Expert Details
Mechanical Equipment Design, Manufacturing, Simulation and Vibration Analysis

ID: 727646
Hirbodan Management Company, Submarine Power Cable Project, Preparation of
Proposal for Tender, Iranian Offshore Oil Company (IOOC) Sirri ‘C’ and ‘D’
Development Projects, Provision of Installation of Five(5) Electrical Sub-Sea Cables on Nasr
Offshore Field in Persian GulfIran Electric Power Organization(Co.),Engineering Deputy, Ministry of Energy,
Technical Advisory regarding Mechanical Engineering Related Problems in power plant
industry(e.g. Axial flow compressor performance enhancement) and qualification of CCPP
component manufacturers.Committee of Investigation for Constructed Dams before Provisional Take Over, Office of
Dams O&M, Deputy for Protection & Operation, Water Resources Management Organization, Deputy for Water Affairs, Ministry of Energy, Technical Survey of Hydro-Mechanical Equipment in Constructed Dams before Provisional Take Over.LIN SCAN Advanced Pipeline and Tank Services Company, On-Bottom Stability
Analysis of Submarine Flare Pipeline (High Pressure Gas) in United Arab Emirates.Automotive Industries Technology Development Institute, Design Review by Dynamic Modelling of OM457 Diesel Engine for full gas(CNG) operation. (Basic design analysis performed by NAMI Institute of Russian Academy of Sciences-RAS).
Year | Degree | Subject | Institution |
Year: 1989 | Degree: BSc | Subject: Mechanical Engineering | Institution: Tabriz University |
Work History
Years | Employer | Title | Department |
Years: 2009 to Present | Employer: Undisclosed | Title: Senior Consulting Engineer | Department: Undisclosed |
Responsibilities:He is responsible to provide national and international Consulting Engineering Services in the fields of Machinery, Pressure Equipment, Materials Research, Micro and Nano-Technologies, Sensors, Thermal Systems and Industrial Commerce as well as performing the required Technical Computations and optimisations (static and dynamic) according to National and International Codes and Standards. |
Years | Employer | Title | Department |
Years: 2006 to 2009 | Employer: Undisclosed | Title: Senior Mechanical Engineer | Department: Undisclosed |
Responsibilities:He is responsible for Reviewing the process of CE (European Directive) compliance in Construction Support Department(Site Operation: Erection and Commissioning),Interpreting NFPA30 for Fire Rating of Lube Oil Tank for GT26 Engine, Evaluating contracts for customer projects in Kuwait, Morocco, Macedonia, Fajr II - Iran and Minsk - Belarus, Preparing project-specific fire and explosion protection concepts (Kuwait and Morocco), Preparing and investigating technical system specifications, Serving as a member of Six Sigma project team for cost-reduction programmes, Supporting and investigating the contractual aspects of the Hormozgan Plant (Iran), including on-site assessment and clarification with clients and consultants resulting in a considerable reduction in commercial exposure, Reviewing and revising the GT13E2 and GT26 fire-fighting documentation and project specific safety guidelines, Preparing commissioning document, Supporting the commissioning issues such as High Fogging System, Coordinating Once Through Cooler (OTC) work-packages with other departments, Performing technical content checks during the execution of a large number of GT26 projects, Providing OTC specification support within development projects for GT24 and GT26, Cooperating on the improvement of OTC work processes and qualifying new suppliers, Serving as a team member for OTC modification in respect of Lifetime /stress calculation for high pressure piping dissimilar welds, Providing technical support within execution projects in respect of codes and standards of Fire Fighting, Pressure Vessel, Piping and Safety issues, Horizontal OTC Eco-Design, implementation of new ASME Section VIII, Div. 2 Code and FFS1 standard and new OTC manufacturer evaluation within the development project for the GT26. |
Years | Employer | Title | Department |
Years: 2001 to 2006 | Employer: Undisclosed | Title: Senior Mechanical Engineer | Department: Undisclosed |
Responsibilities:He is responsible for Assessment of vendors capability for design & manufacturing of Hydro-Mech. Equipment for Dam & Hydro-Power Projects, Fittings & Accessories(e.g. vibration damper) for Electic Power Transmission Lines & Main Equipment for Combined Cycle Power Plant(CCPP) according to international Codes & Standards,Feasibility study of Dam and Hydro-Power Projects, Mechanical design & design review of Hydro-Mechanical Equipment, On site Hydro-Mechanical Equipment and Hydro-Turbine Erection & Commissioning Support, Reviewing the Commissioning, Performance Test, O&M Manuals for GT and Diesel Generator as well as site supervision, Preparation of Proposal to Bid as Eng. Part of Turn Key, Tender for EPC Contract of Jahrom CCPP, Engineering Assessment of ABB's Proposal for instrumentation Upgrading for GT13D bearing supervision, Engineering interpretation of GE's Root Cause Analysis & Fishbone Diagram (Ishikawa Map) for GT Generator Shaft-Bearing Failures, Final Energy Conversion Agreement (ECA) for CCPP through on-site reviewing the Ope. History, O&M planning for next 15 years including the calculation of site de-rating, performance degradation, plant availability factor, internal energy consumption, thermal efficiency-heat rate at full load & part load, equivalent flame hours and equivalent Starts for prediction of CI-HGPI-MO schedules for GT and MI-MO for ST. Feasibility and Site Selection Studies for large number of BOO Based GTPP projects, Eng. Services(Tender Document Preparation ) for Turbo-expander Unit of TPP Project, Tech. coordination and contract negotiation to Hitachi as GT supplier, Mech. Design Review and Materials/Component Analysis of Fittings & Accessories for Transmission Line Projects (e.g. 132 kV line: Dead End Clamp for Amol-Narivaran, 400 kV lines: Fittings for Martyr Rajayi PP-Vardavard Substation, Shackle for Anjirak-Khorram Abad and Heating Cycle Test Report Review for Fittings of Karoon3-Omidieh2), Site Visit & Failure Analysis of Malek Garden-Cement Factory Transmission Line. |
Years | Employer | Title | Department |
Years: 1997 to 2001 | Employer: Undisclosed | Title: Senior Mechanical Engineering | Department: Undisclosed |
Responsibilities:He is responsible for Responsible to all Stress Related Works(PME: Project Mech. Engr.) such as :Pressure Vessel and Piping Design/Design Review, Atmospheric Tank Design/Design Review, Boiler and HRSG Design/Design Review, Mechanical Support Design/Design Review, Weld Design and WPS/PQR Review, Thermal Insulation Design/Design Review, Heat Tracing System Design/Design Review, Design of Steam Transmission Pipeline(Supply from Martyr Rajayi Thermal Power Plant to Combined Cycle Power Plant), Piping & Pipe rack Design including the Piping arrangement and pipe support design and pipe stress analysis(Static and Dynamic-Seismic Analysis) for large number of CCPP projects, Mechanical Design of Compressed Air Vessels, Mechanical Design of Condensate Storage Tanks, Contract negotiations for engineering services of Monenco Iran Inc.(MIR) to ANSALDO Co.(Italy) as subcontractor in 30 GT Units Project, Pipeline Transient Flow Analysis & Design Review/Site Supervision, Retrofit Contract Negotiation & Investigation of Methodologies for Remaining Life Assessment(RLA) of Main Mech. Equipment of Thermal Power Plant(cooperation with ENEL Co.-Italy), Management of site activities for Eng. Survey of Besat TPP (including the NDT) by ENEL Co.(Italy) as first Phase of Plant Retrofit Project, Remaining Life Assessment(RLA) of Mech. Equipment (cooperation with ENEL Co.-Italy), Mech. Eng. Survey of Besat Thermal Power Plant, Design and Supervision of Submarine Pipelines Erection, Design & Supervision for Welding/Erection of Steel Intake Cage for Submarine Pipelines, Conceptual Design of Tabas Coal Fired Power Plant. |
International Experience
Years | Country / Region | Summary |
Years: 2004 to 2004 | Country / Region: United Arab Emirate(UAE) | Summary: He performs on-Bottom Stability Analysis of Submarine Flare Pipeline (High Pressure Gas) for LIN SCAN Advanced Pipeline and Tank Services Company. |
Years: 2005 to 2005 | Country / Region: Turkey | Summary: He is providing the professional training for DSI Engineers in Dam and Hydro-Power Industry. |
Career Accomplishments
Associations / Societies |
Active member in following Professional Societies: -Swiss Association for Standardization. -Swiss Engineering Society. -Licensing Executives Society(LES), Switzerland. -Swiss Laser Network(SLN). -Swiss Association of Welding Technology (SAWT). -Swiss Society for Nondestructive Testing (SSNT). -Swiss Committee on Dams (SCD). -Swiss Association of Water Economy. -Swiss Center of Steel Construction -Swiss Network of Micro- and Nanotechnology. -Swiss Business Network. -Swiss Acoustical Society (SAS). -Swiss Geothermal Society. -International Materials Research Society. -World Scientific and Engineering Academy and Society (WSEAS). -IEC (International Electrotechnical Commission), Technical Committees 5 and 9. -International Generator Technical Community(IGTC) -European Pressure Equipment Research Council(EPERC), Multi-Axial Creep Committee. -American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME), (Participant in ASME Sec. VIII, Div. 2 Code Re-Writing). -Institution of Mechanical Engineers (IMechE), Swiss Events Officer and Regional Manager. -American Chemical Society (ACS), Fuel Chemistry Division. -National Fire Protection Association (NFPA), Industrial Section. -American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS). -TWI, Industrial member. -Altshuller TSIP Institute. |
Licenses / Certifications |
ALSTOM Gas Turbine CCPP Commissioning Engineer Certificate 2006; ASLTOM Steam Turbine and WSC Expert Certificate 2006 ; NFPA Recognizing Certificate 2007; ALSTOM APC-PDM Basics Certificate 2007; ALSTOM APC-PDM Document Management and Design-Structure Certificate 2007; ALSTOM Plant-PDM V2 Basic Certificate 2007; NFPA Industrial Fire Protection Section Certificate 2008; ASME/IGTI Gas Turbine Technology Certificate 2008; ALSTOM Vibration Expert Certificate 2008; ETH – Swiss MNSP Participation Certificate 2008; ETH – Swiss ERCOFTAC Pilot Center Participation Certificate 2008; ITG-ELECTROSUISSE Attendance Certificate, NanoTechnologie–Electronik der Zukunfkt, 2009; Lille 1 University Certificate, Comparing the Pressure Equipment Codes and Standards, 2009; ASME PVP Div. Certificate, Sec. VIII, Div. 2 Code(New Design By Analysis) 2009; ASME PVP Div. Certificate (Construction of Pressure Vessels to Sec. VIII, Div. 3 Code) 2009; ASME PVP Div. Certificate (PWR – Nuclear Reactor PV Integrity Assessment - Sec. III Code) 2009; ASME PVP Div. Certificate (Seismic Analysis-Design of Ind. Liq. Storage Tanks-Vessels) 2009; NFPA 13 Automatic Sprinkler Systems Code Certificate 2009; Aargauische Industrie – und Handelskammer(Zertifikat): Den workshop‘‘Ursprungszeugnisse‘‘ 2009. |
Medical / Professional |
Summer Internship in DPI (Ex. IBM Iranian Branch) - 1987. |
Additional Experience
Expert Witness Experience |
Expert in application of Mechanical Engineering Codes & Standards such as ASME and EN, Potential Experiences on Design and simulation of Mech. Components, Seismic retrofit and application of devices for seismic protection, Design and Modelling of MEMS/NEMS, Nanomechanical Characterization In Materials for Energy, Energy eng. expert on Diesel, Hydro, Gas and Steam Turbine. Performance Test and Analysis of Diesel, Diesel-Gas Engines, GT Engines, Hydro-Turbines, Pumps, Compressors, and Steam Turbines. Methodologies for Remaining Life Assessment of Mech. Equipment, Root Cause Analysis for failed equipment, Hydromechanical Equipment Design & Inspection, O & M Planning for Plant Equipment, HP-HT Equipment Design & Inspection, Engineering Analysis of Damage Mechanisms and crystallization in porous materials, Developing the Software Codes in different languages such as FORTRAN and MATLAB, Pressure Piping and Transmission Pipeline Design & Inspection, Pressure Vessel Design/Design Review, Weld Design and WPS/PQR Review, Mech. Engineering applications of Software Packages such as CAESAR II, PVELITE, ANSYS and COMSOL, Energy Efficiency Analysis, HVAC/Fire Protection/Gas Detection Systems Design & analysis, Micro & Nano-Technologies' Assessment, Thermal Equipment Design & Life Assessment, Math. Modelling of processes(Thermofluids), Static/Dynamic Analysis of Mech. Systems, Rotor Dynamic Analysis & Vibration Interpretation, Seismic Analysis of Mech. Structures/Equipment, Transient Flow Analysis(Single/Multi-Phase), Turbulent/Combustion Flow Analysis, Internal/Exernal Flow induced Vibration Analysis, Multi-Axial Creep/Fatigue Analysis, Eng. Analysis of Nanoparticles Generation in Combustion Process. |
Training / Seminars |
Holder of Professional Certificates: Lille 1 University: Comparing the Pressure Equipment Codes and Standards 2009, ASME PVP Div. Sec. VIII, Div. 2 Code(New Design By Analysis) 2009, ASME PVP Div. (Construction of Pressure Vessels to Sec. VIII, Div. 3 Code) 2009, ASME PVP Div. (PWR – Nuclear Reactor PV Integrity Assessment - Sec. III Code) 2009, ASME PVP Div. (Seismic Analysis-Design of Ind. Liq. Storage Tanks-Vessels) 2009, NFPA 13 Automatic Sprinkler Systems Code 2009, ETH – Swiss MNSP Participation 2008, ETH – Swiss ERCOFTAC Pilot Center 2008, ITG-ELECTROSUISSE NanoTechnologie 2009, ASME/IGTI Gas Turbine Technology 2008, NFPA Industrial Section 2007, FSRM Laser Micromachining 2007, ASME Boiler and PV Code Sec. VIII, Div. 2, int'l re-writing project participant 2007. |
Vendor Selection |
Pressure Equipment Manufacturer in Germany, Turkey, Iran, Finland and Italy. Gas Turbine Manuafturer in Switzerland, Germany, Italy and USA. Fire Protection System Supplier in Germany and Italy |
Marketing Experience |
Oil and Gas, Energy and Power, Metal, Automotive |
Other Relevant Experience |
Expert Consulting in the fields of Mechanical Engineering Codes and Standards |
Language Skills
Language | Proficiency |
English | Fluent |
Persian | Fluent |
German | Intermediate |
Arabic | Intermediate |
Fields of Expertise
equipment, heavy equipment manufacturing, seismic analysis, heat transfer equipment design, fitness-for-service assessment, remaining life assessment, life-prediction methodology, plant equipment life evaluation, materials testing, life cycle assessment, life cycle, mechanical property testing, thermal fluid, failure analysis, endurance testing