Intellex Acquires Expert by Big Village

We're thrilled to announce that Intellex has acquired Expert by Big Village, effective March 22, 2024. This strategic move enhances our capabilities and strengthens our commitment to delivering exceptional solutions to our customers.

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Expert Details

Mineralogy, Metamorphic Petrology, Zeolite Technology, Clays, Enviromental Sciences

ID: 730284 Colombia

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Mr. Ríos has developed several research and teaching activities on geology topics. He has participated in several field works on crystalline basement complexes in different areas of Colombia, which have contributed to improved understanding of the geology and tectono-metamorphic evolution of several metamorphic complexes and some aspects related with the presence of economic industrial minerals associated to them. Mr. Ríos has developed his professional experience at the university teaching level during the last 18 years in the field of Mineralogy. During the last 5 years Mr. Ríos has focused his research interest on the use of low-cost raw materials with potential application in the mitigation of environmental problems, including the synthesis and characterization of zeolitic materials for the remediation of industrial waste-waters in particular acid mine drainage (AMD) generated his mining activity.


Year Degree Subject Institution
Year: 2008 Degree: PhD Subject: Applied sciences Institution: University of Wolverhampton
Year: 1999 Degree: MSc Subject: Geology Institution: University of Shimane
Year: 1995 Degree: Especialist Subject: University Teaching Institution: Universidad Industrial de Santander
Year: 1989 Degree: Geologist Subject: Geology Institution: Universidad Industrial de Santander

Work History

Years Employer Title Department
Years: 1992 to Present Employer: Undisclosed Title: Laureate Professor Department: School of Geology
Expert is a full-time Lecturer on several courses. Mr. Ríos has been working with the following courses: General Geology, Crystallography and Mineralogy, Optical Mineralogy, Igneous and/or Metamorphic Petrology, Field Work. Mr. Ríos is a practical class demonstrator, responsible for teaching and assisting undergraduates in a laboratory environment and a fieldwork demonstrator, teaching undergraduate’s field techniques and data synthesis. Mr. Ríos has been the coordinator of the GEOLOGICAL MUSEUM “Marino Arce Herrera” for promoting the interest for the Earth Sciences in educational institutions. School of Geology. Employer.

Career Accomplishments

Associations / Societies
Member of the British Zeolite Association.
Member of the Royal Society of Chemistry.
Member of the Geology Professional Council.
Member of the Research group in Basic and Applied Geology (Employer).
Member of the Research group in Mineral raw materials, biohydrometallurgy and Environment (Employer).
Member of the Research group in Structural Chemistry (Employer).
Member of the Spanish Association for teaching of Earth Sciences.
Member of the Editorial Committee of the Bulletin of Geology (Employer).
Member of the Group of Friends of the GEOLOGICAL MUSEUM “Marino Arce Herrera” (Employer).
Licenses / Certifications
Certificate in Student Associates Scheme, Certificate in Research Skills, Certificate of Proficiency in English Language
Professional Appointments
Reviewer for Environmental Technology, Journal of Environmental Management, Chemical Engineering Communications, Journal of Hazardous Materials, Fuel, Applied Clay Science.

Awards / Recognition
Mr. Ríos has obtained the following distinctions:
- Grade of Laureated Professor conferred by the Employer as testimony of recognition and gratification upon fulfillment of all the academic and research requirements established by the institutional rules for obtaining the higher grade in the Academic Scale, 2009.
- Honour awarded by the Employer as testimony of recognition and gratification for the services to it during 10 years and for the permanent compromise to the development of the educational project to reach excellence levels in the process of integral formation of persons at the Employer. 2002.
- Scholarship awarded by the UNESCO Scholarship Program. 1997. International Post-graduate Course in Metallogeny.
- Scholarship awarded by the Japan-InterAmerican Development Bank Scholarship Program. 1997-1999 (MSc degree).
- Scholarship awarded by the Programme Alban, ‘the European Union Programme of High Level Scholarships for Latin America’. 2005-2008 (PhD degree).
- 3rd Prize Winner of the Bizcom Social Enterprise Award for the idea “The use of constructed wetlands (CWs) as an alternative for sustainable water management and treatment of wastewater in potential tourism sites of the Birmingham to Wolverhampton Main Line Canal, West Midlands (England)”. 2007. University of Wolverhampton and Institute for Innovation & Enterprise.
- 1st Prize Winner of the Bizcom Social Enterprise Award for the idea “An integrated canal remediation system for wastewater treatment in the Birmingham Canal Navigations (BCN) Main Line, West Midlands (England) with potential recreation, education and tourism alternatives”. 2008. University of Wolverhampton and Institute for Innovation & Enterprise.
Medical / Professional
Auxiliar Geologist - development of a coal mining. Carbones del Oriente S.A. 1988.
Auxiliar Geologist - development of a mining inventory. Asesoría Geológicas de Santander Ltda. 1990.
Consultant Geologist - explorations carried out to different aggregated mines. Triturados Ltda. 1990.
Publications and Patents Summary
Mr. Ríos has 8 research papers published in international journals, 31 research papers published in national journals, 1 teaching manual, 2 catalogs, 2 books and 2 chapters of books.

Additional Experience

Expert Witness Experience
Mr. Ríos is promoting a research line in Forensic and Medical Geology.
Training / Seminars
V Colombian Congress of Geology. Instituto Nacional de Investigaciones Geológico Mineras, INGEOMINAS, Bucaramanga (Colombia). Intensity: 32 hours, 14-17 March 1989.
English Course. Centro Colombo-Americano, Bucaramanga (Colombia). Intensity: 12 months, 14 December de 1989.
Course Application of Organic Petrography to Hydrocarbon Exploration. Instituto Colombiano del Petróleo, Piedecuesta (Colombia). Intensity: 40 hours, 16-20 Marzo de 1992.
Course of Teaching Techniques. Centro para el Desarrollo de la Docencia, CEDEDUIS, Employer, Bucaramanga (Colombia). Intensity: 32 hours, 29 January 1993.
Course of Formulation of Research projects. Coordinación General de Investigaciones y Estudios Avanzados, Employer, Bucaramanga (Colombia). Intensity: 10 hours, 1 April 1993.
Taller of Archeology and National Archeological Patrimony. Secretaria de Cultura, Turismo y Recreación, Gobernación de Santander, Bucaramanga (Colombia). Intensity: 4 hours, 29 November 1994.
Course of Navigation by Internet. División de Servicios de Información, Employer, Bucaramanga (Colombia). Intensity: 8 hours, 15 June 1997.
XVI Post-grade International Course in Metalogeny. Facultad de Ingeniería en Geología, Minas y Petróleos, Universidad Central del Ecuador, Quito (Ecuador), Intensity: 140 hours, 9-21 June 1997.
Seminar on Techniques and Applications to the Study of Hydrothermal Fluids in the Modelling of Gold Deposits. Facultad de Ingeniería en Geología, Minas y Petróleos, Universidad Central del Ecuador, Quito (Ecuador), Intensity: 10 hours, 17 June 1997.
Seminar on Metalogenetic Models for Exploration of Gold Deposits. Facultad de Ingeniería en Geología, Minas y Petróleos, Universidad Central del Ecuador, Quito (Ecuador), Intensity: 10 hours, 18 June 1997.
Seminar on Ambiental Gestion in Mining Activities. Facultad de Ingeniería en Geología, Minas y Petróleos, Universidad Central del Ecuador, Quito (Ecuador), Intensity: 16 hours, 19-20 June 1997.
VI Techincal Week on Geology and Geological Engineering. Escuela de Geología, Employer, Bucaramanga (Colombia). Intensity: 24 hours, 20-22 April 2004.
IWEX Seminar at the Sustainabilitylive! NEC Birminghan, West Midlands (England). Intensity: 8 hours, 21 May 2008.
III International Congress of Mining and Industrial Projects. CMI Compañía Metalúrgica y Minera De Colombia LTDA y GEISA S.A. Grupo Especializado De Inversiones S.A., Tunja (Colombia). Intensity: 40 hours, 8-12 October 2008.
I Internacional Course on Introduction to the Sustainable Mining, Geometallurgy and Biomining. Asociación Centro de Estudios de Geología ACEGE y Escuela de Geología, Employer, Bucaramanga (Colombia). Intensity: 32 hours, 26-29 October 2009.
Taller The Hydroelectricity a Sustainable Development. Asociación Internacional de Hidroelectricidad, Bucaramanga (Colombia). Intensity: 4 hours, 13 November 2009.
III National Seminar and I International Seminar on Geology, Mining and Environment “For a Possitive Impact to the Blue Planet”. Sociedad Colombiana de Geología (Capítulo Cesar-Guajira), Gobernación del Cesar y Universidad Popular del Cesar, Valledupar (Colombia). Intensity: 24 hours, 2-4 December 2009.
Course of Epitermal Deposits. Capítulo Estudiantil SEG UIS y Escuela de Geología, Employer, Bucaramanga (Colombia). Intensity: 24 hours, 29-30 November 2011.
Vendor Selection
Mr. Ríos has contact several vendors/suppliers in order to obtain information on specific chemical reagents for experimental work.
Marketing Experience
Mr Ríos has focussed his research interest concerns with an interdisciplinary work in the development and application of new materials (zeolites and geopolymers) and environmental technologies applied in the remediation of environmental problems caused by industrial activity. Moreover, due to the depletion of natural resources, the increase in greenhouse gas emissions and awareness of the need for sustainable development in terms of safely reuse industrial wastes (municipal, industrial, electronic, wood, sludge, agricultural, forestry, construction and demolition), Mr. Ríos has promoted global recovery and recycling to transform them into energy, fuels and other materials of great industrial application.
Other Relevant Experience
Lab techniques. Preparation of several synthesis products by different methods with potential application in water technology.
Analytical techniques. Experienced with use of analytical techniques such as light transmitted microscopy, X-ray diffraction, scanning electron microscopy, Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy, thermogravimetry and electron probe microanalysis.
CAD and drafting. Proficient in the use of many design packages including Macrografx Windows Draw 6, Corel Draw 9 and Vision Software for creating maps, publishable diagrams, posters and visual aids for conference presentations.
Publishing. Designed and produced the Bulletin of Geology (Employer) using Microsoft Publisher and also experienced in creating pdf documents.
Digital image processing. Manipulation and enhancement of photographic images using Adobe Photoshop and Paintshop Pro.
Office applications. Competent in the use of latest Microsoft word processing and statistical software for creating a thesis and writing papers.
Communication skills. Submitted oral presentations at national and international conferences, and experienced in teaching and demonstrating many geological disciplines to undergraduates.

Language Skills

Language Proficiency
English Mr. Ríos has good working use of English, with experience in writing scientific articles in this language (wide geological vocabulary).

Fields of Expertise

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