Expert Details
Lab Automation, LIMS, Validation & Data Analysis

ID: 717977
California, USA
Expert is an expert at laboratory information management using data base management software. He has developed several systems which are currently in use. He teaches courses on lab information management. He has developed systems which use bar code data entry, interactive worksheets for data reduction, instrument interfacing, data acquisition and summary, real-time monitoring, and automatic reporting. He has developed systems ranging in size from a single user up to over 50 users on networks.
Expert has created validation plans and protocols for major pharmaceutical companies analytical and process instrument computer systems. He has ensured that various computerized systems perform what they have been developed to do.
Expert has spent most of his professional career developing and using lab instruments. He has developed commercial products for major instrument manufacturers including, Perkin-Elmer, Finnigan, and Spectra-Physics. He has also developed data handling systems for individual users and interfaced instruments to computers and computer networks.
Having hands-on experience collecting data from multiple instruments in real-time via RS-232, Expert has implemented systems collecting 32 channels of data into a personal computer.
Expert has spent most of his professional career developing and using chromatography data systems. He is an expert in chromatography data acquisition, analysis, and reporting. He has developed data analysis systems which are now used by several systems for moving the data from instruments to laboratory management systems. He teaches courses in data analysis and reporting. Expert has developed the algorithms for analyzing chromatography data and produced the first system for the IBM PC. He has hands on experience in summarizing and reporting chromatography data and placing the data into lab management systems.
Expert has developed several laboratory information management systems using Microsoft (MS) Access for both large and small laboratories. These systems are multi-user network systems. They include instrument interfacing, real-time monitoring and interactive laboratory worksheets for data reduction. He has expertise in the Visual Basic for Applications (VBA) language.
Expert has created several data acquisition systems and other laboratory automation applications using Visual Basic. Data is placed in databases so it can be accessed with any SQL (Structured Query Language). Data management systems in which he is familiar include MS Access, Oracle, and SQL Server. He has also implemented applications using active controls and web-based applications.
Applying his knowledge of Microsoft Access and Microsoft Excel, Expert has built laboratory data management systems. These systems acquired data automatically from lab instruments and generates graphs and summary reports of the acquired data. He teaches a course for the American Chemical Society and at the Pittsburgh Conference on this topic.
Expert has developed several hundred spreadsheet applications using MS Excel and Quattro Pro. He teaches a regular course on spreadsheets for the American Chemical Society. He is an expert with macros and their development including automation with Visual Basic.
Expert has interfaced laboratory instruments to personal computers and lab networks for the last 15 years. He has complete knowledge of communication ports, interface cards, data acquisition, data storage, data summarizing, and data reporting. He has an extensive knowledge of computer networks.
Expert is an expert at information management using database management software. He has developed several laboratory information management systems and information management systems for other businesses. His primary expertise is in using MS Access on PC networks. He also has knowledge of Oracle and SQL Server.
Year | Degree | Subject | Institution |
Year: 1978 | Degree: PhD | Subject: Computer Applications in Chemistry | Institution: University of California, Santa Cruz |
Year: 1975 | Degree: MS | Subject: Organic/Biochemistry | Institution: University of Minnesota |
Year: 1971 | Degree: BS | Subject: Chemistry | Institution: UCLA |
Work History
Years | Employer | Title | Department |
Years: 1986 to Present | Employer: Undisclosed | Title: Consultant, Laboratory Automation Expert | Department: |
Responsibilities:Available upon request. |
Years | Employer | Title | Department |
Years: 1986 to Present | Employer: Undisclosed | Title: President | Department: |
Responsibilities:Available upon request. |
Years | Employer | Title | Department |
Years: 1981 to 1986 | Employer: Nelson Analytical | Title: Software Development | Department: |
Responsibilities:Available upon request. |
Years | Employer | Title | Department |
Years: 1980 to 1981 | Employer: Spectra-Physics | Title: Software Developer | Department: |
Responsibilities:Available upon request. |
Additional Experience
Training / Seminars |
For the last 15 years, Expert has been giving short courses and training for the American Chemical Society and at the Pittsburgh Conference (PittCon). His most current course topics are "Validation of Chromatography Data Systems" and "Laboratory Data Management on a Personal Computer." The validation course can easily be extended to the validation of any computer system in a regulated environment. Additionally, Expert has taught courses on chromatography data handling and instrument interfacing. |
Vendor Selection |
Expert has experience locating vendors of: chromatography data handling systems (integrators), laboratory information management systems (LIMS)and computer equipment (PC and other). He has access to data bases with listings for chromatography data handling system vendors and LIMS vendors. |
Fields of Expertise
automation control, automation technology, laboratory information management, laboratory information management system, computer-system validation, computer validation, laboratory computerized analytical instrumentation, computerized analytical instrumentation, computerized data acquisition, RS-232, data acquisition, chromatography, Access software, Visual Basic programming, Microsoft Office software, Microsoft Excel, computer interface, communications port, computer port, information management, SQL server, spreadsheet analysis, laboratory automation, design of experiments, automated weight measurement, RS-422, SQL database, computer-assisted instruction, system analysis, automated storage and retrieval system, automation system, mass spectroscope, high-performance liquid chromatography/mass spectroscopy, analytical instrumentation design, automated manufacturing, chromatography data handling system, chromatography data analysis, chromatography data acquisition, computer-instrument interfacing, application software, transaction processing system, computer language, computer programming, BASIC programming language, graphics-hardware architecture, computer hardware benchmarking, computer graphics process, computer algorithm optimization, molecular exclusion chromatography, rapid-prototyping software, manufacturing software, word processing software, database management, computer simulation, automated machine design, laboratory, environmental laboratory, high-performance liquid chromatography, transborder data flow, input/output unit, computer vendor, data processing, batch data processing, information storage, factory integration, process validation, spreadsheet software, computer hardware, statistics, software testing, software reliability, software engineering, software development tool, robotics, computer peripheral device, pattern recognition, Paradox, Oracle, on-line chemical analysis, mass spectrometry, Lotus 1-2-3, liquid chromatography, ion-exchange chromatography, inventory management, information system, information science, inductively coupled plasma spectrometry, image processing, graphics software, gel permeation chromatography, gas-liquid chromatography, gas chromatography, factory automation, expert system, environmental chemistry, engineering workstation, desktop publishing, data storage system, data communication equipment, curve fitting, computer software, computer science, computer application process, communication software, chemical sensor, bar code, automatic test equipment, chemical autoanalysis, artificial intelligence, analytical chemistry, affinity chromatography