Expert Details
Materials Science, Process Analytical Chemistry, Laser Applications, Disaster Forensics

ID: 722677
Texas, USA
The instrumentation ranged from sophisticated electro-optical and laser technology for examination of photoresist exposure to simple sampling methods for waste water monitoring.
He was a pioneer in the development of plasma processing for semiconductor manufacturing and patentee for all dry processing. Outside of TI, he cofounded a sucessful company that invented and developed a microwave instrument to measure water in petroleum.
Other than analytical instruments he has also invented, designed and implemented other types of chemical instruments. A safety need for a on demand Arsine generator for Gallium Arsenide epitaxy, led him to invent and patent an electrochemical Arsine generator. In a more research mode, he invented a real time flow through microreactor for measuring kinetics with video analysis. He also developed a method and built an instrument for measuring the interaction of polymers by measuring the influence of viscous shear on flourescence.
A primary function of his research position at Texas Instruments was to develop and improve processing of semiconductors. He was the first to build in house poly-silicon deposition, and later installed and set up the first external poly and silicon nitride reactors in the developmental front end. In metal etch, he developed with outside vendors the first acid resistant surfactants.
He invented and developed the first plasma etching reactors and concieved and implemented processes for devices spanning CCDs, MOS, and exotic ICs. His plasma aluminum etch was held trade secret for many years.
The development of a photolithographic laser writer was a significant achievement. This device was capable of direct writing micron wide lines over large areas in minutes. Several versions of this laser writer were made for making state of the art high density circuits, and microwave devices.
He analyzed existing processes and defined modifications for Potato Chip manufacturing.He researched and instrumented a new methodology for making stronger concrete.He lead the development and implementation of new high tech packaging machinery.He formulated an efficient new industrial deodorant.He was co-inventor of a Marksmanship Device.
"Point and Shoot" Laser aiming device.
Year | Degree | Subject | Institution |
Year: 1965 | Degree: Ph.D. | Subject: Materials Science | Institution: Penn State |
Year: 1961 | Degree: M. S. Chemistry | Subject: inorganic | Institution: Georgia Inst. of Technology |
Year: 1958 | Degree: B. S. Chemistry | Subject: inorganic | Institution: University of North Texas |
Work History
Years | Employer | Title | Department |
Years: 1997 to 2003 | Employer: University of Texas at Dallas | Title: Reearch Associate | Department: Chemistry |
Responsibilities:He performed research using laser activated flourescent techniques to verify CFD models. He was also lab manager. |
Years | Employer | Title | Department |
Years: 1964 to 1990 | Employer: Texas Instruments Inc. | Title: Sr. Member Technical Staff | Department: Central Research |
Responsibilities:He was responsible for the invention, development and implementation of semiconductor manufacturing processes. Plasma, photolithography, 3-5 compounds. |
International Experience
Years | Country / Region | Summary |
Years: 1997 to 1997 | Country / Region: Taiwan | Summary: He investigated the cause and spread of a $30 M. fire in a semiconductor plant. |
Career Accomplishments
Associations / Societies |
American Chemical Soc., former member of Am. Cer. Soc, SPIE and others. Alpha Chi Sigma |
Publications and Patents Summary |
He has 13publications and 15 patents. |
Additional Experience
Expert Witness Experience |
He has acted as expert witness in many cases. Always by deposition. State courts mostly. |
Vendor Selection |
He has a very good network of suppliers, for chemicals, instruments, glass blowers, precision machine shops, etc. |
Other Relevant Experience |
He has an unusually broad range of capability for problem solving, from high tech semiconductor processing to alleviating pig sludge waste. Designing sensors, instruments, and machines as well as formulating chemical specialties. |
Language Skills
Language | Proficiency |
German | He is understandable and can read with some reference material. |
Japanese | Can read Kanji, Hiragana, Katakana with a dictionary. |
Fields of Expertise
chemical analysis instrumentation design, chemical instrument, electronic material processing, sensor technology, analytical chemistry instrument, chemical microscopy, beam expander, acoustooptic deflector, ablation threshold, industrial laser, color sensor, atmospheric pressure chemical vapor deposition, chemical process control instrumentation, argon-ion laser, ceramic material selection, electronic material, ceramic material, laser chemical vapor deposition, sensor, on-line process analysis, on-line chemical analysis, laser annealing, industrial chemical, gas sensor, crystal laser, chemical sensor, chemical analysis, argon laser