloud computingQoS, mobile network technologies (UMTS, WIMAX, LTE), broadcast technologies (DVB-H/DVB-T), GMPLS/MPLS technologiesFuture Internet, inter-domain routing, QoS routing, ISP federation, wireless mesh, sensor networking and protocolsPolicy management, identity management, bandwidth brokers, bandwidth planning and management, Ontology, Quality of Service,
Service Level AgreementsMulticast routing, reliable multicast, mobile multicast


Year Degree Subject Institution
Year: 1990 Degree: PhD. (Dr.Ing.) Subject: Informatics Institution: Technical University Dresden

Work History

Years Employer Title Department
Years: 2009 to Present Employer: Undisclosed Title: Project Management Department:
Responsible for research studies, media content project funding and technology development.
• Preparing of studies and project proposal on ontology based communication infrastructure for mobile applications in Future Internet.
• Evaluation of EU FP7 project proposals in Brüssel (SECURITY, SME and PEOPLE Calls)
Years Employer Title Department
Years: 2006 to 2007 Employer: Fraunhofer Institute Germany Title: Chief Researcher Department:
• Contribution to EU FP6 DAIDALOS II ( deliverables and implementations in the areas of QoS for mobile services, mobile multicast architectures and mobile broadcast (DVB-H, DVB-T) support.
• WP Leader responsible for “Integration & Test” of EU FP6 project NETQOS (
• Design, implementation and integration of NETQOS user-centric QoS policy management architecture.
• Implementation of ontology based user interfaces using OWL Protégé ontology editor and data bases for user centric policy management.
• Implementation of data base for policy data using MySQL and Hibernate JAVA.
• Research study on QoS routing in wireless mesh networks.
• Project proposal for configurable transport protocol services.
• Research study on home applications for wireless sensor networks.
• Contribution to Deliverables of EU FP7 project 4WARD (
• Research on policy languages and management architectures (XACML, PCIM, QPIM, DMTF, DEN-ng).
• Experience with ontology languages and GUI support (OWL, SWRL, Protégé, JENA API) for application and service descriptions.
• Research on QoS and SLA specification languages for communication services and applications.
• Research on autonomous computing, configurable transport services and protocols for Next Generation Internet.
• Preparing of scientific studies, IETF Drafts (standardization), project proposals and research papers.
• Supervision of student works (TU Berlin) on Management interfaces for QoS based planning and delivery of applications and Web services in communication infrastructures, using of JFreeChart for visualization of bandwidth and QoS information).
• Evaluation of EU FP7 project proposals (SME and PEOPLE Calls).
Years Employer Title Department
Years: 2004 to 2006 Employer: Fachhochschule Bonn- Rhein-Sieg, Sankt Augustin Germany Title: Chief Researcher Department:
• Contribution to EU Project DAIDALOS I (
• Deliverables and implementations.
• DAIDALOS work on seamless handover (MIPv6, Fast Handover for MIPv6) and QoS support for heterogeneous IPv6 mobile access networks technologies (WiFi, WiMAX, UMTS, Bluetooth, TD-CDMA, DVB-H/T).
• Research on Mobile IPv6 support for unidirectional links using Link Layer Tunneling Mechanisms (IETF RFC 3077).
• Software Design and Development (C++, JAVA) for Bandwidth
Planning System in collaboration with T-Systems).
• Usage of UML for software structure description.
• Programming with JAVA (J2SE, J2EE), Eclipse SDK Platforms.
• Work on user centric approaches for advance resource reservation in IP and mobile IP environment (Mobile RSVP, Predictive RSFP and other).
• Research on technologies for optimized access network selection (CARD protocol) and their improvement.
• Work on context management and transfer for mobile multicast services based on IPv6.
• Studies in the area of extension of Multicast routing (PIM usage) and group management (MLDv2 extension) for mobile multimedia services.
• Preparation of White papers on “Media on-demand” and “Multicast routing” for IST Multicast / Broadcast Cluster (BMC).
• Supervision of student works in the areas of reliable multicast for mobile IPv6 (IETF NORM reliable multicast protocol extension and adaptation for WLAN) and NS2 simulation – FH Bonn-Rhein-Sieg.
• Preparing of scientific studies, IETF drafts (standardization), project proposals and research papers.
Years Employer Title Department
Years: 2002 to 2004 Employer: Salzburg Research Austria Title: Technical Manager EU Project Department:
• Preparation of INTERMON Project Proposal for European IST Program.
• Design and development of INTERMON integrated performance monitoring, traffic analysis and routing data mining system for inter-domain environment.
• Development of tool for communication pattern detection and forecasting using ARIMA in collaboration with ITA (Instituto Tecnológico de Aeronáutica Brasil) written in C++ and JAVA.
• Design and implementation of scalable and spatio-temporal relational data base for performance, routing and modeling information (C++,MySQL, JAVA).
• Visual data mining of measurement results (usage of JAVA, MySQL, C++, JFreeChart enhancements).
• Analysis of Inter-domain Routing protocol (BGP-4) behavior and protocol data for enhanced QoS support in collaboration with colleagues from R&D Telefonica (Spain).
• Work on embedded systems and real-times architectures with haptics integration.
• Initiation of workshop on Inter-domain performance and simulation (IPS).
• Preparing of scientific studies, project proposals and research papers.
• Supervision of student works at Salzburg University (Pattern Analysis of applications in communication networks
• Analysis of JAVA based Software Development Technologies for mobile applications.
• Integration of Unwired Mercury architecture for development of UMTS applications.
• Research on agent technologies applied for mobile applications;
• Tool for transport of different Audio Formats, Audio Qualities (Sampling Rate, Compression)
• Design and Implementation of QoS based Video Transmission Tool based on ATM CBR and VBR services.
• Implementation of application for Video AVI-Formats support with selectable parameters (dimension, pixel depth, compression).
• Design and Implementation of IP QoS Driver based on ATM for NT Windows environment.
• NT Beta 5.0 Microsoft Version with ATM Call Manager Driver for application driven ATM QoS Resource Reservation.
• Design and Implementation of a QoS Measurement and Resource Reservation System.
• Programming environment – Jbuilder and Interbase.
• Project with T-Systems and CRC Canada on VoIP measurement and monitoring on Transatlantic WAN.
Years Employer Title Department
Years: 2000 to 2002 Employer: T-Systems Germany Title: Software Development/Architect Department:
• Analysis of JAVA based Software Development Technologies for mobile applications.
• Integration of Unwired Mercury architecture for development of UMTS applications.
• Research on agent technologies applied for mobile applications;
• Tool for transport of different Audio Formats, Audio Qualities (Sampling Rate, Compression)
• Design and Implementation of QoS based Video Transmission Tool based on ATM CBR and VBR services.
• Implementation of application for Video AVI-Formats support with selectable parameters (dimension, pixel depth, compression).
• Design and Implementation of IP QoS Driver based on ATM for NT Windows environment.
• NT Beta 5.0 Microsoft Version with ATM Call Manager Driver for application driven ATM QoS Resource Reservation.
• Design and Implementation of a QoS Measurement and Resource Reservation System.
• Programming environment – Jbuilder and Interbase.
• Project with T-Systems and CRC Canada on VoIP measurement and monitoring on Transatlantic WAN.
Years Employer Title Department
Years: 1997 to 2000 Employer: IBH Germany Title: Project management Department:
• German Research Projects funded by Aif “Otto von Guericke” and Telecommunication Industry,
• Development of automated testing tools,
• Development of CMToolset for automated measurement and monitoring of Internet connections based on traffic generation according application profile
Years Employer Title Department
Years: 1996 to 1997 Employer: University Salzburg and Techno/Z Salzburg Austria Title: Project management / engineering Department:
• Development of automated software testing tools (C++).
• Programming of remote measurement and testing software (C++).
• Design and Implementation of „CM Toolset“ Tool for Automated
Performance Analysis of Communication services in Internet (1999) patent bought by PTA Austria.
• Collaboration with University Salzburg (Prof. Clausen) on reliable multicast for Satellites and Forward Error Correction (FEC) techniques.
• Contribution to design of RRMP Multimedia Multicast Transport
• Protocol with FEC technology.
• Multicast Research Studies for Techno-Z, Salzburg.
• Supervision of student works at University Salzburg.
Years Employer Title Department
Years: 1990 to 1995 Employer: Technische Universität Berlin Germany Title: Chief scientist Department:
• Contribution to BERKOM Project.
• Implementation of XTP (eXpress Transfer Protocol) in SunOS with Ethernet and FDDI-CMC Support.
• EU Project CIO RACE 2060: Specification of „XTPX Broadband
Multimedia Transport protocol“.
• Implementation of XTPX Version 1.3, Adaptation of XTPX over ATM FORE 2.1.1 Driver.
• Specification of „Enhanced Protocol Functions for Multicast and Broadcast“.
• Contribution to EU Project TOPIC RACE 2092 for multimedia service description.
• Work in XTP HP/Medusa Project: Implementation of Single-Copy XTPLite Version on HP 700 Series for FDDI MEDUSA Interface.
• Contribution to the MMT platform of „BERKOM Multimedia Transport System“.
• Initiation of Workshop/Conference on Protocols on Multimedia Systems (PROMS).
• Participation at XTP Forum in USA.

Career Accomplishments

Associations / Societies
Initiation and Organization of International Workshop/Conference “New Protocols for Multimedia Systems“, PROMS, 1994, Berlin

Organization of International Workshop/Conference “Protocols for Multimedia Systems“, PROMS 1995, Salzburg in cooperation with TechnoZ and University of Salzburg.
Professional Appointments
Technical expert for evaluation EU research projects in FP6/FP7 calls – Research for SME (Small and medium enterprises), SECURITY, PEOPLE, FET (Future and Emerging Technologies), Research Promotion Foundation Cyprus, EUREKA Eurostars.
Medical / Professional
1. Journal reviewer
Journal on Computer Communications,
2. Program committee member
IEEE International Conference on Telecommunications (ICT), Workshop on Mechanisms for Mastering Future Internet, IEEE International Conference and Exhibition on Next Generation Mobile Applications, Services, and Technologies, IEEE Next Generation Teletraffic and Wired/Wireless Advanced Networks, IEEE International Conference on Software, Telecommunications and Computer Networks, IST Mobile & Wireless Communications Summit, International Workshop on Inter-domain Performance and Simulation (IPS), Protocols for Multimedia Systems (PROMS) Workshop, IPCCC IEEE Annual International Conference on Computers and Communications,
Session on QoS Policy Management Technologies, International Joint Conference on e-Business and Telecommunications (ICETE), Conference on Wireless Information Networks & Systems, July 2007.

Session on Learning and Reasoning in Internet, Conference on Informatics
and Cybernetics (CITSA), June 2005.

Publications and Patents Summary
over 100 publications at international workshops and conferences

Additional Experience

Expert Witness Experience
Evaluation of EU research projects (FP6/FP7) in telecommunication, informatics, computer science,
Training / Seminars
C, C++, JAVA, ontology, broadcast media, sensor networks, policy management, sensor networks, wireless mesh, multicast routing, services on-demand
Vendor Selection
Media broadcast communication, cloud computing, mobile and satellite technology, ISPs
Marketing Experience
broadcast networks, media communication, mobile QoS
Other Relevant Experience
research project funding

Language Skills

Language Proficiency

Fields of Expertise

Request Expert

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