Expert Details
Guidance, Navigation, and Control

ID: 736812
Texas, USA
Current Areas of Interest:
· Artificial Intelligence: Machine Learning, Markov Decision Processes
· Blockchain and Smart Contract Technologies
· System and Software Architecting
· Software Engineering Project Management, Software Configuration Management
· Semantic Web, Ontologies
· Software Correctness Proofs, Software Vulnerability
· Computational Linguistics -- NLP, Grammars, Lex and yacc, Prolog Programming
· Mathematical System Modeling and System Error Analysis
· Teaching, Writing
Information Technology:
· Analyst Tools: MATLAB, Simulink, Stateflow, ETAP
· Semantic Web tools: Topbraid Composer, Protégé, Prolog RDF tools
· SCM Tools: MS Team Foundation Server (formerly Visual SourceSafe), Subversion, ClearCase, CVS, RCS
- Web and Mobile Platform Programming: Google Web Toolkit, Java (Netbeans and Eclipse IDEs),
Android development kit
· Operating Systems: MS Windows 95/98, WinNT, 2000, UNIX (Solaris, Linux, Cygwin),
VAX/VMS, WindRiver VxWorks, AE653 (Safety Critical ARINC 653)
· MS Office (Word, Excel, PowerPoint, Access),
· Databases: MS SQL Server, Oracle, mySQL, JDBC, DB2, DBI, MS Access
· Middleware / Application Server Technologies: Tomcat, Jakarta DBTags Tag Library
· Component Technologies: Enterprise Java Beans (EJB), CORBA
· Ethereum Smart Contracts: Solidity
Modeling, Programming, and Data Interchange Languages:
· UML (Unified Modeling Language) and SysML (System Modeling Language) using Sparxsystems
Enterprise Architect, IBM Rational Rose, Rhapsody, and System Architect
· C / C++ (Visual C++, gcc, Borland C++)
· Python, TensorFlow, OpenAI gym
· Solidity, Rust, Go
· Java and JavaScript
· XML, HTML, XML Schema, RDF, XPath, OWL (web ontology language)
· Perl and Bourne / bash shell scripting languages
· Visual Basic for Applications (VBA)
· Prolog (logic programming language)
· Fortran, Jovial, Ada
Year | Degree | Subject | Institution |
Year: 1979 | Degree: MA | Subject: Mathematics | Institution: University of California Santa Barbara |
Year: 1977 | Degree: BA M | Subject: Mathematics | Institution: University of California Santa Barbara |
Work History
Years | Employer | Title | Department |
Years: 2015 to Present | Employer: Undisclosed | Title: Navigation Mission Lead GPS OCX Program | Department: Engineering |
Responsibilities:Served as Principal investigator on proof of concept project exploring the integration of decentralized, non-trusted sensor data via Ethereum Solidity blockchain with a centralized Kalman filter (“oracle”).Supported division VP as lead on Commercial Engagement for AI/ML technologies. Oversaw technical evaluation of prospective suppliers of AI/ML technologies and services for cloud, on-premises, and hybrid implementations. Served as Navigation Mission Lead on GPS OCX program. Overseeing Mission Data Subsystem (MDS) development, integration, and V&V. Primary technical liaison between USAF customer and Harris subcontractor developing NAV configuration item. Ensuring key NAV performance requirements will be met. Subject matter expert (SME) in navigation Kalman filtering, AI/ML, and blockchain. Previously conducted research for Cyber Enterprise Campaign (EC) working on autonomous cyber mission planning and battle management algorithms using Markov Decision Processes; previously supported Advanced Airspace Modernization (AAM) EC and conducted subsequent IDEA project research, developing novel techniques for using Markov Decision Processes to reduce Kalman filter sensor utilization. Initial intended application: Aircraft and weather surveillance in the national airspace. Submitted intellectual property to company invention disclosure process for this Kalman-Markov integration. Also supporting IT in evaluating document auto-classification tools for records retention and information labeling and handling (EXIM). Supported power system analysis for IDS international customers using ETAP. Previously served as Chief Engineer and Lead, Autonomy Enterprise Campaign. Led cross-enterprise team of innovators in the development of autonomy-enabling algorithms and capabilities. Focus areas included high-level decision aids, adaptive and collaborative sensors and effectors, electromagnetic spectrum warfare, cyber reconnaissance, swarm detection, target recognition, and trust in autonomy, applying many AI techniques such as machine learning, machine reasoning, Markov decision processes, reinforcement learning, self-organizing maps, and behavioral prediction algorithms. Responsibilities included setting overall EC technical and business goals and making the business case for EC technologies to corporate management and BU technical leaders. |
Years | Employer | Title | Department |
Years: 2003 to 2013 | Employer: Science Applications International Corporation (SAIC) | Title: Principal Software Systems Engineer | Department: |
Responsibilities:Led two teams of software and system engineers on the GPS System Engineering and Integration (SE&I) program. The first team was implemented in Matlab the current GPS control segment Kalman filter, a simulation of the GPS Control Segment clock and ephemeris estimator. The second team developed software tools for generating inputs and expected outputs (i.e., test vectors) to test GPS receiver algorithms, especially cryptographic algorithms. Tool development environment consisted of Enterprise Architect (SysML and UML); Matlab/Simulink; MS Visual Studio 2010 C++ and C# with Team Foundation Server; SWI-Prolog logic programming tools; Java and Perl.Previously served as GPS cross-segment system integrator. Developed ontology and requirements for net-centric services. Led GPS Community of Interest (COI) to develop GPS ontology/vocabulary, including developing Prolog ontology analysis software tools. Resident GPS SE&I expert in OWL and RDF and Bayesian data fusion, especially for next-generation control segment (OCX) Kalman filtering. Also developed functional/logical architecture for GPS civil signal monitoring system. Led the SE&I Brown Bag Seminar program, a mentoring program of lunch-time seminars designed to acquaint SE&I newcomers with the GPS program and technologies. |
Years | Employer | Title | Department |
Years: 2003 to 2007 | Employer: Boeing | Title: SAIC Site Manager | Department: |
Responsibilities:Responsible for nine engineers. Served as senior software architect and system integrator on the C-130 Avionics Modernization Program (AMP). Responsible for Combat Talon / Terrain Following software architecture. Resident expert in inertial navigation and Kalman filtering. Previously served as a lead software engineer on C-130 AMP Pre-DT demonstration aircraft flight program. Also supported Boeing's Alternative Architectures IR&D program aimed at foreign military sales of C-130 AMP-like systems. Also supporting Navy business development efforts in the area of munitions impact scoring systems using GPS and acoustic sensors. |
Years | Employer | Title | Department |
Years: 2001 to 2003 | Employer: BEI Systron Donner Inertial Division | Title: Sr. Software Engineer | Department: |
Responsibilities:Principal software engineer and analyst for C-MIGITS INS/GPS system. The C-MIGITS system is based on Systron Donner’s digital quartz inertial measurement unit (IMU) technology. It uses a 28-state Kalman filter to integrate inertial measurements with global positioning satellite (GPS) data. Work involved real-time embedded software.(TI C31 DSP processors) and test support/data reduction software. Developed covariance analysis simulation tool based on the C-MIGITS Kalman filter and generated system requirements for a DO-178B IMU. Past duties included developing a web-based database application that inventories and documents all software assets and artifacts (thousands of legacy C/C++ modules and test-related job control scripts and test data files, compilers, debuggers, etc.). The purpose of this effort was to foster an understanding of the legacy software architecture and components associated with this line of business and provide a database-driven support framework for software maintenance. The application uses J2EE technologies, specifically, JDBC, JSP, Servlets, and JavaBeans. Using Forte for Java as the IDE and SQL server on Win32 platforms. The middleware for this project consists of the Apache-Jakarta Project's Tomcat Servlet Engine, using Jakarta ant (Java-based make utility) and the Jakarta DBTags Tag Library. The legacy test support system will be migrated over the next year to a Java-based, platform-independent, distributed system. |
Years | Employer | Title | Department |
Years: 2000 to 2001 | Employer: LookSmart, Ltd. | Title: Director of Editorial Support Systems (ESS) | Department: |
Responsibilities:Directed team of 35-40 engineering employees and contractors in the development and maintenance of applications used by LookSmart editors to populate and extract from the LookSmart directory database. Duties included staff building, interfacing with internal (Editorial and Product groups) and external (Microsoft, Alta Vista, British Telecom / LookSmart) customers, suppliers (ATG), overseeing project pipelines, career development, software development process improvement, and architectural evolution. Teams included: Java (ATG Dynamo), ASP, and Delphi programmers; DB developers (tSQL stored procedures); DBAs (MS SQL Server and Oracle); project managers; and quality assurance engineers. |
Years | Employer | Title | Department |
Years: 1995 to 2000 | Employer: Self Employed | Title: Founder, President, and CEO/CTO | Department: |
Responsibilities:Developed corporate vision and strategy. Secured financing from the investment community.Initiated operations and managed day-to-day web development and hosting operations. Directed new business development and formed key strategic partnerships. Developed proposals and negotiated contracts. Developed numerous database-driven, CGI-based web applications. Led projects exploring various business-to-business reverse auction architectures and technologies, including J2EE (EJB, servlets, JSP, JTA), MS SQL Server, mSQL, and mySQL. Consulted with Netscape Communications Corporation (professional services team) on a project for the Jim Henson Company. Led team of eight IT professionals on a Solaris, Oracle, Tuxedo-based bankcard funding and account management system. Provided system architecting support to various e-commerce projects, including GTE's (now Verizon) Network Commerce Platform, an e-commerce application development and web hosting environment (application service provider -- ASP). Chief architect and programmer of iBO$ (Internet Bid Operating System), an online reverse auction, RFQ/Bidding system. Also created 90% of the original iBO$ code (in C, JavaScript, and Perl). Also served as an instructor at UC Riverside, teaching courses. |
Years | Employer | Title | Department |
Years: 1992 to 1995 | Employer: Lockheed Corporation | Title: Manager, Advanced Computer and Software Applications | Department: |
Responsibilities:Facilitated development of the Technology Broker System, a client/server information system enabling Lockheed technologists corporate-wide to share information, collaborate electronically, and match technical needs with capabilities. The Technology Broker System was one of the nation's first Intranet systems, patterned after the Internet. Also represented corporate science and engineering on various technology task forces, including systems engineering, software engineering, advanced computation, avionics and electronics, electro-optics, and technical information management. Served as co-deputy editor of Lockheed Horizons magazine, member of the editorial board of Lockheed Today newspaper, and program chairman for the Robert E. Gross Technical Excellence Awards program. Served as Lockheed’s representative on the executive steering committee for the Software Engineering Institute’s Systems Engineering Capability Maturity Model (SECMM). |
Years | Employer | Title | Department |
Years: 1985 to 1992 | Employer: Lockheed Aircraft Service Company | Title: Engineering Program Manager | Department: |
Responsibilities:Led team of 25-30 systems, software, mechanical and electrical design, and test engineers to develop and integrate an advanced avionics system for a special mission, terrain-following C130 aircraft. Responsible for budget, schedule, and tasking of $30M engineering effort. Previously managed a team of 12 software engineers to develop an operational flight program for a special mission C-130 aircraft. |
Years | Employer | Title | Department |
Years: 1984 to 1985 | Employer: Northrop Electronics Division | Title: Senior Systems Engineer | Department: |
Responsibilities:Developed acceptance test plans and verified results of calibration and alignment tests of ballistic missile inertial measurement units. |
Years | Employer | Title | Department |
Years: 1982 to 1984 | Employer: TRW | Title: | Department: |
Responsibilities:Developed performance evaluation simulations of distributed data processing system for a ground-based radar system (Sentry). Led software tool development for independent verification and validation effort (Peacekeeper). |
Career Accomplishments
Associations / Societies |
Institute of Navigation (ION) American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics (AIAA) |
Awards / Recognition |
Robert E. Gross Award for Technical Excellence (Lockheed Corporation) |
Publications and Patents Summary |
Books: 2 Articles: 11 Patents: 1 |
Language Skills
Language | Proficiency |
German | Fluent |
English | Fluent |
French | Reading |
Spanish | Reading |