Expert Details
Industrial Hygiene, Safety, Indoor Air Quality, Mold, Asbestos, Lead Based Paint, Environmental

ID: 723741
Kentucky, USA
Managed and performed numerous asbestos projects for over twenty years. Inspected hundreds of facilities for asbestos. Designed asbestos abatement projects. Have coordinated with Architects and Engineers to develop abatement plans and schedules that minimize interference with building renovations and building operations. Managed and performed hundreds of air monitoring projects to evaluate asbestos exposure.
Expert is a Certified Industrial Hygienist with degrees in Chemical Engineering and Chemistry. He has over twenty years of experience. He has reviewed chemical safety procedures, performed air monitoring, evaluated employee chemical exposure, and recommended hazard remediation procedures.
Expert is a Certified Industrial Hygienist and Certified Safety Professional who is well versed in OSHA regulations. He has presented many Hazcom training programs. He has written hazardous communication programs.
As a Certified Industrial Hygienist with over twenty years of experience, Expert is well versed in the field of industrial hygiene. Expert has performed hundreds of industrial hygiene evaluations. Expert has performed IH surveys for plating shops, metal fabication facilities, smelters, power plants, chemical plants, warehouses and distribution centers, laboratories, office buildings, and construction sites. His expertise includes: asbestos, lead based paint, welding fume, metals, volatile organic compounds, noise dosimetry, and silica.
Expert is well versed in the use of a wide range of direct reading instruments as well as the analytical methods used to assess employee and environmental exposures to hazardous materials. Principal industrial hygiene and safety consultant for numerous commercial, public, and school organizations.
Expert has provided design recommendations for hazardous chemical exposure remediation. He has degrees in Chemical Engineering and Chemistry besides being a Certified Industrial Hygienist and Certified Safety Professional.
Expert has inspected numerous facilities for mold. After the facilities have been inspected, Expert has developed work plans and contract documents for remediation. Expert has performed post remediation inspections to verify the work was performed properly.
Expert has over twenty years of experience in Occupational Health. He is a Certified Industrial Hygienist and Certified Safety Professional. He is well versed in occupational safety and health topics. He is an instructor for the OSHA 10 Hour and 30 Construction Safety programs.
Noise exposure is a challenge for many businesses. Expert has performed facility noise exposure evaluations. Work has included: personnel noise dosimetry, sound level measurements, designation of areas with elevated noise levels, and evaluations of Hearing Conservation Programs.
Expert has over twenty years of Employerexperience in industrial, government, and commercial settings.
He has performed inspection, design, and project management for asbestos, developed safety programs and conducted training for asbestos workers, and performed industrial hygiene sampling.
Expert is a Certified Safety Professional. He has developed safety and health programs for numerous clients, assisted with the defense of OSHA citations, developed and provided safety training. He is an OSHA certified Training Instructor.
Porter Paints, Louisville, KY - Reviewed and edited hazardous materials labeling and MSDS information for over 1500 raw materials.Environmental Tobacco Smoke Research - Performed industrial hygiene testing as part of a research project on the effects of tobacco smoke in bars and restaurants. Certified Industrial Hygienist for crane rehabilitation and generator rehabilitation at Wolf Creek Hydroelectric Power Plant. Designed and managed hazardous materials plans during the construction process.Performed asbestos, lead, and radon surveys in over 300 postal facilities. Entered data into an electronic database for future use by the USPS.Performed comprehensive indoor air quality testing at a U.S. Government Agency. Testing was performed for fungi, bacteria, endotoxins, volatile organic compounds, particulates, and common atmospheric gases.
Year | Degree | Subject | Institution |
Year: 1986 | Degree: B.S. ChE. | Subject: Chemical Engineering | Institution: University of Kentucky |
Year: 1984 | Degree: B.A. | Subject: Chemistry | Institution: Eastern Kentucky University |
Work History
Years | Employer | Title | Department |
Years: 1996 to Present | Employer: Undisclosed | Title: President | Department: |
Responsibilities:Managed and developed environmental safety and health services firm. Managed industrial hygiene, safety, and training operations. Established laboratory for analysis of asbestos, metals, and fungi. |
Years | Employer | Title | Department |
Years: 1993 to 1998 | Employer: Industrial Hygiene, Field Services | Title: Certified Industrial Hygienist | Department: |
Responsibilities:Managed the industrial hygiene and field services department of a regional AIHA accredited laboratory. |
Years | Employer | Title | Department |
Years: 1987 to 1993 | Employer: Industrial Hygiene, Field Services | Title: Industrial Hygienist, Design Engineer | Department: Industrial Hygiene |
Responsibilities:Designed asbestos abatement projects, performed numerous asbestos, lead, and mold inspections, performed industrial hygiene sampling, and conducted facility safety inspections. |
Years | Employer | Title | Department |
Years: 1986 to 1987 | Employer: | Title: Shift Manager | Department: Enterprise Plant, Finishing, Face Finishing Depts. |
Responsibilities:Managed shift operations in two departments in a textile dye and finishing plant. Responsible for personnel, production, quality, and safety. |
Years | Employer | Title | Department |
Years: 1984 to 1986 | Employer: | Title: Asbestos Air Monitor, Junior Industrial Hygienist, Computer Programmer | Department: Industrial Hygiene |
Responsibilities:Performed asbestos air monitoring, industrial hygiene testing, and wrote computer programs for office functions. |
Government Experience
Years | Agency | Role | Description |
Years: 2002 to Present | Agency: General Services Administration (GSA) | Role: Environmental Services Contractor | Description: Industrial hygiene, asbestos, lead, and indoor air quality services were provided for a variety of projects. |
Years: 1998 to Present | Agency: U. S. Postal Service | Role: Environmental Services Contractor | Description: Performed over 300 building inspections for asbestos, lead paint, and radon in postal facilities. Performed industrial hygiene and safety evaluations. |
Years: 2004 to Present | Agency: Louisville Metro OSHA | Role: Environmental Services | Description: Conducted asbestos, lead paint, and indoor air quality testing. Performed industrial hygiene investigations. |
Career Accomplishments
Associations / Societies |
Licenses / Certifications |
CIH - Certified Industrial Hygienist, CSP - Certified Safety Professional, Asbestos Inspector/Management Planner, Asbestos Project Designer, Lead Hazard Inspector/Risk Assessor, Lead Hazard Project Designer |
Additional Experience
Expert Witness Experience |
Expert witness for industrial hygiene, safety, asbestos, lead based paint, indoor air quality, and mold cases. Testified for depositions to incorporate industrial hygiene sampling data into worker compensation cases. Expert witness for employers challenging OSHA citations. Duty to perform General Contractor role in asbestos litigation case, Settled in favor of Client Hearing Loss Deposition to provide testimony for noise survey Mitigation of OSHA Citations, Settled with Reduced Penalties Chemical Exposure , Review of Employee Chemical Exposure Contractor served notice of Failure to Perform, Testified in case showing project specifications could not be met without violating lead-paint regulation, Settled in favor of Plaintiff (Client) Mitigation of OSHA Citations Provided testimony for Indoor Air Quality Survey conducted in 1999, Deposition to Provide testimony for Indoor Air Quality Survey conducted in 1999 Asbestos Exposure from Commercial Bakery Ovens Chemical Exposure to Adhesives Damage to furnishings after demolition of old HVAC System Water damage claim and Mold claim after plumbing repairs, Settled 2017 Failure to disclose pre-existing Water Damage for Property Expert Witness Court Testimony of IAQ Survey, Mold Injury, Verdict in favor of Plaintiff (Client) |
Training / Seminars |
NIOSH 582 equivalent course for sampling and counting airborne asbestos fibers. Lead based paint worker training. Asbestos workers and supervisors course. Asbestos awareness training. Lead paint awareness training. Inspecting and sampling buildings for mold contamination. Managing asbestos, lead, and mold issues in buildings. OSHA 10 Hour and 30 Hour Safety Courses. |
Marketing Experience |
Experienced in LEEDS (Green Buildings), themography (infrared), and other state-of-the-art environmental testing. |
Other Relevant Experience |
Expert is a Certified Industrial Hygienist (CIH) and Certified Safety Professional (CSP). He has over twenty years of experience performing industrial hygiene, safety, and environmental projects. He is licensed as an asbestos inspector, management planner, and project designer. He is licensed as a lead hazard inspector, risk assessor, and project designer. His background includes indoor air quality and mold investigations, project design, and remediation. He is familiar with LEEDS testing requirements for Green Buildings Certification. In addition to standard building inspection techniques, he has used thermography to evaluate building conditions. |
Fields of Expertise
air-quality assessment, asbestos environmental effect, asbestos safety, chemical safety, Hazard Communication Standard, industrial hygiene, lead paint, industrial hygiene engineering, mold remediation, occupational health, occupational safety, OSHA 29CFR 1910.95, asbestos, safety, OSHA citations, sound level, safety inspection, industrial air pollution, aquatic injury, lead paint testing, industrial testing, volatile organic analysis, safety case, lock out tag procedure, OSHA 29 CFR 1910.146, eye safety, ammonia safety, anhydrous hydrogen fluoride safety, electric circuit safety, environmental safety, medical safety, microwave safety, process-engineering safety, chemical process safety engineering, A Workplace Accident and Injury Reduction Program, chemical processing system safety, confined space safety, construction safety management, OSHA 29CFR 1910.1030, environment-related assessment, electrical safety code, maintenance safety, chemical compound environmental effect, machine safety, Occupational Safety and Health Administration, anti-asbestos personal protection equipment, environmental site assessment, safety management, ambient air quality assessment, waste assessment, process safety, industrial safety, hazardous chemical, process safety management, pollution control code, hazardous material, accident, acoustic noise, toxic chemical safety code, safety engineering, safety code, noise level safety code, hazardous waste landfilling, environmental risk assessment, environmental exposure assessment, electrical safety, contractor safety, construction safety, arsenic environmental effect, aluminum environmental effect, air quality, accident investigation