Intellex Acquires Expert by Big Village

We're thrilled to announce that Intellex has acquired Expert by Big Village, effective March 22, 2024. This strategic move enhances our capabilities and strengthens our commitment to delivering exceptional solutions to our customers.

Stay tuned for more updates on how this acquisition will benefit our clients and experts.

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Expert Details

Needs Evaluation, Lean Managment, Advance Market Share

ID: 728687 United Kingdom

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Expert has 30 plus years of international business expertise. Expert has built, developed, purchased and sold many companies during his career. He commenced helping companies and senior managment 14 years ago. He has developed a Business Energiser Programme that helps senior managment look at their company in a third dimensional way and by laterally applying re-development stratergies, helps them discover why the company is not developing at pace and generating income at full potentual. He applys a lean managment stratergy to increase cash flow and bottom line profits and evaluates the managment. Where needed, he will put an inplacement process into place, believing that the managment makes or breaks a company. Inplacement strategy involves producing a personal profile analysis of each manager to discover a good fit between existing managment and a new member so that synchronicity can naturally evolve. He helps them to function better and become more aware of how to gain the best from their managment and thereby grow the business, multiply profits and identify talent.

Expert has also spent a great deal of time coaching management in career development, he has written five working modules that are truly 'State of the Art' and form a step-by-step guide to identify the assets contained in a person's career, these are then used to develop a marketing programme to attract companies to recruit the candidate. He has also developed a 7-step functional CV that currently achieves a 90% success interview rate.
Expert has developed a Portfolio Managment Programme specifically designed for SME's who need top experts in various fields but do not have the budget to afford them. A Portfolio Manager will be a person who is over 55 years of age and looking to work for a company part time, typically they take on between two and three companies (non competitive) and agree on an annual salary at a very cost effective rate, no more than that of an admistrator's pay.

Expert has worked in the UK, USA, Canada and both Middle and Far East as well as many European countries. He has built and developed sales forces and distribution networks internationally.

Worked with a company that was over burdened with middle management. The company's efficiencies were being affected to the point where growth was hampered. Expert discovered that some managers did not have the ability to take the company to the next stage in its development. He imposed a Business Energiser Programme which identified the weak points, put a lean managment strategy into place and replaced certain people with those who could make a differance. Within 6 months the company resumed growth. Company had a deminishing demand for its products due to Far Eastern competition. The company had not moved with the times and produced fine products but they were non compeditive. The customer base however was very large. Expert brought in a new range of products into their customer base which increased their turnover and re-energised their profitability, saving them from ultimate closure. Expert discovered a company was loosing its market share and had a deminishing level of profits. Their product range was into retail with a price point below £10.
He re-established the wholesale price point from an average of £3.45 to £3.75.
By increasing prices by these small percentages profitability was re-established and they were able to introduce new product lines to increase market share. Expert went into a manufacturing company with large cash flow problems. Their Bank would not increase facilities and their suppliers took their credit terms away. He imposed a lean managment system and reduced the level of manpower to the bare minimum. The capital equipment was valued @ (£3m), sold the equipment and leased it back into the company. Combined, this provided sufficient funds to continue. The company is now back on an even keel and prospering with a healthy order book. Manufacturer wanted to increase market share and gain higher levels of exposure through national retail accounts. Expert initially appointed Sales Promotion Personel who were assigned to teach store sales people in product knowledge, they incentivised each store by running competitions. This naturally increased product demand and the allotted shelf space grew significantly. More products were then brought in to enhance and continue demand levels.


Year Degree Subject Institution
Year: 1996 Degree: Master Coach Subject: Business & Corporate Coaching Institution: I.C.I
Year: 1994 Degree: Advanced Coaching Subject: Career Development Institution: B.H Private tuition Boston Mass'

Work History

Years Employer Title Department
Years: 2004 to Present Employer: Undisclosed Title: Director Department: Undisclosed
All Business Energiser programmes, client facing.
Years Employer Title Department
Years: 1995 to 2004 Employer: Undisclosed Title: Director Department: Undisclosed
All businees development, Client facing.
Years Employer Title Department
Years: 1993 to 1995 Employer: Undisclosed Title: Group Marketing Director Department: Undisclosed
All marketing for a group of 30 companies.
Years Employer Title Department
Years: 1983 to 1993 Employer: Undisclosed Title: CEO Department: Undisclosed
Built the company from scratch. Running all aspects.

International Experience

Years Country / Region Summary
Years: 1995 to 1996 Country / Region: USA Summary: Expert was Marketing Director of appointed to run incubator programmes into the U.S. These were designed to help young growing companies to gain market exposure into the U.S.
Years: 1996 to 1998 Country / Region: USA Summary: Spent long periods of time in the U.S. developing brand recognition for a ceramic range of giftware. Developed business from scratch to multi-million $ demand.
Years: 1994 to 1999 Country / Region: Far East Summary: Working from bases in Hong Honk & Singapore, developed business for both European and U.S retail. Managed product development in Malaysia. He was invited by the President of Malaysia to run all their clay reserves and future Ceramic manufacturing plants.
Years: 1994 to 1996 Country / Region: Australia Summary: Introduced a consultancy business into Australia and New Zealand for an American company from a green field site. The company went on to become a very successful enterprize in both countries.

Career Accomplishments

Associations / Societies
Institute of Directors;
International Coaching Institute;
Association of Small Business.
Licenses / Certifications
Fellow of the Institute of Directors; Fellow & Master Coach I.C.I.
Professional Appointments
Held a total of 13 directorships and 1 position as CEO.
Publications and Patents Summary
He has authored 2 books in personal and corporate development.

Additional Experience

Training / Seminars
Organised and developed a number of training and development seminars.
Vendor Selection
He has much logistical experience and has the ability to discover suppliers who are reliable and have a cost-effective mentality.
Marketing Experience
He has expereince in both Service and Manufacturing. He has international expereince and can atune cultural requirements to specific objectives and needs. He has a unique way of growing demand through retail, to gain extra shelf space and therefore increase sales.
Other Relevant Experience
His success has always come from his natural ability to get on with people. He is a good communicator and uses Neuro-Linguistic Programming to full effect of which he is a qualified Master Practitioner.

Fields of Expertise

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