Intellex Acquires Expert by Big Village

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Expert Details

Mycotoxic Nephropathy, Pathology, Mycotoxins

ID: 729052 Bulgaria

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Expert demonstrates expertise in veterinary pathology and diagnostics in areas of morbid anatomy, necropsy, histopathology, toxicologic pathology, toxicology and diagnostic services. Expertise in relation to designing of experiments and reading various macroscopic, microscopic and ultrastructural changes in animal tissues samples. He possesses skills in the field of: multi-mycotoxin screen and clean-up, bio-assays, rapid screening methods such as immunoaffinity clean up/fluorimetry, ELISA based immuno-assay or cell culture based, TLC and HPLC analysis, cytotoxicity testing (MTT bioassay), enzyme immuno-assays on small columns or membranes, PCR (polymerize chain reaction) analysis including DNA extraction and sequence, overview on a large number of up-to-date methods in the field of toxicological characterization of food and feed, fungal screening and identification from feed/food samples, including establishment of toxinogenic potential of fungi via sub-culturing on YES agar and using TLC. Having PhD and DSc degrees in field of toxicologic pathology (PhD thesis titled “Clinicomorphological and toxicological investigations in mycotoxic porcine nephropathy in Bulgaria” and DSc thesis titled “Clinicomorphological, biochemical and immunological investigations in mycotoxic nephropathy in chicks and some preventive measure”). Good management skills – he has been a leader and manager of multidisciplinary international teams in various international research projects.

The main Pathologist in eight (8) Joint International Research Projects between Bulgaria and Germany (IPSS D032, E008, E009, E0010, E011, F003, F006, F031) funded by International Pharmaceutical Strategies and Solutions (IPSS) GmbH – Germany (2005-2007).
The aim of the first project was to evaluate the protective effect of some chemical compounds on pathomorphological changes in various internal organs in rats provoked by external beam irradiation. The aim of the other seven projects was to evaluate pathomorphological changes in various tissues, glands and internal organs in more than 500 rats and 100 rabits provoked by various pharmaceutical compounds as well as pharmacokinetics, toxicokinetics, tissue distribution and bioaccumulation of the same compounds following oral and intravenous administration. The pathomorphological changes in stomach, small and large intestine, caecum, urinary bladder, kidneys, liver, heart, lungs, spleen, lymph nodes, brain, cerebellum, bone marrow, muscle, pancreas, thymus, thyroid gland, adrenal glands, pituitary gland, lachrymal glands, salivary glands, prostate, testicles, loose or reticular connective tissue and skin were evaluated.


Year Degree Subject Institution
Year: 1985 Degree: DVM Subject: Veterinary Medicine Institution: Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, Trakia University, Stara Zagora, Bulgaria
Year: 1998 Degree: PhD Subject: Pathologoanatomy and Cytopathology Institution: Trakia University
Year: 2004 Degree: DSc Subject: Pathology of Animals Institution: Trakia University

Work History

Years Employer Title Department
Years: 1987 to Present Employer: Undisclosed Title: Professor Department: Dept of General and Clinical Pathology, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine
Having more than 24 years experience as a veterinary pathologist and as an educator in areas of morbid anatomy, necropsy, histopathology, toxicologic pathology, toxicology and diagnostic services. Good experience in pharmaceutical industry (8 Joint International Research Projects between Bulgaria and Germany) in relation to designing of experiments and reading various macroscopic, microscopic and ultrastructural changes in animal tissues samples. Some experience in field of: multi-mycotoxin screen and clean-up, bio-assays, rapid screening methods such as immunoaffinity clean up/fluorimetry, ELISA based immuno-assay or cell culture based, TLC and HPLC analysis, cytotoxicity testing (MTT bioassay), enzyme immuno-assays on small columns or membranes, PCR (polymerize chain reaction) analysis including DNA extraction and sequence, overview on a large number of up-to-date methods in the field of toxicological characterization of food and feed, fungal screening and identification from feed/food samples, including establishment of toxinogenic potential of fungi via sub-culturing on YES agar and using TLC. Working as an educator (professor) in Veterinary pathology since 1987. Good skills and experience in supervising PhD students. One year experience as a district Veterinary Doctor. Good experience in making of research projects, in designing of various research experiments and in reporting of scientific results in research papers, published in peer reviewed international journals (The Veterinary Record, Experimental and Toxicologic Pathology, Journal of Veterinary Medicine, Veterinary and Human Toxicology, Veterinary Research Communications, Veterinary Research, Research in Veterinary Science, International Journal of Molecular Sciences, Toxicology Letters, International Journal of Food Microbiology, Mycotoxin Research, Food Additives and Contaminants, etc.).

Government Experience

Years Agency Role Description
Years: 1992 to 2003 Agency: National Science Fund of Ministry of Science and Education in Bulgaria Role: Project Leader Description: Project leader of 4 research projects (regarding mycotoxic nephropathy in farm animals and humans): CC273 (1992-1995), L414 (1994-1997), CC449 (1994-1997) and CC1003 (2001-2003) funded by National Science Fund of Ministry of Science and Education in Bulgaria.

International Experience

Years Country / Region Summary
Years: 1997 to 2000 Country / Region: Imperial College in London, England Summary: Bulgarian project leader of Joint Research Project between Bulgaria and UK funded by The Royal Society - London (Joint Project Grant - Reg. Ch. No 207043, Ref. FSU/CEE/JP) and titled: “Fungal nephrotoxins in porcine renal disease in Bulgaria” (1997-2000) – the aim of the project was to clarify the cause of spontaneous porcine and chick nephropathies in Bulgaria
Years: 2000 to 2000 Country / Region: Laboratoire de Toxicologie et Sеcurite Alimentaire, ENSAT, Toulouse, France Summary: A specialisation in Laboratoire de Toxicologie et Sеcurite Alimentaire, Toulouse, France using NATO grant - it addressed some genotoxic investigations on tissue samples from spontaneous and experimental cases of mycotoxic nephropathies in various animals.
Years: 2007 to 2009 Country / Region: University of Johannesburg, South Africa Summary: Marie Curie Outgoing International Fellowship (6th Framework of EU) for 2 years (2007-2008) in University of Johannesburg (Food, Environment and Health Research Group, Faculty of Health Science) and 1 year in Employer (Bulgaria), which is the first Marie Curie fellowship in S. Africa funded by European Community and titled: “An expected multicausal nature of spontaneous animal and human nephropathy in Bulgaria and South Africa” - project 18674 “CAUSE KIDNEY DAMAGE” (see The project has addressed the cause of porcine/chicken/human nephropathies in Bulgaria and human nephropathy in South Africa, which are morphologically different in detail and much more prevalent than those seen in Denmark, where their first classical description was made. The same nephropathies can only partly be attributed to ochratoxin A (OTA) as their incidence in Bulgaria is higher, possibly by one to two orders of magnitude, than it was in Danish pigs in the 1960s and 70s, but the average concentrations of OTA in Bulgarian feeds for pigs/chickens (100-200 ppb) were substantially lower than the 1-2 ppm required to reproduce the classical Danish porcine/chicken nephropathy of a similar severity. It seems, therefore, that Bulgarian nephropathy may have a multitoxic aetiology because it cannot be explained by the concentration of OTA alone. Hence a possible synergistic effect between OTA and other mycotoxins is anticipated as was recently proved. New skills acquired in field of: multi-mycotoxin screen, rapid screening methods such as immunoaffinity clean up/fluorimetry, ELISA based immunoassay or cell culture based, cytotoxicity testing (MTT bioassay), enzyme immuno-assays on small columns or membranes, PCR (polymerise chain reaction) analysis including DNA extraction, PCR amplification, purification of PCR product, product quantification and DNA sequence; overview on a large number of up-to-date methods in the field of toxicological characterization of food and feed and establishment of toxinogenic potential of fungi. The fellowship was selected as one of the seven success stories in the Worldwide Research featured in the publication of European Commission’s Marie Curie team highlighting the most successful Marie Curie fellows (see pp 264-267: and also pp 104-105 of eStrategies Projects:

Career Accomplishments

Licenses / Certifications
Full member in “International Society on Toxinology”, Euroscience Association, and Science Advisory Board. Member in the Research Board of Advisors of the American Biographical Institute (2004).
Professional Appointments
Editorial Board Member of “The Open Toxinology Journal” and “ISRN Veterinary Science”. Reviewer/member in International Reviewers Panel of many peer reviewed international journals as “Medical Science Monitor”, “Toxicology”, “Avian Pathology”, “Research in Veterinary science”, “Food and Chemical Toxicology”, “Archives of Industrial Hygiene and Toxicology”, etc.
Awards / Recognition
Earned a place among the most important contributors in field of Medicine and Healthcare (included in the 4th, 5th and 6th editions of ”Who’s Who in Medicine and Healthcare”), in field of Science and Engineering (included in the 7th, 8th, 9th, 10th and 11th editions of “Who’s Who in Science and Engineering”), and in the World (included in21st -2004 and 22nd – 2009 editions of “Who’s Who in the World” and in the 61st edition Who’s Who in America” - 2007), which chronicle the most accomplished professionals in these areas from across the world. Included in the issues: “Cambridge Blue Book – 2004-2007” (the authoritative and genuine reference of achievement in which he is nominated as a “Laureate of the Cambridge Blue Book” and “The Cambridge blue book man of the year” by IBC), “2000 Outstanding Scientists of the 21st Century – 2004, 2007, 2009, “IBC Leading Scientists of the World – 2005, 2006 and 2008“ and “IBC Top 100 Scientists – 2005”, published by International Biographical Center - IBC, Cambridge. Nominated for “International Scientist of the year 2004”, “Laureate of the Da Vinci Diamond” (2004 and 2006), “The Archimedes Award” (2006) and “IBC Lifetime Achievement Award” (2004) by IBC, Cambridge. Inducted into “American Hall of Fame” for Distinguished Accomplishments in “Toxicologic Pathology” (2009). Included in “Great Minds of the 21st Century – 2004, 2005, 2007 editions” and in “World Book of Knowledge – 2005 edition” published by ABI, and nominated for “Noble Laureate 2004” and “Gold Medal for Bulgaria” (2006, 2007 and 2009) by the Governing Board of Editors of ABI.
Publications and Patents Summary
More than 100 publications in peer reviewed international journals and more than 300 quotations in such journals.

Additional Experience

Expert Witness Experience
Good analytical skills and experience in writing of scientific reports and in generalizing of scientific results from various experiments. Leader of many national and international research projects (in field of mycotoxic nephropathy in farm animals and humans and in field of pharmaceutical industry) funded by European Commission, Royal Society in London (UK), NATO (France), International Pharmaceutical Strategies and Solutions GmbH (Germany) and Ministry of Science and Education (Bulgaria). He has been working with many research teams from all over the world in order to identify the specific (multitoxic) nature of nephropathy ranged in Bulgaria.
Other Relevant Experience
Having more than 30 years of experience as a veterinary pathologist and as an educator in areas of morbid anatomy, necropsy, histopathology, toxicologic pathology, toxicology and diagnostic services. Good experience in pharmaceutical industry (8 Joint International Research Projects between Bulgaria and Germany) in relation to designing of experiments and reading various macroscopic, microscopic and ultrastructural changes in animal tissues samples. Good skills in field of: multi-mycotoxin screen and clean-up, bio-assays, rapid screening methods such as immunoaffinity/fluorimetry, ELISA based immuno-assay. Basic skills in field of TLC or HPLC analysis, cytotoxicity testing (MTT bioassay), PCR (polymerize chain reaction) analysis including DNA extraction and sequence. Overview on a large number of up-to-date methods in the field of toxicological characterization of food and feed, fungal screening and identification from feed/food samples, including establishment of toxinogenic potential of fungi via sub-culturing on YES agar and TLC. Working as an educator (professor) in Veterinary pathology since 1987. Having PhD and DSc degrees in field of toxicologic pathology (PhD thesis titled “Clinicomorphological and toxicological investigations in mycotoxic porcine nephropathy in Bulgaria” and DSc thesis titled “Clinicomorphological, biochemical and immunological investigations in mycotoxic nephropathy in chicks and some preventive measure”). Experience in supervising PhD students. One year experience as a district Veterinary Doctor. Good experience in making of research projects, in designing of various research experiments and in reporting of scientific results in research papers, published in peer reviewed international. Good analytical skills and experience in writing of scientific reports. Leader of many national and international research projects (in field of mycotoxic nephropathy in farm animals and humans and in field of pharmaceutical industry) funded by European Commission of EU, Royal Society in London (UK), NATO (France), International Pharmaceutical Strategies and Solutions GmbH (Germany) and Ministry of Science and Education (Bulgaria). Have been working with many research teams from all over the world in order to identify the specific (multitoxic) nature of nephropathy ranged in Bulgaria. Good management skills – have been a leader and manager of multidisciplinary international teams in various international research projects. Editorial Board Member of “The Open Toxinology Journal” (2008), “ISRN Veterinary Science” (2010-2015), “International Journal of Veterinary Science and Research” (since 2015), “SM Journal of Environmental Toxicology” (2015), “Veterinary Medicine – Open Journal” (since 2016), "The Open Access Journal of Science and Technology" (since 2016), “Journal of Drug Metabolism & Toxicology” (since 2016), “Insights in Internal Medicine” (since 2016), “Trakia Journal of Sciences” (since 2016). Reviewer/member in International Reviewers Panel of many peer reviewed international journals as “Medical Science Monitor”, “Toxicology”, “Avian Pathology”, “Research in Veterinary science”, “Food and Chemical Toxicology”, “Food Additives and contaminants”, “Mycotoxin Research”, “The Open Toxinology Journal”, International Journal of Experimental Pathology”, ”ISRN veterinary science”, “Revue de Medicine Veterinaire”, “Archives of Industrial Hygiene and Toxicology”, “Food Chemistry”, “Mycopathologia”, “Toxicology and Industrial Health”, “Toxicology Letters”, “Toxicology in vitro”, “Mycotoxin Research”, etc. Full member in “International Society on Toxinology”, Euroscience Association (Membership ID: ES03199), Science Advisory Board (Membership ID: 78026). ORC expert ( Expert consulting, Expert witness & Expert research services), CORDIS expert of FP7 of European Commission (2011).

Language Skills

Language Proficiency
English Good
Russian Good

Fields of Expertise

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