Expert Details
Identity and Image (Corporate Identity and Public Image) and Motivation

ID: 724618
North Carolina, USA
Expert’s commercialization of intellectual property experience in Russia highlights his expertise in guiding the cultural and economic regeneration business and its complexities in international cooperation.
His knowledge of how one culture operates within an other, the formative processes of thought mutation, behavioral science, management psychology and motivation is essential to business considering market opportunities abroad or in dealing with ethnic populations within their own domestic workforce.
Expert understands business, whether private or publicly owned, cooperative, PPP, government or worker owned.
Business’ main objective is return on investment and that takes on various expressions.
Organizations are competitive, cooperative, productivity based, academically oriented, commercially and/or socially/economically viable, community/creative/service oriented and, as a matter of debate, anything that directs an individual’s or society’s activities.
Expert has directed a complex variety of highly competitive goal-oriented productivity based activities for over 20 years and established successful, profitable business presences in many market sectors internationally.
His direction in leadership and change has given the competitive edge to companies in the rapidly changing world.
Specializing in overcoming "threshold resistance" Expert's flexibility and facilitation of organizational change (management) is his creative approach to establishing market presence through branding, corporate identity and public image.
Whether in the formative, rapid growth, mature or declining period survival entails defining purpose, vision, innovation, discovery, breakthroughs, coordination, maintenance, objectives to say the least. Veritably, change is the only constant.
Expert has directed
capital investment,
creation of intellectual property,
program development,
creative teams,
value perception,
corporate identity,
marketing communication,
international sales,
public relations.
He is the perfect choice for anyone needing to know how all functions of business interact and affect each other and their outcomes.
Understanding that business is run by people Expert has mastered expressive arts, creative and drama therapy.
As a means of comprehending and engineering human capital and its effect upon performance and business future, Expert applies all of his knowledge in cross-cultural situations to ensure business success and not business sabotage.
Expert engineers techniques that grow enterprise. From his abilities to determine a target market or especially to develop new audiences, Expert has his finger on the pulse of change. He is able to project coming trends because of his wide-ranging and acute perceptual capabilities and their range. When one has a perceptual command of so many variables, outcomes are merely an extrapolation of values to determine their direction and momentum.
Known for his ability to sift through the intricacies of intelligence gathering, market research, customer and competitor profiles, Expert quickly determines sales leads, future markets. Models are constructed under his direction that maximize sales potential and lend themselves to effective proposal writing. Assessing business potential through information management provides for a sound basis of future development along the right track. Expert develops business strategies and utilizes his skills in media (marketing, advertising, public relations, promotions), fundraising and legal complexities to create a template founded in creativity. Directed towards sustainable growth Expert installs procedures that prepare for the emergence of new markets. Sometimes based on relationship leveraging company futures are better left to those experienced in management consulting. Expert also has a successful record of being the best salesman in the history of one Fortune 100 company and best analyst ever in another.
Expert specializes in developing business leads through market positioning and branding. With a history of creating and managing strategic alliances, establishing and keeping relationships Expert is able to leverage multiple sources of expertise, strategic partnerships, technological advances and intellectual properties, which he supplies to his clients. Expanding product and service lines, sharing proceeds and insuring functionality and market reach Expert is able to acquire internal resources through existing partnerships and their customer base and sales forces.
Expert has lectured in college level ethics courses for 12 years. His courses introduce theories about the nature and foundations of ethical and moral judgments and applications to contemporary moral issues. Expert’s emphasis is placed on utilitarianism, rule-based ethics, existentialism, relativism versus objectivism, and egoism. Special topics include An Introduction to Theories and Problems, The Teachings of Friedrich Nietzsche and Caring: A Feminine Approach to Ethics and Moral Education.
Upon completion of his course students are able to apply various ethical theories and decision making to corporate governance, organizational ethics, creating an ethical culture, global business ethics, corporate integrity, start-ups, work-life balance, scenarios on bribery, plant relocation, product safety, individual moral and issues such as euthanasia, abortion, crime and punishment and justice.
Expert applies his course material to the everyday workplace and incorporates his awareness into business dealings and contractual obligations.
Expert trained abilities support better business decision-making through data and knowledge management, analysis and reporting, integrating business applications, technologies and practices. His long standing methods of collecting business information and data mining stems from 25 years of applications, visualization, and practices for the collection, integration, analysis, and presentation of business information.
Using fact-based support systems and intuitive knowing Expert’s business intelligence system provides “historical, current, and predictive views of business operations [operational data], most often using data that has been gathered into a data warehouse and/or data mart”.
Using software elements to support reporting and interactive analyses Expert’s applications address business issues such as sales, production, organizational issues and management psychology.
Business management (operational process and asset management) is people management. Over-reliance on information technology and mechanistic procedures stymies business dynamics and over-empowers risk management as well as reducing a business’s market agility. Human driven processes are the root and source of advanced interaction and provides for on-going value-added redefinition of a business.
Expert addresses analysis, design, model, execution, monitoring and optimization issues and business activities in terms of efficiency and activity. This process management includes business intelligence, customer management (value and retention), thought leadership, communications, process management, health and life sciences issues, cross-cultural relationships, education, performance based issues and sabotage.
Business management (operational process and asset management) is people management. Over-reliance on information technology and mechanistic procedures stymies business dynamics and over-empowers risk management as well as reducing a business’s market agility. Human driven processes are the root and source of advanced interaction and provides for on-going value-added redefinition of a business.
Expert addresses analysis, design, model, execution, monitoring and optimization issues and business activities in terms of efficiency and activity. This process management includes business intelligence, customer management (value and retention), thought leadership, communications, process management, health and life sciences issues, cross-cultural relationships, education, performance based issues and sabotage.
Structured thought defines philosophy and organizational thinking and is the foundation of strategy. Challenged with devising economic and cultural regeneration strategies for the City of Saint Petersburg, Expert engineered the foundation of modern public relations in Russia. His approach through program development at Saint Petersburg State University earned him Ambassador and Doctor Professor status within the first year. He introduced International Communications and Public Relations with San Francisco State University and the American Committee for 2003 with KPMG, and International Business Culture: Management Styles and Business Behavior as part of the Yeltsin/Clinton Presidential Management Training Initiative to the world. Rocketing the Palmira of the North to renewed acclaim as a world class cultural treasure he is credited with President Putin’s decision to hire three Western PR agencies to command G8/Saint Petersburg in 2006.
The first step in forming a sound business strategy is being well informed. Its basis lies in ideas and innovation, creativity, flexibility, decision making, problem solving, change and crisis management, performance and quality. Business must keep in mind that motivation a key factor in all stages of growth and development. Motivation is derived from mental challenges.
All actions begin as thought. Where that thought comes from, how it is formulated and structured, its components, its conflictual/compatibility factor with pre-existing thought patterns and the mind’s facility to adapt amid issues of ethical and cultural concerns, determines its resonance and thus its application.
Expert is nicknamed “the locomotive” by Russians for his command of international resources and inventology in programming for Saint Petersburg, where he served as International Cultural and Educational Ambassador since 1998. Expert was nicknamed “the bulldog” for the tenacity and commitment he brought to developing a new start-up music company for Hollywood’s elite, including David Foster and Brian Wilson.
Intuitive implementation (command) is based on navigation, search, and deep knowledge object-oriented programming designed to achieve results. Synonymous with leadership, command is organizational expertise.
As controller and producer Expert precipitates actions of change. Teams see him as systems’ representative. Expert is a master of proficiency in measures that ensure programs stay on course, on budget and on schedule, to glowing reviews from MTV executive producers.
Expert commanded development of Chevron/Texaco’s emergency procedures systems and procedures manuals and information deployment. He arranged SKC’s coming to America and utilized art as a common language in an international symposium on nature and ecology following the Chernobyl disaster. Expert utilizes “language as culture” and has taught University level communications in the humanities, fine arts and social sciences domestically and abroad since 1980. He developed the first courses ever in International Communications and Public Relations at Saint Petersburg State University, Russia, led the first efforts to promote cultural and economic regeneration of that City and led President Putin to assign three Western PR agencies to promote G8/Saint Petersburg 2006.
Command is instructional, directive and program-oriented, which demands clarity of thought and also ease of implementation. Command involves instruction, configuration and parameters for operation.
Information exchange is Expert’s forte. Whether as facilitator, team leader, brain stormer, team leader, inventor, investigator or marketing pro Expert promotes common language, feedback, ideas and results. Content, form and purpose are essential to messaging, broadcasting and other forms of media.
Expert has 20+ years proven international track record in International Organizational Development & Transitions and Management Psychology. Responsible for initiating and executing identity and image campaigns, special events, complex business analysis, promotional, public relations, and development programs for fundraising, education, entertainment, media, and the cultural arts, Expert is a producer, strategist, project manager, and business developer for creative enterprise in business, education, arts, culture, entertainment and media sectors internationally.
He coordinates and engineers multinational cooperative efforts for social, economic and cross-cultural understanding and reform among business and private stakeholders, government and NGOs. Expert facilitates communications for public, employees, general media, open meetings, advertising and marketing campaigns.
Expert conceived, wrote and produced multimedia programs, print collateral (manuals, brochures, catalogues, and scripts), environmental displays and dimensional exhibits for employee awareness, real estate management and corporate systems and procedures.
Expert “gathers, analyzes, and applies usable information about products, domain constituents, customers, and competitors from external business environments. Making an organization more competitive, establishing short term and long term planning needs that can be utilized in business decision making demands that business identify key stakeholders and act intelligently on that information.
In Los Angeles Expert analyzed music industry competitors and products to successfully design a marketing campaign that took the professional and consumer industry by storm.
As a renown international University lecturer in ethical business practice Expert understands industrial espionage as well. His special abilities in theatrics as a major feature length film star with Eddie Murphy, an MFA in Dramatic Arts, membership in the Actors Equity Association, Screen Actors Guild and the American Federation of Television and Radio Actors and training by Actors’ Studio majors like Lee Strasberg, Uta Hagen, Herbert Berghoff, Bill Hickey and Sanford Meisner, Expert knows the art of acting inside-out. Any acts of industrial espionage necessarily involve accomplished acting skills. With his combined acting and business experience Expert knows how these skills are utilized to infiltrate even the tightest and highest levels of security.
Expert taught at the Saint Petersburg School for Theatre, Television and Show Business, was Artist-in-Residence at Tulane University of New Orleans, studied at UCLA, The New School of New York City, University of California (Berkeley), Alabama Shakespeare Conservatory to round out his knowledge of
With a PhD in International Organizational Development and Transitions from the Rockefeller endowed California Institute of Integral Studies and Master level competence in Management Psychology and Expressive Arts Therapy from the John F. Kennedy University exercised legal business practice in successfully developing over 150 businesses at home and abroad.
Expert has worked for a number of corporations and small businesses from the ground up. This is his way of understanding corporate procedures and employee mentality. He has the distinct advantage of applied acting skills, business acumen, in-depth research, psychology and therapy training to identify disingenuous behavior. His knowledge and experience of ethical business practice and purposeful intent, plus his objectivity as a producer and consultant makes him the perfect choice for counter-espionage.
Examining and stealing trade secrets, bribery, blackmail and technological surveillance, spying involve elements of acting, business intelligence and unethical practices. Corporate espionage may threaten a business’s livelihood. Client lists, supplier agreements, personnel records, research, documents, or prototypes, plans for a new products or services reduces competition.
Expert conducts situational analysis, self-evaluation and competitor analysis. His skills include resource allocation, change management, responsibility and chain of command issues and effectiveness, work and fund allocation and program implementation. In his duties he gives direction to corporate values, corporate culture, corporate goals, and corporate missions.
Expert designed, developed and art directed a Web-based publishing consortium and two Websites dedicated to international sharing of fine literature, literary critique, history, culture, philosophy and the arts for noted Russian publishing firm Neva Journal.
Expert designed, organized, developed and managed programs to promote a broad spectrum of culturally diverse participants for multi-national cooperation in the development of tourism, IT, business and cultural investment between the US, EU and Russia.
Expert initiated, developed, scheduled and implemented various innovative business and arts development programs to promote “2003.” Consolidated learning programs in finance, communications, public relations, tourism and cross cultural understanding with SPSU, the American Committee for 2003, Russian Academy of Sciences, Institute for Cultural Programs, Ministry of Culture, private funders and various European interests.
Expert conceived, wrote and produced multimedia programs, print collateral (manuals, brochures, catalogues, and scripts), environmental displays and dimensional exhibits for employee awareness, real estate management and corporate systems and procedures. Emergency preparedness manuals - their systems and procedures - were adopted as a standard by the American Red Cross, San Francisco Fire Department, ChevronTexaco Worldwide and the SF Chamber of Commerce and Downtown Merchants and Building Managers’ Association.
Expert has assisted over 150 business start-ups worldwide. One example is: Éclat Inc., Galax, VA where he engineered this start-up contract acquisition agency in Virginia’s “A Corridor” for purposes of industrial redevelopment. He developed and managed RFPs, proposals and initiatives for State Level Incentive Programs, Enterprise Zone Incentives, Training & Recruitment Cash Reimbursement, Industrial Development Bonds, Major Business Facility Job Tax Credit, Industrial Development Bonds, Major Business Facility Job Tax Credit, Tax Counseling for the Elderly and Non-Traditional Health Mechanisms.
Expert created a Virginia statewide educational initiative devising the community college system as a new “Job Corp” operative for the US Department of Labor.
With strong abilities to conceptualize and develop projects, and then implement all details to completion, Expert utilizes his persuasive, explanatory style so well-suited for fundraising, cross-organizational cooperation and contract negotiations. His long-time interest in all the fine arts, education and cross-cultural business development is augmented by his energetic and focused “versatilist” abilities to both understand and develop the “big picture” and simultaneously monitor all event and program details. Expert is known for his disarming, down-to-earth, no edge approach to innovation.
Expert’s special interest is in Russian/American public relations, program development, innovation and development with good understanding of Russian business practices, language and cultural nuances. He is able to structure contracts and agreements that are binding and workable in Russia.
Expert developed the following innovative programs for Saint Petersburg State University, Russia: International Communications and Public Relations; International Business Development and Management, including “How To Do Business in Saint Petersburg” (HTDB) published). The HTDB program was established in cooperation with KPMG and governmental authorities (External Relations and Economic and Industrial Policy Integration) with actual case studies and experiences.
Additional programs included courses in International Business Culture, which were established as part of the Yeltsin/Clinton Presidential Management Training Initiative. Sessions included: Business Behaviors, Etiquette, Relationships, Entrepreneurial Behavior, Organizational Structures and Styles, Human Resources, Case Studies, Training: Hands on Learning, Motivate a Sales Force, Employer/Employee Relations, Rewards, etc., Accounting Practices, How American Clients View Accounting Principles and Procedures, Networking through Chambers of Commerce, Informal Business Practices, Business/Social Networking and Organizations, International Trade Networking, Business Law: American Principles, International Trade: Case Study on American International Trade - Best Practices, Service Industry, Financial sector, Tourism: Learning Best Practices, Best Practices in Financial Sector: The Mystique of Raising Capital and Securing Loans, The American Relationship with Banks and Venture Capital and Government and Business Relationships.
Programs Expert established at Saint Petersburg State University as part of his tenure as Doctor Professor and Ambassador include: Russian Culture, Russian Mentality in the Russian Language, and Business Translations.
Expert’s doctoral dissertation was a theoretical, qualitative dissertation on the organization, development, evolution and mutation of consciousness.
Expert developed the following innovative programs for Saint Petersburg State University, Russia: International Communications and Public Relations; International Business Development and Management, including “How To Do Business in Saint Petersburg” (HTDB) published). The HTDB program was established in cooperation with KPMG and governmental authorities (External Relations and Economic and Industrial Policy Integration) with actual case studies and experiences.
Additional programs included courses in International Business Culture, which were established as part of the Yeltsin/Clinton Presidential Management Training Initiative. Sessions included: Business Behaviors, Etiquette, Relationships, Entrepreneurial Behavior, Organizational Structures and Styles, Human Resources, Case Studies, Training: Hands on Learning, Motivate a Sales Force, Employer/Employee Relations, Rewards, etc., Accounting Practices, How American Clients View Accounting Principles and Procedures, Networking through Chambers of Commerce, Informal Business Practices, Business/Social Networking and Organizations, International Trade Networking, Business Law: American Principles, International Trade: Case Study on American International Trade - Best Practices, Service Industry, Financial sector, Tourism: Learning Best Practices, Best Practices in Financial Sector: The Mystique of Raising Capital and Securing Loans, The American Relationship with Banks and Venture Capital and Government and Business Relationships.
Programs Expert established at Saint Petersburg State University as part of his tenure as Doctor Professor and Ambassador include: Russian Culture, Russian Mentality in the Russian Language, and Business Translations.
In one course, Expert taught the incorporation and appreciation of Western intellectual perspectives. For the Saint Petersburg School for Television, Theatre and Show Business, Saint Petersburg, Russia Expert taught a course on U.S. producers. For The California Institute of Integral Studies, San Francisco, Expert designed a number of courses regarding the relationship between media and culture.
Creations of the mind, inventions, literary and artistic works, and symbols, names, images, and designs are Expert’s forte. His understanding of visual arts stems from his experience as a producer, director, manager, cultural liaison, and promoter and booking agent worldwide. He has managed artists, made selections, bookings, contracts, installations, and dismantling of exhibitions.
Expert’s knowledge extends to Faberge, contemporary and historic porcelain, Russian folk art, contemporary oils, sculptures, commissioned work, woodblock prints, religious iconography, and rare books. He has also managed inventions (patents), trademarks, industrial designs, and copyrights, including literary and artistic works such as novels, poems and plays, performing arts, films, musical works, artistic works (paintings, drawings, photographs and sculptures, and architectural designs), producers of recordings, and broadcasters in their radio and television programs).
Cultural Liaison, Professor, Educational Ambassador, Producer, Manager, and Project Developer
Expert has created interdisciplinary learning programs in finance, international communications and public relations, tourism, and cross-cultural understanding with SPSU, the American Committee for 2003, Russian Academy of Sciences, Institute for Cultural Programs, Ministry of Culture, Saint Petersburg University of Finance and Economy (FINEC), private investors, and various European interests.
Expert has assisted numerous businesses domestically and abroad. Whether start-up or small business in transition his clients have ranged from Health Care to music technology. A few examples are as follows:
- TriStar Economic Development Group, Inc., Raeford, NC: Expert researched and advised the Board of Directors on investment opportunities and feasibility for real estate investment and development, construction, industrial ethanol production, retail, business expansion and asset management in Fort Bragg/Fayetteville area, NC – the fastest growing region of the US. He restructured and engineered their corporate supply lines.
- Éclat Inc., Galax, VA: Expert engineered start-up contract acquisition agency in Virginia’s “A Corridor” for purposes of industrial redevelopment. He managed State Level Incentive Programs, Enterprise Zone Incentives, Training & Recruitment Cash Reimbursement, Industrial Development Bonds, Major Business Facility Job Tax Credits, Industrial Development Bonds, Major Business Facility Job Tax Credits, Tax Counseling for the Elderly, and Non-Traditional Health Mechanisms. Expert created a Virginia statewide educational initiative devising the community college system as a new “Job Corp” operative for the US Department of Labor.
- Neva Journal, Saint Petersburg, Russia: Expert conceived, designed and art directed an international image magazine with Russian publisher Neva Journal for Saint Petersburg 2003 (the 300th anniversary celebration of the City’s founding by Peter the Great). He arranged an international advertising and business base to fund and distribute worldwide image publication through Time International. Sections of the publication included on-going editorial content from distinguished Russian authors for the first six issues covering maritime SP, architecture, building and real estate; tourism; arts and entertainment; science and industry, and politics and society.
- Corning Scientific Institute, Saint Petersburg, Russia: Expert taught intellectual and scientific language, conducted various sessions on ideation, conceptual thinking and expression to Russian optical research scientists.
- Saint Petersburg State University, Russia: Expert initiated, developed, scheduled and implemented various innovative business and arts development programs to promote “Saint Petersburg 2003,” the 300th anniversary celebration of the City’s founding by Peter the Great. He consolidated learning programs in finance, communications, public relations, tourism and cross cultural understanding with SPSU, the American Committee for 2003, Russian Academy of Sciences, Institute for Cultural Programs, Ministry of Culture, private investors and various European interests.
- University of Saint Petersburg (IUSP). Expert consulted for the University in the organization of art exhibitions, festivals and master art classes with participants from the USA, Japan, North and South Korea, China and Italy. IUSP is part of the Russian Academy of Art and works with artistic, educational and cultural institutions to further investment in fine and plastic arts, dance, theatre, music, literature and publishing interests worldwide.
- Columbia Pictures, CBS, Disney, Touchstone Pictures, Warner Brothers, and Lorimar, Hollywood. Expert provided additional dialogue for feature length motion pictures.
- Health Plus, San Francisco. Expert took this “Mom and Pop” wellness business in San Francisco from $60K/year to over $1MM in less than 2 years.
As creative director for Spatializer, Desper Products, Inc. and Spatializer Audio Laboratories, Inc., Los Angeles (international companies founded to develop and license innovative sound technology to the professional and consumer marketplaces) Expert designed, engineered and produced materials to successfully solicit $35 million USD in multinational venture capital.
Expert established corporate identity, built, managed and lead creative teams for the implementation of strategic initiatives and product licensing to original equipment manufacturers and for experimental use by outstanding recording artists (Barbra Streisand, Bette Midler, Madonna, David Foster and Brian Wilson). He conceived, designed and built innovative marketing strategies for new product introduction utilizing a photographic and dimensional advertising campaign with subway and spray can art by famous personalities. Expert budgeted and implemented graphic solutions for visual and creative content for consumer and trade advertising to attract new and innovative professional and consumer audiences to new technologies.
Chevron/Texaco went outside their in-house creative to get fresh ideas that worked with employees. Expert wrote and produced corporate awareness programs and led teams to monitor program effectiveness.
Over his career Expert has produced creative content for presentations, publications, advertising, support materials, technical literature and speeches for Board members to use in their presentations to professional, industrial and financial sectors internationally.
Expert managed media relations, contract labor, technology introductions, press conferences and news releases to effect publicity, market placement and continued venture capital investment.
Expert builds, manages and leads creative teams for the implementation of strategic initiatives, corporate identity packaging and product licensing. He leads teams to conceive, design and build innovative marketing strategies for new product introduction. Employing ahead of our time designs, Expert often utilizes photographic and dimensional advertising campaigns, once with original subway and spray can art by famous personalities. Expert budgets and implements graphic solutions for visual and creative content for consumer and trade advertising to attract new and innovative professional and consumer audiences to new technologies.
As creative director for Spatializer, Desper Products, Inc. and Spatializer Audio Laboratories, Inc., Los Angeles (international companies founded to develop and license innovative sound technology to the professional and consumer marketplaces) Expert designed, engineered and produced materials to successfully solicit $35 million USD in multinational venture capital.
Expert established corporate identity, built, managed and lead creative teams for the implementation of strategic initiatives and product licensing to original equipment manufacturers and for experimental use by outstanding recording artists (Barbra Streisand, Bette Midler, Madonna, David Foster and Brian Wilson). He conceived, designed and built innovative marketing strategies for new product introduction utilizing a photographic and dimensional advertising campaign with subway and spray can art by famous personalities. Expert budgeted and implemented graphic solutions for visual and creative content for consumer and trade advertising to attract new and innovative professional and consumer audiences to new technologies.
Chevron/Texaco went outside their in-house creative to get fresh ideas that worked with employees. Expert wrote and produced corporate awareness programs and led teams to monitor program effectiveness.
Over his career Expert has produced creative content for presentations, publications, advertising, support materials, technical literature and speeches for Board members to use in their presentations to professional, industrial and financial sectors internationally.
Expert managed media relations, contract labor, technology introductions, press conferences and news releases to effect publicity, market placement and continued venture capital investment.
As creative director for Spatializer, Desper Products, Inc. and Spatializer Audio Laboratories, Inc., Los Angeles (international companies founded to develop and license innovative sound technology to the professional and consumer marketplaces) Expert designed, engineered and produced materials to successfully solicit $35 million USD in multinational venture capital.
Expert established corporate identity, built, managed and lead creative teams for the implementation of strategic initiatives and product licensing to original equipment manufacturers and for experimental use by outstanding recording artists (Barbra Streisand, Bette Midler, Madonna, David Foster and Brian Wilson). He conceived, designed and built innovative marketing strategies for new product introduction utilizing a photographic and dimensional advertising campaign with subway and spray can art by famous personalities.
Expert budgeted and implemented graphic solutions for visual and creative content for consumer and trade advertising to attract new and innovative professional and consumer audiences to new technologies.
Chevron/Texaco went outside their in-house creative to get fresh ideas that worked with employees. Expert wrote and produced corporate awareness programs and led teams to monitor program effectiveness.
Over his career Expert has produced creative content for presentations, publications, advertising, support materials, technical literature and speeches for Board members to use in their presentations to professional, industrial and financial sectors internationally.
Expert managed media relations, contract labor, technology introductions, press conferences and news releases to effect publicity, market placement and continued venture capital investment.
(Developed curriculum)
• International Communications and Public Relations
• International Business Development and Management
• International Business Culture
- Management Styles
- Business Behaviors, Etiquette, Relationships
- Entrepreneurial Behavior
- Organizational Structures and Styles
- Human Resources
- Case Studies
- Training: Hands on Learning
- Motivate a Sales Force
- Employer/Employee Relations, Rewards, etc.
- Accounting Practices
- How American Clients View Accounting Principles and Procedures
- Networking through Chambers of Commerce
- Informal Business Practices, Business/Social Networking and Organizations
- International Trade Networking
- Business Law: American Principles
- International Trade: Case Study on American International Trade - Best Practices
- Service Industry
- Financial sector
- Tourism: Learning Best Practices
- Best Practices in Financial Sector: The Mystique of Raising Capital and Securing Loans
- The American Relationship with Banks and Venture Capital and
- Government and Business Relationships.
• Russian Culture
• Russian Mentality in the Russian Language
• Business Translations
• Transformations of Consciousness and Foundations of Western Thought
- Consciousness Emergence - Knowledge and Information
- Being and Non-being - Empiricism and Rationalization
- Logos and logos - Mysticism and Spirituality
- Conceptualization - Contemporary Feminist Philosophy &
- Mutations of Consciousness Phenomenology
- Development of the “Self” - Subjectivity, Objectivity & Plurality
- Internalization - Duality and Polarity
- The Structure of Thought - Image and Identify
- Perspective and Mental Thinking
• How To Do Business in Saint Petersburg (published). Established in cooperation with KPMG and governmental authorities (External Relations and Economic and Industrial Policy Integration) with actual case studies and experiences.
Saint Petersburg School for Television, Theatre and Show Business,
Saint Petersburg, Russia, 1997
•The Role of the American Producer
The California Institute of Integral Studies, San Francisco, CA, 1994 – 1997
• Future Search as Post-Modern Consulting
• Language and Consciousness
• The Language of Visual Imagery in Post-Communist Russia
• Identity and Image: A Pilot Study in Russian Integral Consciousness
• Hermeneutic Phenomenology: Identity and Variance
• Appreciative Inquiry: Dimensions of Global Change
• Hermeneutics of Trust and Suspicion
• The Creation of Prototypical Identity
• Media, Culture and Consciousness
• Subjective and Objective Identity: Russian Integral Consciousness
• Applied Integral Consciousness
• Simulacrum and Hyper-Reality
• Philosophical Aesthetics
• Mystical Aspects of Eastern Orthodox Christianity and the Russian Nation
Creative Director, Investor Relationship Manager
Developed design and promotions for new business start-up: Spatializer. Directed branding and advertising to publicize and promote new product and sound technology in technical and consumer marketplaces. Reported to Board of Directors, CFO and investors on marketing strategies and creative direction. Worked to have Spatializer listed on the Vancouver Stock Exchange and technology licensed to an OEM. Successfully raised $35 million investment capital.
Global energy company
Creative Advisor and Producer
Researched, developed and produced innovative designs, multimedia programs, exhibits, manuals and print collateral for employee awareness and emergency preparedness. Solicited and received funding for corporate and community development projects.
Animation, advertising & music production company for television and the motion picture industries.
Creative Advisor and Production Manager
Designed and implemented marketing strategies and monitored results for New York-based syndicate. Advised on changes to effectively attract new audiences.
Handled media relations, publicity, talent, performance, studio recordings and production for the original producer of MTV (Tom Pomposello, Fred/Alan and associates).
Directed and developed musical talent, promotions, public relations and commercial television editing for breakaway animation and music production facility of MTV.
Served as regional representative and media advisor for experimental music video advertising and new product introductions on the West Coast (USA) for MTV, Rock America, Seagrams Mystery Train Partners and others.
Éclat Inc., Galax, VA
- Engineered start-up contract acquisition agency in Virginia’s “A Corridor” for purposes of industrial redevelopment.
-State Level Incentive Programs
-Enterprise Zone Incentives
-Training & Recruitment Cash Reimbursement
-Industrial Development Bonds
-Major Business Facility Job Tax Credit
-Industrial Development Bonds
-Major Business Facility Job Tax Credit
-Tax Counseling for the Elderly
-Non-Traditional Health Mechanisms
-Created a Virginia statewide educational initiative devising the community college system as a new “Job Corp” operative for the US Department of Labor
Year | Degree | Subject | Institution |
Year: 1997 | Degree: PhD | Subject: Integral Studies, ODT and Management Psychology | Institution: California Institute of Integral Studies, San Francisco |
Year: 1981 | Degree: MFA | Subject: Theatrical Arts: Acting and Directing | Institution: University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill |
Year: 1974 | Degree: BS | Subject: Life Sciences | Institution: North Carolina State University, Raleigh |
Work History
Years | Employer | Title | Department |
Years: 1981 to 2015 | Employer: (Undisclosed) | Title: CEO and Managing Director | Department: International Trade |
Responsibilities:Research, design and implement programs that promote international organizational growth and audience development for new business initiatives and start-ups. |
Years | Employer | Title | Department |
Years: 1996 to 2015 | Employer: (Undisclosed) | Title: Board Member | Department: Commercialization of Intellectual Property |
Responsibilities:STRATEGIC CONSULTING• Assessment of market investment attractiveness; • Marketing programs for entry strategies; • Recommendations on efficiency enhancement of commercial activities in the market and • Utilizing market potential to increase market value. PLUS - Commercialization of Intellectual Property; - Organizational Design; - Market analysis for outsourcing development and high-tech product manufacturing; - Market entry strategies; - Customers and potential partners; - Analysis and selection of partners for development of design and service branches, which facilitate company localization as an entity; - New product development and test marketing; - Definition of prospective product market positioning and pricing policies, etc.; - Assessment of needs and possibilities for adaptation of products destined for realization worldwide and their positioning for realization; - Business planning |
Government Experience
Years | Agency | Role | Description |
Years: 1997 to 2006 | Agency: Ministries of Culture, Education, External Affairs, Saint Petersburg, Russia | Role: Promotor and Program Director | Description: - Initiated, developed, scheduled and implemented various innovative business and arts development programs to promote “2003.” Consolidated learning programs in finance, communications, public relations, tourism and cross cultural understanding with SPSU, the American Committee for 2003, Russian Academy of Sciences, Institute for Cultural Programs, Ministry of Culture, private investors and various European interests.- Consulted for the International University of Saint Petersburg (IUSP) in the organization of art exhibitions, festivals and master art classes with participants from the USA, Japan, North and South Korea, China and Italy. IUSP is part of the Russian Academy of Art and works with artistic, educational and cultural institutions to further investment in fine and plastic arts, dance, theatre, music, literature and publishing interests worldwide. |
International Experience
Years | Country / Region | Summary |
Years: 1997 to 1915 | Country / Region: Russia | Summary: SP State University, International Educational AmbassadorSuccessfully initiated, developed and implemented a wide range of events, educational and cultural programs promoting cultural and economic regeneration of Saint Petersburg, Russia. Introduced modern public relations programs and entrepreneurial training to Russia as part of the Yeltsin/Clinton Presidential Management Training Initiative: Management Styles and Business Behavior. Led President Vladimir Putin to assign three western PR agencies to command G8 in June 2006. |
Years: 1993 to 1994 | Country / Region: South Korea | Summary: SKC, SeoulCultural Advisor and Cross-Cultural Change Manager Hired to educate top management to better understand and manage cross-cultural differences, which supported profitable and effective business practices.Researched, composed and published educational courses for foreign management on conceptual and ideological concerns. Developed practical programs for establishing proactive international business relationships.Assisted new product introductions for karaoke booths and sound design.Established operational procedures and systems for monitoring public reaction to the introduction of new technology and proxemics. |
Years: 2012 to 1915 | Country / Region: Russian Federation | Summary: We work as special purpose companies created to take advantage of relationships developed by our principals and associates with leaders and key business contacts in nations throughout the world.SPV OILWe provide consulting in areas of technology and operations for special projects of national interest based on the knowledge, unique experience, and networks of our extended team.As a result of providing support on international projects and special use technologies, we do, from time to time, acquire petroleum products with preferential terms and/or significant discounts to primary market prices. We sell these allocations in the secondary and derivatives markets. Our buyers are interested in 1) hedging their current positions, 2) softening their near-term exposure, 3) adjusting their acquisition strategy (buy, hold, sell), and 4) meeting unexpected increases in demand to augment their annual contracts without having to go to the 'spot' market.We work directly with buy and sell-side principals (Wholesalers and End Users) to complete individual or joint venture trades. We believe in proper due diligence and work deliberately to ensure the validity of transactions and to protect the assets, time and reputations of all those involved.Overall, today's energy market provides a healthy business environment upon which to leverage our strategic thinking and political/business connections. We are currently developing buying opportunities for principals interested in moving LNG, LPG, Jet Fuel (JP54), Mazut / M100 / Gasoil, Diesel (D2), Crude, and other oil products targeted at our customers' secondary market needs. We have been tasked to fully exploit the resellers' multi-billion dollar European Credit Line.We seek alignment with private upstream producers - with little to no direct distribution capabilities - to a public international distribution firm with little upstream production capability. |
Years: 2008 to 2013 | Country / Region: Taiwan | Summary: MFA, PhD, Director of Business and Marketing Intelligence Worldwide, PEGA/Pegatron/Asus/Advantech Group, Taipei, Taiwan- Created Pegatron's "Navigate the Future" slogan - specializes in strategic alliances, market entry, investment projects, business planning and financial modeling for Russia and Eastern Europe.As a turn-around and spin-off specialist he directs corporate restructuring, brand development and the strategic use of (tangible and intangible) assets and intellectual properties to build and sustain competitive advantage. Established the first connection between Pega/Pegatron and the D-School ( at Stanford University on Design Thinking...Expert supplies intelligence in current and future competitive drivers in the market place. Expert works in 1) industrial design (product design strategies, innovation strategies, product ecosystems/families, product identity, new offerings and styling), 2) integrated communications (brand strategies, brand extensions, brand identity, advertisement, and corporate culture), 3) interaction design (service design strategies, intuitiveness, user interfacing, human factors and ergonomics), 4) forecasting and feasibility (experimental/attraction values, visual/tactile/auditory, olfactory and gustatory features, historical influences and treatment process techniques), 5) insights and strategies (new directions, real-world consumer strategies, consumer experience strategies, contextual validity structures and destinations, information gathering), 6) product management (new business acquisition, customer and relationship management, direction and opportunity, change management, behavioral issues, psychology, publicity, targeting and engagement) and 7) development, detection and decoding (audit and analysis, new horizons, new market detection and capabilities, design management, marketing strategies, outsourcing management, mentalities, philosophies and goal setting). |
Years: 2013 to 1915 | Country / Region: Russian Federation | Summary: United Technologies, LLCMoscowSTRATEGIC CONSULTING • Assessment of market investment attractiveness; • Marketing programs for entry strategies; • Recommendations on efficiency enhancement of commercial activities in the market and • Utilizing market potential to increase market value. PLUS- Commercialization of Intellectual Property; - Organizational Design;- Market analysis for outsourcing development and high-tech product manufacturing; - Market entry strategies; - Customers and potential partners; - Analysis and selection of partners for development of design and service branches, which facilitate company localization as an entity; - New product development and test marketing; - Definition of prospective product market positioning and pricing policies, etc.; - Assessment of needs and possibilities for adaptation of products destined for realization worldwide and their positioning for realization; - Business planning |
Career Accomplishments
Associations / Societies |
American Federation of Television and Radio Artists, Actors Equity Association and Screen Actors Guild Buena Vista Neighborhood Association; San Francisco League of Urban Gardeners; Geary Streetcar Committee; South-Of-Market Business Association; Dolphin Club; Film Arts Foundation; Bay Area Video Conference; San Francisco Chamber of Commerce, Committee For Arts Assistance; (invited guest for Entergy Arts Business Center at the New Orleans Arts Council (1997) 1984 – 1995: Production Consultant for Heartfelt Musical Production/ Pomposello Productions/ MTV/Rock America 1984 – 1986: East Coast Stuntmen’s Association 1985 – 1986: Board of Advisors for Intentional Acts: Theater for the Disabled, New York City (Richard and JoAnne Gere) 1981 to Present: Screen Actors Guild; American Federation of Radio and Video Artists; Actors Equity Association 1979 – 1981: Special Assistant to the Managing Director of the Playmakers and Paul Green Theaters, UNC- Chapel Hill; Director of Publicity and Public Relations 1985 – 1986: Theatrical Consultant for Forces of Nature Dance Troupe, New York City 1983: On Camera Instructor for The Barbizon School, New York City 1979: Alabama Shakespeare Conservatory, Anniston, Alabama |
Licenses / Certifications |
Professional Appointments |
Educational and Cultural Ambassador to the Saint Petersburg State University, Saint Petersburg, Russia; Professor of Philology, Philosophy and Sociology Program Developer to Saint Petersburg 2003, Russia Sandhills Community College, Pinehurst, NC, 2004 – 2005 Adjunct Professor and Lecturer: Art Appreciation, Theatre Appreciation, Drama, Introduction to Film (online learning), Philosophy, Ethics, Communications, Technology & Society Saint Petersburg State University, Saint Petersburg, Russia, 1997 – 2003 Professor of Philology, Philosophy and Sociology Saint Petersburg School for Theatre, Television and Show Business 1997 – 1998 Lecturer University of San Francisco, California, 1995 – 1996 Lecturer, Ethics and Creativity Tulane University of New Orleans, Louisiana, 1981 – 1983 Dramatic Arts Instructor, Artist in Residence University of North California, Chapel Hill, North Carolina, 1979 – 1981 Dramatic Arts Instructor for Undergraduate Studies and Special Assistant to the Managing Director of the Paul Green and Playmakers Repertory Companies (LORT) |
Awards / Recognition |
Literary Awards and Activities Program Developer for Saint Petersburg's 300th anniversary jubilee and the Saint Petersburg State University system, Departments of Philology, Philosophy and Sociology Special Recognition as Scientific Lecturer for the Corning Scientific Institute, Saint Petersburg, Russia Professor and Educational Ambassador to the United States for the Saint Petersburg State University system, Saint Petersburg, Russia Best of Show: National Academy of Music Design for Best Original Trade Show Exhibition, Moscone Center, San Francisco; Las Vegas and Anaheim, CA. EAR Music Magazine: new music magazine and publicity campaign (format and content) for New Wilderness Foundation, Charlie Morrow Associates, National Park Service, New York City Caught in the Act:; Golden Eagle Award for Short Film, New York University (NYC) for the Council on Non-theatrical Events (CINE); Winner Best National Dramatic Video Award; Citation for Screenwriting (Additional Dialogue). Ronald Reagan and the Women in Business Association, Hyatt Regency Hotel, NYC (video taping) Feature Length Screenplay; (not produced) Caged Bird: Full Length Musical Stage Play (New Orleans) (produced) Carnival, NYU additional dialogue and script doctoring (filmed) Hannah Sennesh at the Writers and Directors Theater, NYC; (stage presentation). Raised funds to produce this play for Off-Off Broadway. BOO! An Evening of Ghost Stories at the Van Dam Theater, NYC; (staged). Handled publicity for this new play and retained percentage of gross profits. Original productions for Off-Off Broadway (staged) |
Publications and Patents Summary |
Expert has over 15 publications regarding the intersection of media and culture, as well as conducting business in Russia. |
Additional Experience
Expert Witness Experience |
Expert has conducted expert witness work regarding branding and corporate ID. |
Training / Seminars |
Expert has given extensive training and seminars regarding cultural and program development. |
Vendor Selection |
Expert has successfully initiated, developed and implemented a wide range of events, educational and cultural programs promoting cultural and economic regeneration of Saint Petersburg, Russia. Introduced modern public relations programs and entrepreneurial training to Russia as part of the Yeltsin/Clinton Presidential Management Training Initiative: Management Styles and Business Behavior. Led President Vladimir Putin to assign three western PR agencies to command G8 in June 2006. - DESPER PRODUCTS, INC., Los Angeles, CA Developed design and promotions for new business start-up: Spatializer. Directed branding and advertising to publicize and promote new product and sound technology in technical and consumer marketplaces. Reported to Board of Directors, CFO and investors on marketing strategies and creative direction. Worked to have Spatializer listed on the Vancouver Stock Exchange and technology licensed to an OEM. Successfully raised $35 million investment capital. - SKC, Seattle, WA Worldwide entertainment network Hired to educate top management to better understand and manage cross-cultural differences, which supported profitable and effective business practices. Researched, composed and published educational courses for foreign management on conceptual and ideological concerns. Developed practical programs for establishing proactive international business relationships. Assisted new product introductions for karaoke booths and sound design. Established operational procedures and systems for monitoring public reaction to the introduction of new technology and proxemics. - CHEVRON/TEXACO, INC., San Ramon, CA Global energy company Researched, developed and produced innovative designs, multimedia programs, exhibits, manuals and print collateral for employee awareness and emergency preparedness. Solicited and received funding for corporate and community development projects. - MTV/POMPOSELLO PRODUCTIONS, New York Animation, advertising & music production company for television and the motion picture industries. Designed and implemented marketing strategies and monitored results for New York-based syndicate. Advised on changes to effectively attract new audiences. Handled media relations, publicity, talent, performance, studio recordings and production for the original producer of MTV (Tom Pomposello, Fred/Alan and associates). Directed and developed musical talent, promotions, public relations and commercial television editing for breakaway animation and music production facility of MTV. Served as regional representative and media advisor for experimental music video advertising and new product introductions on the West Coast (USA) for MTV, Rock America, Seagrams Mystery Train Partners and others. |
Marketing Experience |
Entertainment: Music (Los Angeles): Creative Director, Investor Relationship Manager Developed design and promotions for new business start-up. Directed branding and advertising to publicize and promote new product and sound technology in technical and consumer marketplaces. Reported to Board of Directors, CFO and investors on marketing strategies and creative direction. Worked to have Spatializer listed on the Vancouver Stock Exchange and technology licensed to an OEM. Successfully raised $35 million investment capital. MTV/POMPOSELLO PRODUCTIONS, New York 1984 – 1989 Animation, advertising & music production company for television and the motion picture industries. Creative Advisor and Production Manager Designed and implemented marketing strategies and monitored results for New York-based syndicate. Advised on changes to effectively attract new audiences. Handled media relations, publicity, talent, performance, studio recordings and production for the original producer of MTV (Tom Pomposello, Fred/Alan and associates). Directed and developed musical talent, promotions, public relations and commercial television editing for breakaway animation and music production facility of MTV. Served as regional representative and media advisor for experimental music video advertising and new product introductions on the West Coast (USA) for MTV, Rock America, Seagrams Mystery Train Partners and others. Titles: Cultural Advisor and Cross-Cultural Change Manager for a worldwide entertainment network Hired to educate top management to better understand and manage cross-cultural differences, which supported profitable and effective business practices. Researched, composed and published educational courses for foreign management on conceptual and ideological concerns. Developed practical programs for establishing proactive international business relationships. Assisted new product introductions for karaoke booths and sound design. Established operational procedures and systems for monitoring public reaction to the introduction of new technology and proxemics. THEATRE, TELEVISION AND FILM: THEATER TRAINING: New York: Lee Strasberg; Uta Hagen; Herbert Berghoff; Bill Hickey Los Angeles: Sanford Meisner; Rudy Solari; Peter Frish; Margie Haber; Sam Christiansen Russia: Saint Petersburg School for Theatre, Television and Show Business Tulane University of New Orleans: Artist-in-Residence, Tulane Center Stage Others: UCLA, The New School of New York City, Barbizon (New York City), University of California (Berkeley), Alabama Shakespeare Conservatory FILM AND TELEVISION (Representative Roles) Numerous (Undisclosed) STAGE (OFF-OFF BROADWAY) Multiple: Leading man (Undisclosed) |
Other Relevant Experience |
Additional Business Development Samples • TriStar Economic Development Group, Inc., Raeford, NC - Researched and advised Board of Directors on investment opportunities and feasibility for real estate investment and development, construction, industrial ethanol production, retail, business expansion and asset management in Fort Bragg/Fayetteville area, NC – the fastest growing region of the US). Restructured and engineered their corporate supply lines. • Éclat Inc., Galax, VA - Engineered start-up contract acquisition agency in Virginia’s “A Corridor” for purposes of industrial redevelopment. -State Level Incentive Programs -Enterprise Zone Incentives -Training & Recruitment Cash Reimbursement -Industrial Development Bonds -Major Business Facility Job Tax Credit -Industrial Development Bonds -Major Business Facility Job Tax Credit -Tax Counseling for the Elderly -Non-Traditional Health Mechanisms -Created a Virginia statewide educational initiative devising the community college system as a new “Job Corp” operative for the US Department of Labor • Neva Journal, Saint Petersburg, Russia - Conceived and designed and art directed international image magazine with Russian publisher for Saint Petersburg 2003 (the 300th anniversary celebration of the City’s founding by Peter the Great). Arranged international advertising and business base to fund and distribute worldwide image publication through Time International. Sections included ongoing editorial content from distinguished Russian authors for the first six issues covering maritime SP, architecture, building and real estate; tourism; arts and entertainment; science and industry, and politics and society. • Corning Scientific Institute, Saint Petersburg, Russia - Taught intellectual and scientific language, conducted various sessions on ideation, conceptual thinking and expression to Russian optical research scientists. • Saint Petersburg State University, Russia - Initiated, developed, scheduled and implemented various innovative business and arts development programs to promote “2003.” Consolidated learning programs in finance, communications, public relations, tourism and cross cultural understanding with SPSU, the American Committee for 2003, Russian Academy of Sciences, Institute for Cultural Programs, Ministry of Culture, private investors and various European interests. - Consulted for the International University of Saint Petersburg (IUSP) in the organization of art exhibitions, festivals and master art classes with participants from the USA, Japan, North and South Korea, China and Italy. IUSP is part of the Russian Academy of Art and works with artistic, educational and cultural institutions to further investment in fine and plastic arts, dance, theatre, music, literature and publishing interests worldwide. • Columbia Pictures/CBS/Disney/Touchstone Pictures/Warner Brothers/Lorimar, Hollywood - Provided additional dialogue for feature length motion pictures. • Health Plus, San Francisco - Took Mom and Pop wellness business in San Francisco from $60K/year to over $1MM in less than 2 years. Detailed descriptions of extensive work history available in separate Addendums for Program Development, Publications, Awards & Activities, Client Lists, et al. |
Language Skills
Language | Proficiency |
Russian | Conversational to develop international relationship for funding, cultural appreciation and economic regeneration. |
German | Family is German with frequent visits and cultural appreciation. |
Spanish | High School fluency. Casual usage in everyday life. |
Fields of Expertise
market development, market positioning, new product development, organizational development, business startup, commodity market development, competitive benchmarking, consumer product marketing, integrated product development, service marketing, trade show, international organization, organization redesigning, cross-functional team, daily work quality, daily work quality improvement, business intelligence, business management, business re-engineering, business strategy, command, control, communication and intelligence, mulitmedia communication planning, marketing brand management, marketing communications, competitive intelligence, corporate espionage, corporate strategic planning, entrepreneurship, globalization, ideation, innovation, inventology, intellectual property, small business, strategic planning, strategic quality planning, team building, technology innovation, branding, business development, business innovation, change management, corporate image, organizational learning, process innovation, product innovation, product invention, business model, crisis public relations, etiquette, human capital, medical reimbursement, entertainment intellectual property, music industry ethics, business analysis, sabotage, corporate responsibility, business process management, business, business valuation, power market development, economic market development, energy market development, business plan, commercialization, merger, business ethics, business operations, promotion, strategic market planning, behavioral science, consumer demographics, advertising, knowledge management, labor cost estimation, mass customization, market trend, international investment, advanced instructional design advisor, business incubator, proposal writing, process planning, European marketing, international marketing, international trade, rapid product development, inventions, competitive analysis, computer software technology innovation, technology planning, communications technology, material requirements planning, continuous quality improvement, quality improvement, new technology business value measurement, research and development, technology management, medical equipment marketing, communication, business system design, proposal, international sourcing, marketing, process inventing, device inventing, International Organization for Standardization, strategic research planning, project planning, business process re-engineering