ISO 9001, ISO 13485 Aerospace, Medical Devices, Machined and Fabricated Parts, Validations
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Expert has written world class mangament systems from scratch including all 4 tiers of documentation. Expert has a track record of supporting flawless registration audits and successfuly implementing systems for small shops and companies that often struggle with such endeavors. Expert had completed the RAB training for ISO 9001 and ISO 13485 and has been through training for six sigma tools, lean and is an industry favorite for 5S. Expert taught not just the specific system but the tools and methods to meet individual clauses such as FMEA, RCA, CAPA, Etc.
Expert has a factory that can be used in practical application of his methods.
Expert conulted with an aerospace manufacturing company and had them registered in 6 months with zero gigs. Expert consulted to a special process vendor when they were under some heat for validations. Once again successful.