Expert Details
Lubricants, Metalworking Fluid Formulations, Fluid Maintenance and Recovery, Foam Control
ID: 729776
Pennsylvania, USA
Expert has led two companies from inception to ISO 9001 registration. This entailed writing the ISO documentation, training the personnel, auditing, and working with the registrar. His unique insights in to the ISO 9001 Quality Standard enables him to develop quality management systems that is accurate, realistic, and when implemented and followed will keep the company in compliance.
Expert formulated many metalworking fluids. From straight oils to high performance water based synthetics, Expert has experience formulating and servicing these fluids. Expert's formulating expertise led him to assist in the design, and formulate the first metalworking fluid used to manufacture the Cadillac North Star Engine
Expert formulated many Silicon Wafer Slicing fluids. These ranged from wire sawing fluids to the water based reciprocating saw coolants. Further, Expert has experience servicing these fluids.
Formulating any type of lubricant requires an in-depth understand of surfactants. Regardless of the surfactant type, one must know how to use surfactants to obtain the lubrication and surface-active properties for the specific lubricant.
Expert formulated many metal forming lubricants. From straight oils to high performance water based synthetics, Expert has experience formulating and servicing these fluids.
Expert formulated many corrosion inhibitors. From straight oils to high performance water based synthetics, Expert has experience formulating and servicing these fluids.
Year | Degree | Subject | Institution |
Year: 1987 | Degree: BA | Subject: Chemistry | Institution: LaSalle College |
Work History
Years | Employer | Title | Department |
Years: 1997 to 2007 | Employer: Crystal Inc. - PMC | Title: Chief Chemist | Department: Laboratory |
Responsibilities:He was responsible for all aspects of the defoamer product line. Further, he was management for the ISO 9001 quality program |
Years | Employer | Title | Department |
Years: 1994 to 1997 | Employer: Process Research Products | Title: Chief Chemist | Department: Laboratory |
Responsibilities:He was responsible for the day to day laboratory functions. He was also the chief formulator for the Silicone wafer slicing product line and the lubricant fluids line. |
Years | Employer | Title | Department |
Years: 1987 to 1994 | Employer: Quaker Chemical Conpany | Title: Chemist | Department: Metalworking Laboratory |
Responsibilities:He formulated metalworking fluids for Quaker's product line. Further, he was responsible for the technical service of the above product line. |
Years | Employer | Title | Department |
Years: 1984 to 1987 | Employer: International Chemical Company | Title: Chemist | Department: Laboratory |
Responsibilities:He formulated metalworking fluids for International's product line. Further, he was responsible for the technical service of the above product line. |
Career Accomplishments
Associations / Societies |
Publications and Patents Summary |
He has written 15 articles on metalworking fluid maintenance and design on a metalworking website. |
Additional Experience
Training / Seminars |
The ability to relate to people at all levels of an organization enables him to effectively present a complex technical topic to anyone regardless of education or experience. This is exemplified by his many presentations about foam control, use of metalworking fluids, and ISO 9001. Some notable examples include: 1. Formulating a Metalworking Defoamer- Presented at the STLE National Meeting 2. Formulating a Metalworking Fluid Tips and Tricks-Training Seminar 3. ISO 9001 and You-Training Seminar |
Vendor Selection |
Throughout his career, one of his key responsibilities is sourcing and evaluating raw materials. This has led him to develop many vendor contacts and develop his negotiating skills so that his employer always gets the best possible pricing. |
Marketing Experience |
The metalworking industry is constantly in a state of flux, therefore he must keep his finger on the pulse of the industry. By doing this, he was and is able to adapt his services and products to meet the changes and demands of the metalworking industry. |
Fields of Expertise
antifoaming agent, defoaming, foaming, silicone compound, chemistry, ISO 9000 quality system documentation, ISO 9000 series quality system standard, ISO 9001, lubricant quality, quality assurance, quality auditing, quality control, quality management, metalworking, metalworking fluid, machining fluid, research and development, emulsifier, lubricant additive, batch process, cosurfactant, silicon wafer slicing, sawing, silicon wafer, surfactant, non-ionic surfactant, coupling agent, wetting, cationic surfactant, anionic surfactant, wetting agent, metal forming lubricant, metal forming, rust protection, rust prevention, corrosion inhibitor, detergency, demulsfication, macroemulsion, particle-size control, siloxane fluid, glass machining, oil emulsion, anionic detergent, coefficient of friction, emulsion breaking, metal lubricity, steel corrosion inhibitor, nonferrous metal corrosion inhibitor, silicone emulsion, high-speed machining, 2-octanol, 1-octanol, microemulsion, grinding fluid, d-limonene, aqueous cleaner, surfactant technology, surfactant chemistry, hard surface cleaner, cutting oil, chemical safety management, emulsion (mixture), fluid, lubricant, surface tension, surface chemistry, organic chemistry, metal cutting, fatty acid, detergent, cutting fluid, copper, cleaning agent, cleaning, cast iron, broaching