Expert Details
Neurosurgery, IME, Workers Comp, Medical Legal, New Ventures
ID: 726573
New Mexico, USA
In addition to his neurosurgical practice, Expert serves as a consultant in matters of medical-legal issues, independent medical evaluations, and medical systems management.
Year | Degree | Subject | Institution |
Year: 1986 | Degree: MD | Subject: Medicine | Institution: State University of New York Brooklyn Health Science Center, Downstate College of Medicine |
Year: 2009 | Degree: MBA | Subject: Medical Systems Management | Institution: Johns Hopkins University |
Year: 1981 | Degree: B.S. | Subject: Biology | Institution: Fairleigh Dickinson University |
Work History
Years | Employer | Title | Department |
Years: 1993 to Present | Employer: Undisclosed | Title: Neurosurgeon/owner | Department: |
Responsibilities:Board certified practicing neurosurgeon, general neurosurgery, special interest in brain tumors and spinal surgery |
Additional Experience
Expert Witness Experience |
Expert has extensive experience as expert witness, records reviews in matters of potential medical malpractice including consulting, deposition, court testimony |
Training / Seminars |
Expert is frequently asked to serve as faculty member in seminars/courses for doctors in training and Operating Room personnel |
Marketing Experience |
MBA in Medical Systems Management (Health Care Management) from Johns Hopkins University |
Fields of Expertise
brain surgery, craniotomy, image guided surgery, laminectomy, neuro intensive care unit, neuroanatomy, neurological trauma, positron emission tomography, spine surgery, health care industry, independent medical evaluation, medical malpractice evaluation, health care quality assurance, medical device liability, health care management, surgical implant device, cost-benefit analysis, health care system